April 21, 2017
Visit to a "Straight Bar" c. 2035
(Left. Old Point Bar, rumored to be a straight-hangout.)
What if current trends continued, and
heterosexuals were persecuted?
A glimpse into our genderless future.
George had a nagging desire to be embraced and kissed by a boy. She knew these feelings were wrong, and she always ignored them. She wasn´t ready to admit she was a heterosexual.
by a Reader
(Reprised and revised from Sept. 2011)
"Are you male or female?" Jamie asked George.
If this weren't the Old Point Bar, rumored to be a heterosexual hangout, Jamie wouldn't have dared ask such a question.
Society had decided that gender was only a social construct. Love was based on common dedication to equality and diversity, not gender stereotypes and biological differences.
Even showing curiosity about someone's gender could land you in big trouble. The "sexual deviant" label could dog you for the rest of your life. "I'm a female." George replied. She was wearing the form-hiding coveralls most youths wore. Some of the females at the bar wore revealing, overtly-feminine clothes. They seemed so flirtatious...
Jamie figured George was new to the underground straight scene.
"I'm a male," said Jamie. "I haven't seen you around here before..."
"Sandy brought me. She, I mean he, is my peer counselor at school."
Since the gender-revolution, all female pronouns had been eliminated. Everyone was a "he" and had male or gender-ambiguous names.
"Sandy brought me here too. He has a good eye for heterosexuals. He's saved many souls from our genderless stereotypes."
As Jamie said it, he could tell George was becoming uncomfortable, even afraid.
Being at a straight bar was illegal, but raids were rare. Enough people in high places frequented such bars.
"Have you ever been to a wedding? There's going to be one later tonight in the back room."
(Left. From a Minneapolis college dorm, c. 2013)
"A wedding? What's so unusual about that?"
"This is a wedding wedding. Between a man and a woman in love, performed by a pastor. You know, the way they used to in the old days."
Most young people only knew modern weddings, where two or more people formalized their relationships by signing a co-habitation agreement. They preferred to share income and file joint tax returns. Most marriages lasted between one and five years, depending on the terms of the agreement.
"Actually, I have to go... my mom will be back from work at 9 pm." George was curious, but she still had some values.
One thing to spend some time with heterosexuals, but another to witness one of their perverted anachronistic rituals. When she thought about the way they had sex, she blushed.
George was in way over her head. She got up and left.
As she opened the door, the cold air struck her like a slap in the face. Outside everything was normal again. She couldn't hear the music or the people inside. Everything was silent.
"What was I thinking?" She was always attracted to the stronger bigger kids who resembled boys. She had those nagging desires to be embraced and kissed by one of them. She knew these feelings were wrong, and she had always ignored them.
She wasn´t ready to admit she was a hetero.
How did she go from talking to Sandy about her academic performance to actually going to a hetero bar???
Her mom would kill her if she knew!
Sandy hurried to her car and drove home at top speed. Mom hadn't arrived yet. She was safe... for now.
Dan recalls Star Trek episode - "Gender is offensive to my people."
There was actually a Star Trek Next Generation episode about a planet with a genderless 'humanoid' species. Imagine a planet where everyone is named "Pat" and they all look like lesbians made up to look like 14 year old boys.
Naturally, the Enterprise' token 'manly' man Commander Will Riker is aroused by this, when assigned to work closely with the planet's top pilot. As usually happens on Star Trek different humanoid species are irresistibly sexually attracted to each other.
But 'love' against the law of the genderless species, and the fling between the two is discovered and the transgender pilot is put on trial for "gender-specificity", the species' lowest form of perversion. Found guilty, the tranny pilot is sentenced to "conversion therapy" to erase opposite sex (and species?) attraction. Riker and Worf return later to break the tranny out of therapy, but too late -- the tranny's already been reprogrammed, breaking Riker's heart by saying their affair was sick. Worf takes Riker back to the ship for a cold shower.
The episode was intended placate LGBT groups that attacked Star Trek since the 'First' Generation for being too heterosexual. Gay reviewers complained that the ending could be construed as 'pro-therapy'. The metrosexual actor who played complained that the part of his genderless 'partner' should have been played by a teenage boy instead of a lesbian.
I've been expecting a wave of movie remakes, replacing the female characters with twinks.
I think the reason it hasn't happened is when they try it still comes off campy, like community theater. It's not easy, bucking the laws of Nature, even for Hollywood.
Greg said (December 28, 2013):
For the next rewrite on the straight bar you may want to change "mom" to something like primary or secondary guardian or prim(guard) for short..