Could DHS Steal 2016 Election?
September 4, 2016

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September 4, 2016
Wade said (September 5, 2016):
Could the scenario described in your article actually happen? Unfortunately there seems to be
no limits to what treachery against The Constitution and the people of the United States Obama
and his administration are capable of. Consider what he has planned for the Internet.
Our sold out and spineless cowards in Congress have already proven that they will do nothing to stop him. Donald Trump is this Nation's only hope. We need to pray that this man can stay alive.
Boris said (September 4, 2016):
Trump had already opened this Pandora box few months ago when he stood up and told one of his crowds that be believed Hillary may try to rig the voting machines. When is everyone going to see: Trump is there to get Hillary elected, as intended; the seconding coming of Ross Perot?
Why else would a guy apparently as smart as Trump say some of the more moronic statements regarding Mexico, Muslims, and Women? It appears to me that if one wishes to get elected in this country, one must first pander to those who call themselves Jews and then to their minions and cannon fodder, so if one wishes to throw the game, one just needs to alienate the same while still making himself look like he is trying. Trump seems to excel in this characteristic.
And this also helps explain why Hillary just ignores everyone. She already knows she has it in the bag, this election was rigged while Bill was in office, you are just witnesses the culmination of the rig.
Just another magic trick.
Tony B said (September 4, 2016):
When are the wishful thinkers going to face reality? For decades now U.S. election winners are whomever the media says they are. There is NO WAY to verify American votes today, which was always the intention of electronic voting. The media is totally owned by the same cabal that owns all government, all academia, people movements, food production and distribution, most churches, the complete economy including unions or lack of economy, etc. If it is important to life, they own it. Voting, like everything else of importance, is controlled, owned in fact. The media is told to say what the owners decide on vote counts (and everything else) and that is what they do. The actual count is meaningless.
Wasting your time on elections is insane. Face reality and go to the core of evil and DESTROY IT if you ever expect any different outcome for the betterment of the normal person's life. Politics is owned by criminal money creators. So long as they are allowed to criminally control the creation and distribution of today's "money" (bank credit DEBT) NOTHING WILL CHANGE DIRECTION as they will always be able to buy as many prostitutes as they need to retain control at the very top of everything.
Tony N said (September 4, 2016):
Your latest article on Jeh Johnson was great...but sure could use your introduction on it not being Jews....but the cult that hides amongst Jews...just as it hides among christians, muslims and every other group.
By the way, was trying to see your movie suggestions and most of them are no longer on netflix, although The Giver was...the movie story definitely got it right about psych med control (ssri's, flouride...) but they reversed no sex control....nwo doesn't use monastic life styles, it does more like brave new world via pornography and connectionless gay hookup lifestyle as the way to turn humans into animals for control.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Anon said (September 5, 2016):
JJ [below] expect us to fear computer hacks, not media hacks. Methinks he doth protest too much. "All precincts reporting" means a network did exit polls. So it claims, but who can verify? A poll isn't a count. "Trust us"?
TV announces a winner before the count leaves the "reporting" precincts, or even before many locals show up. The announcement discourages opposition voters from wasting time casting "useless" votes. Dear JJ, that's how the vote is hacked.
Media conglomerates are nominal competitors but all cooperate on election day. In other realms we'd call it market collusion. Their joint corporation serves the purpose. It was called Voter News Service back in the day.
Let no good crisis go to waste. If JJ declares the vote invalid, we say all open offices stand vacant until the next election. States will manage. We'd revive the 10th amendment and get back federal lands, maybe even paper ballots for the cherry on top.
Turn the PRISM spyware tables and beat the MSM at its own game. Facebook and Google and Verizon demand more ID than voting officials. Post your ballot choices on Facebook and Seen with a Google Maps pin on your house. Post a pic of your ballot taken by smartphone if you can. Reddit will tally our exit poll the same day. Then JJ can hound the hacking cartel for disrupting elections and market collusion.