A Brief Review of Farrell's "Babylon's Banksters"
October 10, 2022

[Editor's Note: It appears the Jews learned fiat banking in Babylon at the same time as they learned the Cabala. "Nobody owns a scam," the argument goes. Fiat banking is Babylonian.
I think the Rothschild syndicate has gone a long way to prove that untrue. Nonetheless I have enormous respect for Eliezer, who has a keen sense of the dire implications of currency produced as a private debt ]
This is not a "Zionist" System, but as described in Babylon's Banksters: The Alchemy of Deep Physics, High Finance and Ancient Religion, by Joseph Farrell, it is a SYSTEM of displacing national currencies with the CURRENCY of a PRIVATE BANKING CARTEL, which finds its genesis in BABYLON and the bloodline of NIMROD.
Interestingly, Farrell links the Rothschild Banking Dynasty to NIMROD. The war is being conducted in a Romanish fashion, wherein siege walls, physical, spiritual, psychological and metaphoric, are formed and erected to surround & isolate an intended target.
All nations involved in the assault upon Libya, as an example, will most certainly be enmeshed in the BABYLONIAN SYSTEM of DEBT BASED FIAT CURRENCY, just as the American people are today through the current FEDERAL RESERVE - an ARM of the PRIVATELY held & controlled INTERNATIONAL BANKING CARTEL.
The war, both in historical & conventional terms, has always been between the PRIVATE and debasing influence of the FIAT CURRENCY of the BANKSTERS, and the public national currency and will of the people, issued by their elected representatives and institutions.
As Farrell documents, this is ultimately why both Lincoln AND JFK were assassinated. So, Rothschild is not "Jewish" or "Zionist" per se,' but Babylonian and of the lineage of NIMROD more precisely.
Indeed, Farrell also reveals, "Alphonse Mayer Rothschild and Clarice Sebag-Montefiore had a son, born in 1922, to whom they gave the peculiarly Jewish-Christian-"Babylonian" (actually "Biblical," because there were neither "Jews" nor "Christians" known as such in that era) name of Albert Anselm Salomon Nimrod Rothschild (which means "red shield")."
This ubiquitous SYSTEM of PRIVATE INTEREST BEARING or DEBT based CURRENCY - extracting a flow of current or "currency" from labor accrues a determinant political and economic power to the few who comprise the bloodlines of this PRIVATE BANKING CARTEL.
This CARTEL is essentially seeking GLOBAL HEGEMONY. And this is why it is an enemy to the public currency and moral conscience of all people's, and more specifically, the constitutional republic of the united states.
Indeed, the "Jewish" people - historically known as Israelites or Hebrews, have been just as much victimized and plundered by this PRIVATE CARTEL that portends to hijack national destiny and their relative currencies, supplanting them with a FIAT INTEREST BEARING CURRENCY, as any other nation in the world.
Essentially, the real struggle throughout history, has been between the BABYLONIAN BANKSTERS and the people. The incident in the Jerusalem Temple, in which Jesus is reported to have over-turned the tables of the money-changers, accusing them of turning God's sanctuary into a den of vipers and thieves, is a poignant reminder of how a people's currency can be debased and displaced with that of a FIAT SPECIES, that of BABYLON'S BANKSTER''S.
See Tony Blizzard's Response
Elaine said (March 21, 2011):
All history since Christ is but a struggle between good and evil, with good ultimately winning but not
without the destruction and chaos that always presents itself in a fallen world, where people are
propagandized NOT TO SEE the forest for the trees. Fortunately, the good Lord has His own Plans
and they will be realized by using the Banksters themselves to bring about the Lords Plans whether the Banksters know it or not.