Why Isn't NSA Surveillance an Election Issue?
November 2, 2016

Mass surveillance isn't designed to protect the population from terrorists.
How hard would it be for Trump to pledge to end surveillance of

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November 2, 2016
Don said (November 3, 2016):
I voted for Trump knowing he was probably an illuminati and also a supporter of Israel. I had reservations about it, but the thought of Clinton as President made my choice clear. Trump offers us the only hope. Sadly this is similar to the dilemma faced by German voters when they elected Hitler.
As for surveillance I think it has been going on for decades. I don't remember all the details, but back in 2007 there was a nuclear drill in Portland, Oregon and a former Air Force jet pilot was visited by the Secret Service a couple of hours after warning his insurance agent to avoid the drill during a telephone call. After the visit by the Secret Service the former pilot called his insurance agent back to ask her if she had contacted anyone. She claimed she hadn't and the article surmised that the NSA had software that monitored all communications and he was investigated because he used the words nuclear and bomb. I'm sure this email will be screened as well as the NSA probably is tied into the servers at Comcast.
My reasons for voting for Trump focus mainly on the economy. If our store shelves were stocked with goods made in the USA, then businesses would have "Help Wanted" signs on their doors and there wouldn't be thousands of empty building with "For Lease" signs on them. Jobs that are created out of manufacturing instead of tax dollars would solve a lot of other problems. Minimum wage would go up in order for businesses to compete with labor. Issues over inequality would go away if everyone could be employed in a living wage job. Bill Clinton pushed hard in 2000 for China to get "Most Favored Nation" status. I have zero doubt he would be coaching Hillary if she is elected.
Trump has been pushing for term limits which I totally agree with. We shouldn't have lifetime politicians. Also we need to end political dynasties such as the Bush family - Prescott, George H.W,, George W, Jeb. We don't need Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and who knows Chelsey Clinton down the road.
One laughable issue is the supposed hacking of the DNC and emails by the "EVIL RUSSIANS". I would fully expect that all sensitive communications are targeted by intelligence agencies from other countries friend and foe. I'm sure the NSA spends a lot of time doing just that. Hillary goes to great lengths to point out how wrong it is to do that and that hacked information shouldn't be made public. She and Trump should be saying we need to make sensitive communications more secure.
Sid Green said (November 2, 2016):
Good article. It's true that both candidates are compromised by pedophilia.
Simple internet searches can reveal detailed account of rapes and sexual assaults committed by both Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump. Clinton sexually abused Cathy O Brien, and Trump has raped minors with their detailed accounts of his brutal assaults easily available online. I can't vote for people who hurt children like that. Can anybody else? When simple internet searches turn up this kind of material, and nobody says anything.......
Al Thompson said (November 2, 2016):
This article is correct in that the surveillance is intended to protect the elite from any kind of revolt from the "citizens." I call them the citizen-slaves. The surveillance has nothing to do with terrorism. Most of the world's problems are caused by Satanism and communism. Neither of the candidates has ever mentioned the chemtrails that are continually being sprayed on the population. I consider the spraying of chemicals a form of genocide which is inflicted by the communist government of the "United States."
What really needs to be addressed with the government are the communist principles that these so-called "constitutions" represent. The communism is what needs to be removed from the government. There is no free society that can tolerate communism nor can there be a stable society under communism, socialism, or fascism. The removal of communism should also be an election issue because it is destroying our western civilization.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Doug P said (November 3, 2016):
It isn't really governments that we have to concern ourselves with in this regard. The corporations have been watching us for some time, two being Google and Samsung, the rest likely are as well. With surveillance technology and a technology known as Agent Based Modelling (similar to the "Sims" computer game), they can gather info to create models of each person and predict what they are or were doing during times they were blind, or predict what a subject will do in any given situation.
I think surveillance is an issue of the technological state. At the very least these software companies need to know how their products are being used and by whom to make projections and to create newer better products.
I don't like it, but I think it is just a reality of the technological state.
We really have one central problem, the rest is noise. See my post called A Psychiatrist Convention at www.dougplumb.blogspot.com. This explains great story I heard from a speaker on YouTube, from TV many years ago. The story reflects what we face today and explains why even the most ardent truth seekers are not behaving in a logical way.