Pagan "AVATAR" Peddles Nature Worship
December 28, 2022

For a film that is short on story and long on running time, this is a truly Orwellian achievement; less has proven to be more. I saw some glowing reviews prior to the release and decided to see it with my 12-year-old nephew, who had already seen it once but was gung ho to go see it again.
I am thankful that I happen to be in India at the moment where the ticket costs only about $3 and the total venture including popcorn and all cost me only about $10 (for two); so the pain of having to pay to have my senses assaulted, both spiritually and intellectually, was somewhat mitigated.
First of all the title of the film, 'Avatar' is a Hindu word
that means 'god incarnated' or god in the flesh. 'God' is not capitalized in the
previous definition since in the Hindu pantheon any number of creatures can be
termed god.
The film's avatars are blue, genetically modified creatures that are
feline / simian / satyrs or something and not at all not easy on the eyes to
behold. They also stand about 10 feet tall and the best way to
describe them is-- not human.
The whole movie is a high tech exercise to condition the masses to accept that Pagan 'nature worship' or
pantheism is good. 'Pandora' where the movie is situated is a moon of a giant
Saturn like gaseous planet. It doesn't seem to have dawned on any movie
critics ...that the name
'Pandora' itself is a reference to a mythical story of all the evils that have
befallen mankind by the opening of Pandora's Box.
And this movie opens a
veritable Pandora's Box by indoctrinating the (mostly) unsuspecting audience
that all things are god, that we are all one big family, be it a murderous
hyena, a serpentine dragon or a banana tree, all things have the same spirit in
The message is that living in harmony with 'nature' (the
Greek god Pan) is our salvation; that using our God given intelligence to create
machines and technology to make life more comfortable is evil, oh those wicked
Someone ought to ask Jimmy Cameron (left) how he could have made this
movie, had it not been for men using their God given intelligence to create the
technologies that he employed in its production? I wonder if the
tribes of the deep Amazon or Africa could have helped him make the most
technologically advanced film yet made?
This is nothing more than a big budget, more special effects
laden version of Al Gore's, 'A Very Convenient Lie' aka 'An Inconvenient Truth'.
The blue imagery of Pandora itself is hellish to put it mildly.
The giant serpentine tree where the tribe dwells is, well, serpentine, Cerberus like hell dogs, and other mythical creatures of immense ugliness and strength abound in this world.
Tentacled and illuminated jelly fish like spirit things (for lack of a better word) are what the Na'vi look to for guidance. In the real world jellyfish can prove to be injurious and even fatal to humans, I wonder why people think that their spiritual counterparts would not also be injurious or even fatal to their spiritual well being?
If God wanted us to get our guidance
and direction from animals, why did he not just make us all animals instead of
humans that can think and reason, not have to depend on superstition?
The movie
truly glorifies Native American Indian cultures; notwithstanding the fact that
natives and indigenous peoples the world over have been victims to unscrupulous
colonizers, the truth of the matter is that these cultures were anything but
humane and compassionate.
There is just too much documented evidence of the bloodthirsty practices of natives and indigenous populations worldwide for us to believe that they knew much about living in peace and harmony with each other let alone with nature. So Jimmy, your preaching, though effective I'm sure, is fraudulent and filled with lies.
The movie conditions people [to believe] that ugliness is beautiful, that lies are truth, that creation
is God and not the Creator.
My question is that if all things are gods, then why
do you need to look for god in nature, don't you have a mirror? Look at yourself
all day long; after all you too are god!
When people look to animals for
guidance, then they become animals, what else would you expect? The ceremonies
in the movie where the tribe gathers together to worship are very reminiscent of
African / Haitian / Native ceremonies where music and natural hallucinogenics
such as magic mushrooms are used to induce an altered hypnotic state in which
the worshipper does not reach out and touch the Most High God but rather the most
low animal spirit within and becomes a beast. In this state what was
demonstrated was not peace and harmony with his fellow man but rather bloodshed
in the most brutal, evil, devilish, beastly manner possible where even hearts
were ripped out of the chests of living victims.
The purpose of such 'Native' ceremonies has always been to arouse animal passions in man. This is the not so hidden message being sent out by these devilish avatars in Jimmy's movie. Become natural, become animal, do not think for yourself, let your nature spirit guides guide you.
All things in nature have life in them, of that there is no
doubt, but what needs to be understood is that the life comes from the Creator
and points you to consider the Creator not the created thing.
Just because a deer has life (that you had nothing to do with in bringing it that life), does not in any way, shape or form make you one with that deer! Appreciating and valuing life in nature leads us to consider and appreciate our Creator, He from whom all life originates. Without appreciating and valuing the Life Giver, you can never truly appreciate or value life, NEVER! If you agree with Mr. Cameron, then I end this by saying be careful what you wish for; you have chosen to bear the image of the creation rather than the Creator and your choice comes not without a price; a price that you may find too late that you cannot afford to pay!
Romans 25: "Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever." Amen.
Rating : ZERO out of whatever number you choose.
Related--Vatican Says "Avatar' is No Masterpiece
"A Naturalist Looks at 'Avatar'"
Fred writes:
Ok, so what about nature then, as representation of Godness? What exactly is wrong with worshipping nature?
Dear Fred,
Because God is a MORAL force, and nature is not moral.
Moral-- i.e. the ability to distinguish between good and evil; the ability to conceive, recognize and strive for truth, goodness, peace, beauty, justice, love. Nature can't do this.
This spiritual faculty is what makes us "human." Ask yourself, why does the Illuminati want to blur or eliminate this distinction?
LINDA said (January 13, 2010):
Cameron is an Illuminist and Christian hater. But he is only pioneering this 'Externalization of the Hierarchy' script. So he has given us a story line in which we the earthlings are the bad gods who go to Pandora, etc. Storyline is not his strong suit. So in order to circle around the real Illuminati script which is the 21st century sequel to the Enuma Elish, he has to approach from the opposite direction. Very early days as this meme goes mainstream.
The original story is that the sons of heaven (in the angelic order who are spirit and interdimensional) - come to earth. In the 21 century version these are the space gods from the Sirius system who have come in the past and are returning with their advanced technology (knowledge). This is the current reading of the Enuma Elish (The Babylonian Genesis). I feel a new book by Robert Temple coming on.
The gods sire the Moriah bloodline to be the true rulers of earth and they bring the Ossirian kingship. (This culture is bound up with the royal Canannite Ossirs - of the great river valley necropoli of Sion which is Mt Hermon)
The whole story is summed up in the Hebrew letter Shin / Sin read as a hieroglyph. That was featured here awhile back.
I always knew the true communism, externalization of the hierarchy script was going to be good. Never mind that all the script doctors in planet Hollywood couldn't save the Avatar plot. Avatar is just the 'imagine' prologue with all the special FX and biolumenescence needed to hook in the sheeple. Once they are thinking in terms of our space friends who are coming to save us from ourselves with their advanced technology and 'ye can be as gods' deal, the essential info can be reworked into the correct Illuminati plotline - which is complex.
2010 could be the year we 'make contact'. This is really very funny as the discarnate kingpins of these secret orders have been pulling the levers from behind the curtain for the duration of recorded history. It will be really interesting to see what they have decided the mask of Great Oz is going to look like in our time. We should stay tuned.