Cardinal Dolan! Where is My $20K?
June 5, 2012

left, doled out $20K to pedophile priests to ease their transition to civilian life.
In contrast, Robert Hoatson who tended to their victims in Newark
was forced from the Church without so much as a thank you.
"Pedophile priests were and are treated kindly, compassionately, and with respect. In one case, the pedophile priest was described by one bishop as "that poor man, what he's been through." The whistle-blower priest is harassed, fired, retaliated against, and strangled financially. He doesn't know if his next check will even be sent."
By Robert Hoatson
Catholics wish to live by the axiom, "once a priest, always a priest,"
than I guess I am still a priest despite the fact that I was voluntarily
laicized in December, 2011. So, I write as a priest, ex-priest,
inactive priest, renegade priest, or gadfly priest. I have been called
all of these and more. The verbiage is irrelevant.
What is relevant is that pedophile priests are not laicized as quickly as I was and most of them will always be priests despite their dastardly deeds which would have gotten them kicked out of most organizations by now.
archbishop of my diocese wrote to me when I first requested laicization
and told me he would highly recommend that my petition to the Vatican
be approved. It was - in record time.
His "glee" at my request was centered on the fact that I had been working with victims since 1981 when I reported sexual abuse of students by a priest at a large Catholic high school in Boston. I also have uncovered numerous cases of pedophilia in my home archdiocese and beyond. I asked to be freed to do this work full-time. The archbishop refused.
I told him I had to respond to the Holy Spirit and the law of the Church, which allows and encourages the faithful to establish charitable works and organizations. Canon law was written to protect bishops and whatever they determine to be the "law" for the rest of the faithful. Currently, God's law is subservient to whatever law the bishops wish to utilize.
I informed the archbishop that it was the Holy Spirit who was calling me to do the work I was doing, and the last time I looked, the Holy Spirit is still God, according to Catholic theology. God's call wasn't good enough for the archbishop, it seems. The archbishop knew better than God, and herein lies the problem with bishops.
Unfortunately, most bishops believe they are on a par with God rather than humble servants who facilitate the spread of the Gospel and good works toward all. If these men were more "facilitating" than "dictatorial," the Church wouldn't be in the mess it's in today. And pedophile priests wouldn't have received payouts from at least one bishop to get them out of their hair and hide their crimes.
To pressure me to cease my charitable works, the archbishop fired me from inner-city school ministry after I testified before a state legislature and called for the resignation of any bishop who has covered up sexual abuse of children. He also put me on administrative leave after I filed a lawsuit against him and my abusers and suspended my priestly faculties.
He lowered my salary twice, took away some of my benefits, and pressured me to stop engaging in a work that is sorely needed in the Church and about which he could have boasted to his fellow bishops. His archdiocese could have been the model program for helping victims of clergy sexual abuse. Instead, he chose darkness over light.
What happened to pedophile priests in the same archdiocese? In most cases, their salaries, benefits and even assignments were maintained and are to this day. They were and are treated kindly, compassionately, and with respect. In one case, the pedophile priest was described by one bishop as "that poor man, what he's been through." The whistle-blower priest is harassed, fired, retaliated against, and strangled financially. He doesn't know if his next check will even be sent.
Vatican matters can take years to decide, my laicization was
successfully completed in a matter of months, largely because the
archbishop was full-force behind it. The only thing missing in his
letter was a check for $20,000.00. Isn't that what priests who leave
the priesthood receive or are these "gifts" relegated only to pedophile
M. Hoatson, Ph.D. was a priest of the Archdiocese of Newark for nearly
fifteen years and an Irish Christian Brother for twenty-three years. He
was sexually propositioned, groomed or abused several times as a
religious and seminarian, beginning in 1970 and concluding in 1996. He
founded Road to Recovery in 2003 to assist victims of sexual abuse and
has helped over one thousand survivors and their families. He is also a
founding member of the National Survivor Advocates Coalition, based in
Dayton, Ohio. Currently, he is a complainant/creditor in the bankruptcy
procedure of the North American Province of the Irish Christian
Brothers. He resides in West Orange, New Jersey. He may be reached at or 862-368-2800.
Related - Bishop Accountability
Makow comment: It appears that the
Freemasons infiltrated the church and have discredited it in this way.
Far better to rot it out from the inside that face it squarely on the
field of battle.
First Comment from Dan:
As you know I'm a confirmed Catholic. I'm not in denial or ignorance of the homosexual network entrenched within the clergy. There definitely is such a thing.
I want people to understand that there are all kinds of people and communities in the juggernaut that is the Catholic Church at large, and no greater percentage of them are homosexual than any other random group. Fact is there are gay-friendly diocese that are presided by homosexual bishops, and there are "traditional" diocese run by chaste bishops.
It helps to understand that Catholic organizational structure is convoluted, complicated. Bottom line is authority and jurisdiction pretty well reside with the Archbishops and Cardinals, and these do not have any authority over each other. Also, since Vatican II in the early 1960's, the Pope has no more effective power than a bishop among other bishop peers.
I could invoke the argument that a similar percentage of Orthodox rabbis have been exposed committing statutory rape on Jewish boys and girls, as have many Christian Protestant ministers - but my investigation shows these seem to be individual predators while the Catholic problem seems to be an organizational conspiracy dating back to the 1930's.
Anything as old and big as the Catholic Church has everything in it's history. If you look for it, you can find a thread of homosexuals preying from within the Church throughout the centuries. Was there always a homosexual network in the RCC? Or did they just start it in the 1930's when the American Communist Party put 1,000 homosexual Communists through seminaries to infiltrate the American Catholic diocese?
I recommend two books to equip yourself with the best information available on the matter:
The Rite of Sodomy Homosexuality and the Roman Catholic Church. by Randy Engel.
Goodbye, Good Men
M said (June 7, 2012):
I have been to some "good" parishes, particularly in Encinitas CA and Maui Hawaii--sang in the choir in both of these and miss
them a lot. I am without a church at this time, since I don't fancy the Protestant churches in my present small town.
I also had a good Protestant church in Carlsbad CA. I really am in exile. In the desert. Where smoke is now descending on us from forest fires, perhaps threatening this town for the third time since 2000. The wrath of God some might say. I can't say. Have less and less words as I grow older.