Julian Lee- "Racists" Defend True Diversity
September 28, 2016

When Julian Lee moved to Portland in 2009, he thought he
had found one of the few remaining white cities in America.
However his idyll was spoiled when Jewish subversives
posted stickers in his neighbourhood demanding that "racist
activity" be reported.
On walks with his dog, "Moby", Lee found himself
altering these missives to provide a message more to his liking.
They responded by posting his picture and calling him a Nazi.
Whites are learning too late that their governments have been
subverted and their "leaders" are using migration to
transform the West
by Julian Lee
How I Became a Jewish Target by Taking Down Their Racist Anti-White Stickers
(excerpt by henrymakow.com)
I had been told that Portland was one of only two remaining majority-White metropolises. That is not why I had come here -- I had come simply to be closer to one of my children -- but I had heard that. Still, I can't tell you what epiphany and delight it was to arrive here after years in California and be, once more, among "my own people" -- like white girls behind the counter who smiled at you and you could make small talk with instead of surly foreigners as is almost universal in California.
Or teams of white men working in the streets, likely with families back home, working like a well-acquainted and comfortable team and "getting things done." Or an amazing flashback: An older white man in the electronics section of a grocery store who wore a white shirt and tie and knew all about the gear. I realized I never saw that in California. California was being ethnically cleansed.
Yet already there were signs that certain people in the city thought that the majority white state of Portland, which had long obviously been attracting people to the city, was some kind of "bad" thing.
to me they had even passed an unfair "Affirmative Action"
law giving first place in hiring to non-whites. I often wondered:
"Can't the world be diverse enough to contain one or two
majority white towns? Especially in America?" The ethnic
cleansing of Portland had begun.
the character of the town was changing to become more like
California. This was all sad to me. And now [I found] these stickers, as if
somebody wanted to stamp out the last vestiges of resistance -- a few
young men in motley crews with some bit of racial identity still

Jewish team (for the fact is, this group was founded by a Los Angeles
Jew and these make up the bulk of these teams) -- was asking the
citizens to "report racist activity." What sort of activity
would that be? Some young white guys hanging around together and
having a beer and feeling a bit of brotherly solidarity? Report that?
Or perhaps if those boys put up a pro-White sticker, that would be a
reportable "offence"? Certainly these minor things were all
to be demonize.
The very word "racist" is a slur devised to cow Whites into racial annihilation. Only Whites are asked to open their borders to the random 7 billion and give up their unique racial bastions "or else they are haters and racist."
The Japanese are not called "racist" because they want to preserve Japan as a place for the Japanese. Only Whites are bludgeoned by this ham-handed Communist word and culturally pressured to accept so-called "multi-culturalism" which really means no-culturalism and the end of White cultures. What word do we have, after all, for somebody who has special love and identification with his people? He's just a "racist" if he's white.

But we praise this in Blacks, Asians, or other groups. Or somebody who appreciates the different types of people, like somebody loves the varied types of dogs? He's just a racist.
Or somebody who wants to preserve not only his own ethnic group -- but see all the unique peoples preserved?
Again, the slur "racist" is equally applied to all these natural, human, and positive values. The word is an invalid word and used in an invalid way, and today it's used only to intimidate Whites into accepting untrammelled immigration invasion, "white guilt," and stampeding them into racial mixing (and genetic destruction) in order to "be good."
to me the word "racist" -- the one on the stickers -- is a
deceitful and even evil word. The Bhagavad-Gita and Hinduism, which
is my favorite study and really my religion, placed a high value on
the protection of the distinct races and types. In reality, only
so-called "racists" respect the diversity and are the
preservers of it. Thus the stickers annoyed.

Nowadays Whites everywhere are waking up, and the meme "Anti-Racism is a code word for anti-White" resounds across the internet, along with the more direct phrase: "Diversity is a code word for White genocide." I saw these stickers as reinforcing that meme and that trance among Whites: "We must accept all peoples among us or we are haters."
It's comparable to demanding that a family celebrate it's Christmas by opening the doors to the twenty thousand in their town rather than having a special time for distinct intimates. Only Whites are being asked to give up their countries, their gains and accomplishments, and even their eons-wrought genotypes using this word invented by a genocidal Communist, Leon Trotsky. Indeed, some believe Trotsky coined the word explicitly as a weapon for the genociding of White nations.
Makow Comment:
Different races belong to the family of man. They all have strengths and weaknesses. "Racism" refers to the ideology that all members of one race are inherently superior or inferior. But Jewish subversives misuse the term to stigmatize any and all racial distinctions. (Similarly, "sexist" denies any differences between men and women.) These Jewish subversives in fact are true racists because they believe Jews are god-like while the goyim are cattle. This is the racist ideology behind the NWO. In Israel, a Jew can be jailed for two years if he marries a non-Jew. "We will destroy every collective force but our own." Protocols of Zion, 16-4. Collective force = Race, religion (god), nation and family (gender.)
Rocky B said (September 30, 2016):
Julian Lee's article is making me wonder if repression of free speech in the US has reached the same levels as in the State of Israel wherein one can be arrested for simply posting their anti Zionist political views particularly as it relates to the way it treats the Palestinians and anyone who tries to help them,e.g. people like Rachel Corrie whom they ran over with a bulldozer in daylight and in plain sight.
In this particular instance, I would surmise that Julian has grounds to file a lawsuit for Defamation (unless in small print on the poster describing him as a "Nazi" it also says "in my opinion").
Those people in his town should act immediately and fight back against that cancer that is trying to disease their community. I know I would ...in my opinion!