Will "Lean Years" Lead to Communism?
October 19, 2008

Right on schedule, the politician-puppets are promising to save us from the crisis caused by the banker-puppets by creating "a new world financial order."
Nicholas Sarkozy and Gordon Brown are calling for a "new international financial architecture for the global age" which will establish Rothschild global governance under the guise of "reforming and regulating" markets.
In a recent article "The Joseph Principle and Crisis Economics," Carl Teichrib, a young Manitoba researcher-farmer says the manipulation of calamities to re-make society can be traced back to Biblical times. Joseph, one of the first Court Jews, is best known for predicting seven years of abundance (inflation) followed by seven years of famine (credit- contraction or deflation.)
He is less well known for using this "business cycle" to establish a form of Communism. All the cultivated land in Egypt became the property of the crown, and the people farmed it for the king, giving him one-fifth of the produce.
Teichrib, a devout Christian, writes:
"In Genesis 47, Joseph, second in command to Egypt's Pharaoh, warned of a coming famine, and prepared stock-piles of grain to aid the people through the crisis. When the famine hit the land, the people came to Joseph to buy food stock. A simple transaction was made; the citizens used the national currency to purchase grain.
"In verses 14 and 15 we find an unusual development. After the grain was purchased, Joseph intentionally holds the money back, keeping it from being re-circulated into the local economy. The result is predictably catastrophic for the people: Economic crisis.
"According to the King James Version, "the money failed" (vs.15), and in the New International Version it says that the "money is used up." Egypt experienced intentional, government-sponsored deflation in the midst of a natural calamity. The money collapsed.
"Needing to eat, what did the citizens do? They brought Joseph their livestock in exchange for grain (vs.16-17). As an agrarian society, livestock represented the industrial basis of the people. Hence, placing this power in the hands of the government, the people's commercial activity was effectively abolished.
"In relating this series of events to others, some have asked me; "Why didn't the people just eat the animals instead of trading them for grain?"
"Refrigeration didn't exist. And while the people could have dried some of the meat for long-term use, grain would have been the most valuable and stable food source during a drought. Now the people had neither money nor livestock; and a year later they were out of food.
"Returning to Joseph, who obviously was in charge of the storehouses, the people begged their leader to take their land and themselves in trade for food (vs.18-19). Property was therefore consolidated under the state, and the citizens literally became slaves in their own country (vs.20-21). In the King James Version the language goes even further: Joseph depopulates the rural areas and moves the people into the cities.
"This is a masterful population control strategy. Once the wealth of the nation had been consolidated under the Pharaoh's banner via Joseph's actions - monetary wealth, the industrial base, land and productivity, and the people as economic assets - then Joseph instituted a new farming and taxation system (vs.20-24). How did the people respond? They gladly relinquished control of their wealth, property, and themselves (gave up their freedom) for the promise of state-dictated security.
"Keep in mind; all of this started through a debasing of the currency system. The manipulation of money is, arguably, the most potent method - outside of war - used to rearrange the fabric of society.
"Am I suggesting that our current crisis will be used as leverage to re-structure our Western world? The odds are in favor of it. Consider what the father of modern economics, John Maynard Keynes, had to say in 1919.
"There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency." - John Maynard Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the Peace, (1919), p.236.
"Keynes economic model is what we have been using since the end of World War II. Roughly speaking, it's the idea that governments can stimulate the economy through interest rate management - the heart of credit and debt - taxation programs, and other state-instituted incentive programs. Although the above quote was aimed primarily at inflationary actions, the same conclusion could be made regarding deflationary leveraging."
I urge you to subscribe to Carl's publication "Forcing Change" and read the whole article." I subscribe. It's only $10 a month and you are supporting ones of the smartest and most dedicated young researchers on the planet. If you don't believe me, listen to my interview with Carl Sunday Oct 19 on my show "Male Mentoring" at 10 pm CT at www.republicbroadcasting.org
When alien bankers control the purse strings of the State, inevitably the State becomes synonymous with these bankers. The State is "public" in name only. This is the true face of Communism.
As we slide into a recession or even a depression, keep your eye on the big picture. As I suggested last week, the Masonic central bankers (i.e. Illuminati) are waging war
against society. Their goal is to "absorb the world's wealth" (Cecil Rhodes) and to control every aspect of our lives (i.e. Communism.)
Why? They need to protect their fraudulent monopoly on the credit of the world's governments, worth literally trillions. They started the two world wars so global governance (i.e. the League of Nations, United Nations) would bring "a better world." They started this financial crisis for the same spurious reasons.
Most everyone who is "successful" in our world --in government, culture, business-- wittingly or unwittingly serves the bankers' fraudulent monopoly. Thus, society is fraudulent to the core. Collaborators include Obama, McCain and the mass media. When Obama vows to "change the world" , he is fronting for them. "Progressive" and socialist policies always have been used to manipulate the masses and increase state power and debt.
Don't get caught up in the noise. Advocate the renunciation of the portion of the national debt owed to the central bankers. (They created the money out of thin air. We create it out of work.) Oppose the loss of national sovereignty and the reorganization of society. They are being introduced under the smokescreen of this boom-bust ruse which, according to Carl Teichrib, is as old as Joseph.
Related- "Icelanders on the Hook for Debt?"
Iceland- 313,000 People, $100 Billion Liability
Carl Teichrib articles
Len said (October 22, 2008):
Hi Henry. Carl's articles are SPOT ON. We, in South Africa, are also feeling the financial crunch. There is something I would like to say re. "conglomerates". Not many years ago, we use to have many small to medium businesses. Now, without mentioning any particular names, we find large (very large) corporations have taken over many of our healthy small to medium businesses.
Some of the original owners/directors have become "managers" etc. It has thus become virtually impossible to run one's own small business, as these people now have the monopoly on just about any goods you can think of.
Competition has thus become a thing of the past. Farms too have been "bought" out to these corporations and the individual farmer has become history. Truly we find ourselves "slaves" to the system and only (as Carl aptly puts it "who do you serve?") by making a REAL commitment to OUR CREATOR, will we be saved from this diabolical plot. They (the bankers etc) will not win in the final battle as it has been prophesied in Revelations. "....The merchants will weep from coast to coast". Thanks so much for your dedication to our cause.
KInd Regards,
South Africa