Canada Set to Become Globalist Bully
June 4, 2011

Canada is negotiating with seven countries around the world to establish military bases: Kuwait, Germany, Jamaica, Senegal, Kenya, Singapore, and South Korea.
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
If ever we needed more proof that our political leaders serve the Rothschilds, and our democracy is a charade, this is it.
Despite the fact that the majority of Canadians want less "defense" spending, Canada is embarked on a military-spending spree "unlike anything experienced since the Second World War. In just 10 years, our annual defense spending has more than doubled -- from $10 billion in 2000 to $21.8 billion today -- and is just getting into its stride."
Canadians are being asked to cough up $30 billion for F-35 fighter jets that won't be ready until 2016 and another $40 billion to replace navy ships over two decades.

"Canada is a "go-to" nation for international military engagements and the federal government is embracing the increasingly expeditionary role, says Defense Minister Peter MacKay (left.) He hinted Thursday the military's current high tempo -- what MacKay said was the "the highest it's been in 60 years" -- will continue for the foreseeable future.
"The focus of the planning, let's be clear, is on our capability for expeditionary participation in international missions," MacKay told reporters at a military trade show. "We're big players in NATO, we're a country that has become a go-to nation in response to situations like what we're seeing in Libya, like we saw in Haiti, we are constantly working within that paradigm of countries to see where we can bring that niche capability to bear."
"A Canadian general is heading up the UN-sanctioned NATO mission in Libya, and Canada was among the first with boots on the ground in Haiti following the devastating earthquake there over a year ago.

The warehouses of military equipment and other facilities would support "high-tempo expeditionary operations in places such as Afghanistan, the Middle East, Haiti, Africa and most recently in protecting civilian life in Libya."
Canadian fighter jets are taking part in the NATO mission in Libya, and Ottawa plans to send 950 military trainers to Afghanistan to coach Afghans after its 2,800 combat troops withdraw from the war-torn country in July."
Notice how NATO never attacks anyone its own size?
Canada's "mission" in Afghanistan cost $30 billion and is hugely unpopular.
Now they're planning more such Invasions. Libya was never debated in parliament nor during the recent election campaign.

The socialist opposition NDP is Masonic false opposition. Leader Jack Layton didn't mention Libya during the election campaign and doesn't resist Canada's "new military role."
His big problem with the Conservative's Throne Speech was over "the environment."
The Rothschild bankers have used their control over government credit to buy everything and everyone worth owning. They control every one of the Fortune 500 companies, the media, politicians and universities.
Anyone who hopes to advance politically, culturally or economically has to unwittingly sell his soul to these satanists, betray his countrymen and participate in the destruction of his civilization.
Thus, our society is complicit in its own enslavement. That's the part Satan loves most. Bought with our own money!
Latest- Harper Warms Canadians to Role as Bullies
Peter MacKay's father & the Airbus Kickback Scandal
Makow - Mating Habits of the Illuminati
Makow - The Satanic Cult that Rules the World
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Robert said (June 6, 2011):
"Anyone who hopes to advance politically, culturally or economically has to unwittingly sell his soul to these satanists, betray his countrymen and participate in the destruction of his civilization." You are right, and this is how society becomes dominated in all its aspects by evil-doers and their wimpish fellow travelers.
However, "unwittingly" often really means willfully blind, and in this case personal responsibility comes into play. Following information trails can result in mental discomfort, as our suppositions about leadership and institutions crumble. Well, maybe life is a more serious business than the careerists want to think it. Let us hope so, because this at least gives it substantial significance. As unpleasant as our situation may be to contemplate, doing so has the benefit of overcoming the cloying "lightness of being".