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November 23, 2012

"The most interesting scene though, caused a hush and at least one gasp from the few men that were seated nearby us in the theatre. The villain had Bond tied to a chair and while kneeling in front of him he began to caress his thigh. It was clear 007 was being seduced and aroused by the bisexual or homosexual advances. "

Seeing New James Bond Pic Was a Mistake 

Media brainwashing continues with lates James Bon movie Skyfall. 

by Mary 

My husband's birthday was last week and he asked me to go see Skyfall  the latest James Bond movie with him. 

I recalled reading the review in L'Osservator Romano several weeks ago in which the hero was praised for being "more human" because he cried. 

Having also read that the Vatican newspaper had been refreshed on order of the present Pope, I was curious to see exactly what kind of movie deserved such praise.

The theatre was sparsely inhabited but those in attendance were mainly men in the over forty age bracket, many of whom were seated alone. Growing up with the popularity of James Bond I fully expected some suggestive scenes of fornication with the typical youthful glamorous women. 

The point was driven home throughout the flick that Bond had aged yet was still capable of attracting the young women . He promises to save the femme fatal, a victim of sex slavery and trafficking, if she will just lead him to the villain. 

They are captured and Bond is made to prove he hasn't lost his dead eye shot by aiming at his recent conquest who is bound and forced to balance a glass of whiskey on her head for a William Tell moment. 

Bond hits the rock behind her so the villain grabs the gun and shoots. She dies and with typical Bond like sarcasm, 007 quips,"What a waste of perfectly good whiskey." 

Not so typical though, was the not to subtle subliminal message that chivalry is long gone from our hero and oh well another sex trafficked female commodity bit the dust. 

The most interesting scene though, caused a hush and at least one gasp from the few men that were seated nearby us in the theatre. The villain had Bond tied to a chair and while kneeling in front of him he began to caress his thigh. It was clear 007 was being seduced and aroused by the bisexual or homosexual advances. 

Of course our star escapes and later on retreats with his MI6 boss to his family estate in order to trap the same villain who is out to kill them both.

 A trap door in the home that was used to hide priests during the persecution of Catholics in the English past is used to escape to the long since abandoned chapel strewn with statues and all things once considered holy. 

Here in the delapidated chapel is the final scene where M dies in 007's arms after being shot. A small tear trickles down Bond's cheek. I guess that is what makes him human ?  Not so much really as he could care less about the young sex trade victim  who was murdered , but the sense of a lost religious moral culture is certainly worth shedding a tear about .

As I stated previously,  the subliminal messages in the movie were not subtle. Although there was no overt nudity, only steamed shower door clearly suggesting Bond was in the shower with the easily disposable young woman he promised and failed to rescue, it seems a real man now is supposed to be aroused by sexual advances from another man. Perhaps that is what goes for being "human" these days?

On a happy note , I will never be made to feel bad about denying my husband a date to a James Bond movie again. I also know he now "gets it" when I reiterate that the media has been used to brainwash us all. I can only assume that the Pope knows where the "rejuvenation" of  L'Osservator Romano is headed.



letter from Will about Twilight:

A woman friend of mine went to see the latest Twilight movie (Breaking Dawn Part 2) and relayed that at a certain point during the flick, she felt this icy-cold thing grow in her womb and spread to her torso and upper body. Not the whole body, just the central section or so. She just observed. She is very spiritually advanced so didn't get a fright, just observed. Then it lifted, then she felt it again. Then it left.


She said this was during the sound of wind in the movie, no doubt the visuals were wind blowing through trees or something. I don't get a good vibe at all from what she said. My guess is that in the same way that the music industry encoded Satanic 'triggers' and messages in rock music over the years, and have embedded many, many films with visual images that have for e.g. told of upcoming events they have planned (9/11 for one) - that they are now embedding Satanic negative energy in their films. Millions of impressionable women, many of them teens, see Twilight and similar films, and lap it up. What an opportunity for the dark forces to knock them off course and cause mayhem!


Remember, the series ends with the girl having a 'demon' in her womb, which is such a threat that the werewolves try to kill her and it, but she dies anyway, and then comes back to life as a vampire. So my friend having this icy energy in her womb - tells me that it wasn't just a co-incidence.


Kris Krepcik  (acolyte of Stuart Wilde, the spiritual guru) has said he psychically sees negative energy come out of TV sets and infect people that watch horror movies. So my hypothesis makes sense, I reckon.


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at