June 11, 2009

What Makow claims as far fetched is well researched off the Royals own historical public record.
If you want to look further back, Prince consort Albert is the illegitimate
son of stable boy Alex Hanstein, who was the illegitimate son of Baron Karl von Hanstein married to one of King George I's greatgranddaughters who rejected her stepson Alex.
After siring Albert at just 14.5 years old, Alex eventually elevated himself
back to Baron von Hanstein, Count of Polzig, but was not allowed to breed
for fear that this would create a Royal conflict.
It was the young stable boy Alex who overheard the formation of the
Illuminati and knew there was a race to create British Royals, both a male
and a female . . . and that the British Royal Family were to be controlled
by shame.
The previous generation hadn't produced a heir so the swinging/gay royals
married in double weddings in Germany and again in Britain, but their
child/ren died stillborn, or soon after and the male Royals went straight
back to their mistress or lover.
Princess Viktoria then sired Princess Victoria with Nathan Mayer Rothschild.
When Victoria became Queen, she married her cousin Albert.
Albert didn't take to Queen Victoria at first until Albert negotiated George
into the marriage, and "George" was sodomy.
This 'George Sodomy' is supported by other historians. Prince consort Albert's mother, Princess Louise produced an illegitimate child, Albert, and was then banished from her marriage, rights and lands. She died aged 30 in Paris of syphilis.
This pattern continued up to 1952 and King George VI died of a strange form
of lung cancer called syphilis.
But King George VI also had a lot of illegitimate children in the colonies.
Some of these were boys and Queen Elizabeth II had brothers.
In 1967 King George VI doctor moved to New Zealand, my father saw his
sheep, Porridge introduced me to Queen Elizabeth II's brother.
He lived in Rotorua at the entrance to the Polynesian Pools which is where
the Royals went to to treat their syphilis 1860-1920. Right next door was the King Edward VII baths.
To read more: www.greghallett.com and read/order
'How to Take Over the World, A Right Royal Con'; and
'Stalin's British Training, Breeding Concubines, Paedophiles at War'
Any orders will be 5th edition.
Do your research -- The British Royals are the origin of the 'Soap' and were
the first to advertise themselves on it . . . to raise funds.
Toothpaste wasn't immune from King Edward VII's image either.
This comment: "Greg Hallett makes some astonishing, some might say
ridiculous, claims" does not take into account that 99.9% of historians have
been Royal/Illuminati/Rothschild plants, many of them controlled by their
own shame . . . and any true investigative history will be at odds with
centuries of mis-understanding.
". . . to be proven or discredited as evidence emerges" . . .
We are just beginning to write history. One of the indicators of a good
history is how suppressed it is.
Have you seen any of my four history books in the mainstream?
Any approach I've had from a publisher or for play rights has quickly been
In beginning with comments like "ridiculous", isn't that defeating
'movement'? Shouldn't we remember that 'the truth crawls and lies have legs'
and lies with legs move so fast now it is called NEWS.
So to lighten up, here's a ludicrous truth that's true"
Nathan Mayer Rothschild sired Queen Victoria and her son King Edward VII,
who then sired Winston Churchill with Randolph's wife Jennie Jerome.
Randolph was then promoted to Master Mason and died young of syphilis?.
Jennie Jerome then married a man two weeks older than Winston, and Winston
was second cousin with Stalin and first cousin with Adolf Hitler's father,
who were all Rothschilds, with Adolf a British agent from 1912, trained in
Tavistock, then spent 6 months living in Liverpool with his half-brother and
did reconnaissance on British ports and ships together. Hitler's role was to
destroy Germany and the Germany military/traditions etc, while killing Jews
so that Britain could fulfill the Balfour letter (Agreement) but get Germany
to pay for it out of guilt, now in its third generation.
Talk about a psychological Monopoly Board, each square inbred.
The history of the British Royal Family has to be as crazy as the Twentieth
Mention my name to Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip, or any of their
children, and you'll see what happens. Balls to the wall boys. Make it happen.
If you want to look further back, Prince consort Albert is the illegitimate
son of stable boy Alex Hanstein, who was the illegitimate son of Baron Karl von Hanstein married to one of King George I's greatgranddaughters who rejected her stepson Alex.
After siring Albert at just 14.5 years old, Alex eventually elevated himself
back to Baron von Hanstein, Count of Polzig, but was not allowed to breed
for fear that this would create a Royal conflict.
It was the young stable boy Alex who overheard the formation of the
Illuminati and knew there was a race to create British Royals, both a male
and a female . . . and that the British Royal Family were to be controlled
by shame.
The previous generation hadn't produced a heir so the swinging/gay royals
married in double weddings in Germany and again in Britain, but their
child/ren died stillborn, or soon after and the male Royals went straight
back to their mistress or lover.
Princess Viktoria then sired Princess Victoria with Nathan Mayer Rothschild.
When Victoria became Queen, she married her cousin Albert.
Albert didn't take to Queen Victoria at first until Albert negotiated George
into the marriage, and "George" was sodomy.
This 'George Sodomy' is supported by other historians. Prince consort Albert's mother, Princess Louise produced an illegitimate child, Albert, and was then banished from her marriage, rights and lands. She died aged 30 in Paris of syphilis.
This pattern continued up to 1952 and King George VI died of a strange form
of lung cancer called syphilis.
But King George VI also had a lot of illegitimate children in the colonies.
Some of these were boys and Queen Elizabeth II had brothers.
In 1967 King George VI doctor moved to New Zealand, my father saw his
sheep, Porridge introduced me to Queen Elizabeth II's brother.
He lived in Rotorua at the entrance to the Polynesian Pools which is where
the Royals went to to treat their syphilis 1860-1920. Right next door was the King Edward VII baths.
To read more: www.greghallett.com and read/order
'How to Take Over the World, A Right Royal Con'; and
'Stalin's British Training, Breeding Concubines, Paedophiles at War'
Any orders will be 5th edition.
Do your research -- The British Royals are the origin of the 'Soap' and were
the first to advertise themselves on it . . . to raise funds.
Toothpaste wasn't immune from King Edward VII's image either.
This comment: "Greg Hallett makes some astonishing, some might say
ridiculous, claims" does not take into account that 99.9% of historians have
been Royal/Illuminati/Rothschild plants, many of them controlled by their
own shame . . . and any true investigative history will be at odds with
centuries of mis-understanding.
". . . to be proven or discredited as evidence emerges" . . .
We are just beginning to write history. One of the indicators of a good
history is how suppressed it is.
Have you seen any of my four history books in the mainstream?
Any approach I've had from a publisher or for play rights has quickly been
In beginning with comments like "ridiculous", isn't that defeating
'movement'? Shouldn't we remember that 'the truth crawls and lies have legs'
and lies with legs move so fast now it is called NEWS.
So to lighten up, here's a ludicrous truth that's true"
Nathan Mayer Rothschild sired Queen Victoria and her son King Edward VII,
who then sired Winston Churchill with Randolph's wife Jennie Jerome.
Randolph was then promoted to Master Mason and died young of syphilis?.
Jennie Jerome then married a man two weeks older than Winston, and Winston
was second cousin with Stalin and first cousin with Adolf Hitler's father,
who were all Rothschilds, with Adolf a British agent from 1912, trained in
Tavistock, then spent 6 months living in Liverpool with his half-brother and
did reconnaissance on British ports and ships together. Hitler's role was to
destroy Germany and the Germany military/traditions etc, while killing Jews
so that Britain could fulfill the Balfour letter (Agreement) but get Germany
to pay for it out of guilt, now in its third generation.
Talk about a psychological Monopoly Board, each square inbred.
The history of the British Royal Family has to be as crazy as the Twentieth
Mention my name to Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip, or any of their
children, and you'll see what happens. Balls to the wall boys. Make it happen.