Zionists Prepare to Restrict US Freedom
May 14, 2010

Essentially, we have the real terrorists using terror as a pretext to erect a police state.
"I'm now putting together legislation to amend that to [specify that] any individual American citizen who is found to be involved in a foreign terrorist organization, as defined by the Department of State, would be deprived of their citizenship rights," Lieberman said Tuesday....There is one exception to the existing law: Americans are allowed to serve in the Israel Defense Forces"
by Keith Howe
(for henrymakow.com)
So, Joey "The Whiner", Zionist "Lie"-berman wants to take away the rights of any American who disagrees with his Zionist agenda, as defined by the Zionist controlled "Department of State".
It sure looks like that is where all this is headed.
Well then, let's take a look at Joey calling the kettle black!
Dear Joey, "The Whiner", zionist "Lie"-berman, "There is an American law on the books called the Symington Amendment, which forbids the US Government from sending aid to any country which has nuclear weapons unless it is a signatory to the NNPT, and allows inspections of its nuclear facilities. Israel, which does have nuclear weapons but refuses to sign the NNPT and allow inspections, receives 3 billion dollars of US aid annually.
This aid is absolutely illegal under the Symington Amendment."
"Israel Uses White Phosphorus on UN School in Gaza"
Now, we could add to that crime the illegal "Wars of Aggression" (again Joey, that is in the Nuremberg Code) that you and your comrades perpetrated in Iraq and Afghanistan, and hope to next add Iran and Pakistan to your list of crimes. But those crimes will have trials of their own. Isn't it great to know, Joey, that justice, although sometimes slow, NEVER fails :-)
But that is of no concern to a Zionist, now is it Joey? Because Zionists, like Nazis, think they are the master race. Let's look at some quotes by a few of your Zionist buddies, Joey.
"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." ~ Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001
"Our race is the Master Race. We Jews are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves." ~Menachem Begin, Israeli Prime Minister to New Statesman magazine on June 25, 1982
I am happy that good ALWAYS overcomes evil, and that the wicked NEVER escape punishment. That is good news now, isn't it Joey, except, of course, for the psychopaths!
Yes, dear Joey, what a sobering moment that was for those sick and pathetic lunatics. But the good news is that a few minutes later, dear Joey, their necks were considerably longer, and the world was a much better place :-)
"Homosexual Jewish Senator Joseph Lieberman, McCain's Mossad handler, escorts him to the wailing wall in Jerusalem." Texe Marrs
P.S.- Love that photo of you and McCain at the wall in Jerusalem. Why don't you both apply for a job with the Knesset, since you are both more concerned about the land of Israel than the USA. That would be the most patriotic thing you could ever do.
Chris said (May 15, 2010):
Many years ago I read the Reith Lectures "The African Condition: a political diagnosis" by Ali Mazrui; he was married at that time to an
There was one passage that struck me ; this was during the war (WW2) ,where Ali and his fellow schoolboys considered the conflict in Europe
like a football match where they were mere spectators; it did not matter which side won. And in a sense I belong to the same category
as those African schoolboys then.
When I think of people like Howe, I feel as if he and those that belong to his cultural category are merely reaping the consequences
of choosing to succumb to these powers that amongst so many other things manipulated religion and caused Protestantism and the invasion
and genocide of some say over 70 millions in terms of total casualties (pestilences included) in the conquest of the N American continent;
they are also reaping the consequences of the acceptance and implementation globally of the racial categories of Zionist Judaism
that is pregnant with meaning for them, and not mere nonsense; and also of the horrendous containment of most of the world, and its
pillage; and of the irreconciliation and covert racism that has been cultivated over the last 600 years.
And bitching about the Zionists who seduced this cultural type wholesale is not the same thing as living an alternative, which I claim is not possible for unreconciled, alienated and unreconciled people.