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Gary Kinghorn: Faith Conquers Fear

August 27, 2016


In response to "Why am I so anxious?"  (Aug 19)

"Fear tends to reinforce our separation from God. Fear = separation from God and the high self because we don't have faith that the source of the universe will provide for all we need. So, in some sense, fear and lack of faith go hand in hand, causing anxiety."

by Gary Kinghorn

Real anxiety in an otherwise mentally healthy individual is almost always a spiritual issue. That we are doing something, consciously or unconsciously, that is not in alignment with spiritual principles or our spiritual growth/destiny. 

Anxiety is a message that we need to make a change to get back on track to personal and spiritual growth. We need to flow from our high self (lack of fear), not our low self (subconscious ego mind.)

Spiritual growth isn't some murky, ephemeral, eastern philosophy mumbo jumbo. It really is as simple as overcoming fear (as you rightly noted). When we come from a place of fear in our life, we're coming from a fear of our needs not being met. 

Fear tends to reinforce our separation from God. Fear = separation from God and the high self because we don't have faith that the source of the universe will provide for all we need. So, in some sense, fear and lack of faith go hand in hand, causing anxiety. 

Where does this overcoming of fear lead us? It turns us from being selfish (concerned with primarily our own needs), to becoming self-less (faith that everything we truly need will be granted, that we are part of God's plan, and that we are connected to other spiritual beings that have our backs). 

Self-less individuals also find themselves more concerned with the needs of others, helping and supporting, and much more aligned with the flow of the universe and their high-self. This allows them to attract more "rewards" from the universe, reinforcing the good behavior the universe and spiritual laws expect.

 It's why when we really self-sacrifice, we show love for another person, and we get a great feeling. People that are self-less, that love other people as much as themselves (are at least equally concerned about the well being of others as their own needs) are never anxious. Nobody is ever anxious when they are focused on the needs of others; it is really that simple.

The best ways then to overcome anxiety, and believe me, it works in myself and I've seen it work in MANY other people, and in fact all spiritual counselling, and productive psychotherapy falls back on this: 1) Go out and do something positive for somebody else. Put the needs of others ahead of your own for just an afternoon, or an hour, or whatever can be mustered. Help at a soup kitchen. Help or visit an elderly neighbor. Volunteer at a youth organization. Help take a load off a friend. Be good to your children or your family. 

And 2) Start to retrain the subconscious source of your fear. The best thing is to use Affirmations. In your moment of anxiety, repeat over and over again the affirmation that you don't "need" that thing, that you aren't limited, you ARE perfect and self-sufficient, you ARE connected to God and the universe. 

Really believe it in every cell of your body until it because automatic, and Voila!, no more anxiety. 

You need to affirm these things to retrain the low self, the ego, the subconscious mind (whatever terminology works), and reprogram it to align with spiritual growth and principles. 

It all gets back to "loving thy neighbor as thy self," and this being the most important commandment of all.

Hope that makes some sense, and aligns with your experience. But this has what worked for me."

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Gary Kinghorn: Faith Conquers Fear "

BT said (August 27, 2016):

Only error and false trails!" as a friend described his life when he was just 26 years old. First, it seems to me that Henry Makow doesn't need to work in a soup kitchen, because he has selflessly devoted his life to awakening humanity to the Satanic conspiracy trying to drag us down into the mud, down into the darkness, out of God's reach. He doesn't even ask us for money to support his website. He is trying his best to carry out God's will, and yet he admits he is still anxious, the result of his Jewish upbringing, perhaps, since they do seem to be "anxious". Secondly, it's no use the Pope insisting that even atheists can be "saved" by good works or donating to charities, and it's no use the poor Catholics chanting "Hail Marys" all day long while counting Hindu rosary beads, or imagining they are feasting like cannibals on Christ in the Eucharist. It's no use "visualizing" or "affirming" things like the occultists & New Agers do, elevating the human self above God, or trying to defy Him by elbowing aside His Son. The fact is plain and simple: ONLY JESUS CAN SAVE US. Only by turning our hearts to Him, in true repentance for all that the sins we have committed in this life or any others, and asking God's forgiveness, can we be rescued from Satan's power here on Earth, and lifted back up to Heaven where we once were, according to the judgment of Jesus Christ Our Lord and Saviour, to whom God gave the power to judge us in the Last Days, when the Earth itself will be destroyed, along with the evil that has invaded, consumed and corrupted it. In the New Heaven and Earth to be created by God, there will be no sea, no evil, suffering, cruelty or pain, only joy and laughter, as it was always meant to be. "He will wipe away every tear"...for "in Him there is no darkness at all".

Tony B said (August 27, 2016):

This is an exercise in humanism pretending to be spiritual.

Dan Abdshear said (August 27, 2016):

It is my belief that fear causes anger and hate. So if you rid yourself of fear, you also rid yourself of anger and hate. I got rid of fear quite some time ago.

In 2009 I was thrown in jail for the first time in my life. The judge then wanted to release me after a week in jail. When released the judge ordered anger management classes for me. I refused to go because I do not have any anger issues. So the judge threw me back in jail for over a month then.

I do not know exactly how I got rid of the fear within me some time ago. Especially now I have no fear because I've already lost so much there is not much more for me to lose really.

Perhaps the destruction that has happened to me has in fact made me fearless. Being fearless I've learned is the best way to live.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at