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alt-right -- Illuminati Trojan Horse ?

August 9, 2016

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As with Trump, the alt-right is saying many things we want to hear. 
But, as with Trump, can we trust them? Would any genuinely conservative
movement so blatantly embrace homosexuality? 

Hitler was as much Illuminati as Stalin. For the Illuminati, politics is just a charade.  The important thing is control, i.e. both sidesAs the Protocols said, there can be no genuine political discourse without money. And "we have it all." 

From MC:

Henry -- You ought to take the pulse of this alt-right movement that has sprouted up on Twitter. It's unbelievable. It's hijacked the GOP. An angry horde of mostly under-40 white men and women (tons of gorgeous young women) who are totally in race war mode and researching and organizing like crazy. They are Trump supporters and they're armed. Here's a few samples. Check it out. -- cheers, MC

(left, alt-right meme, which I largely agree with. Real "racism" is miscegenation, destroying racial identity. White backlash long overdue.-hm)


Dan replies: 

Let's just say I've got their number.  I've been watching and studying the Alt Right since spring of 2015.  They're just another psychological operation, a 'focus group'.  

Unlike BLM - another counterintelligence fraud - they're as harmless as Walter Mitty, and for the same reason.   Thurber's Mitty was Modern man gone soft due to loss of touch with the secret of masculinity.  What makes a man is not a square jaw, but simply the strength of selfless sacrifice for family and clan without complaint or hesitation.  That is the secret of male authority. 

Mitty fits the profile of effeminacy.  He fantasizes because he's soft, which is the reason he lacks male authority in real life.  That is the state of the Millennial male in 2016 when he wakes up.  In Alt Right terms they call this the 'Dark Awakening', or Red Pill experience. 

Since alt right spokesperson, Milo Yiannopoulos is also a very erudite Jewish Cambridge dropout, I assume he's a counterintelligence asset of a very clever MI6 / CIA psyop to mainstream homosexuality into the new 'all inclusive' version of the "Right" there pushing through social media platforms and college activism.

When you and I were on campus everybody took it for granted that we lived in safe countries on the top of the heap and we were at liberty to protest for 'peace' and diversity and psychedelic expansion and all the rest of that, which I did.   But those days have been gone for America since 2001.  

These Millennials feel vulnerable.  They sense terrible threats rising up, but they're soft, and have nothing but piles of forgotten books to guide them to try to reassemble Western Civilization. 

The so called 'Alt Right' is a Trojan Horse, a social media driven 'trend' masquerading as a movement.  

Not only are their 'leaders' effeminate, but it didn't take long for me to discover the 'bait and switch'... Suddenly several openly gay super queers appointed themselves leaders.  Such as Milo Yiannopoulos.  Milo is on the payroll of Brietbart and Buzzfeed, also gets travel expenses for this college hopping "Dangerous Faggot" tour representing the Alt Right, and campaigning for Donald Trump, to whom he refers as "daddy".    As in "Daddy will build the Wall".   Milo bills himself as 'Gay Catholic Jew' whose schtick is taking the far right position in debates with atheists, feminists, and anti-whites. 

 Below is a diagram of the Alt Right from one of their own websites.   


Dan adds:

Oh boy.  You've linked Alt Right to the White Genocide message.   No -- the 'Alt Right' is a counterintelligence operation to CO-OPT that message.  

Yes, my friend, there is intentional White Genocide in progress since 1945. 

I should have checked those links MC provided.  THE LINKS ARE NOT ALT RIGHT.  
Everybody on television and media DO say there is a race problem. 
They DO say problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

THEY DO say the final solution to this race problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to "assimilate," i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
They DO say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.You know this is right, Henry, you've written about the KALERGI PLAN yourself. 

Caucasians are targeted for extinction through ethnic cleansing and EUGENICS.  
The Alt Right DENIES all of the above.  It's founders, Richard Spencer and Jared Taylor DENY that there is a White Genocide in progress.   
White Genocide is happening. 

The Alt Right clowns are in fact promoting race suicide behaviors: effeminacy
racial snobbery, homosexuality, interracial sex , MGTOW, boozing
What we actually need is: Men to grow up, be responsible and strong
Marriage, to make large families; Respect for all races as they are, and the wisdom to keep it as nature made us. 

Related- Paul Ramsay - What is the Alt Right?
-----------------Five Serious Problems with the Alt Right Movement 
Why the Alt Right is Gay 

First Comment by Tyron Parsons

The Alt Right is a collection of rightists who've been purged from the political realm by the "Jews" and their libtard robots. The Alt Right movement is of NATURAL origin but like all genuine grass roots movements, elements of the 'Jewish" control structure are actively trying to co-opt it to use it to their ends as control opposition. Now that's just the plain fact. Andrew Anglin's Daily Stormer, Red Ice and many other groups and individuals are NOT part of controlled opposition ploy and are actively exposing people like Milo, Breibart and some other individuals and groups for being EXACTLY what this article's slanders everyone in the Alt Right as being.

Who in their right mind would think that Andrew's Daily Stormer is control opposition when every single method of financing this site has been BANNED (except for money orders by mail) by the "Jews"?

We white people are rising just as the authentic scriptures prophesied about Jacob in these last days of this particular age who's final act will be to utterly destroy the Esau "Jews" JWO.

CH writes:

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 Re the alt-right, Andrew Anglin, left, rubbishes those who say Charlie Hebdo, etc., were false flags. His facile argument is that if Zionists were going to do false flags, they'd blame them on white Europeans, not Muslims. Except they wouldn't  - that's the whole point. Blaming false flags on Muslims is an ingenious way of co-opting the right, even the far right, into cheerleading the War on Terror. Even sincere white nats can't resist jumping on the Islamophobic bandwagon, because they delude themselves that if Muslims can be shown to be terrorists, whites will demand an end to immigration. Where have they been for the last 15 years? Since the start of the War on Terror, Islamic immigration to the west has risen exponentially. White nats like Anglin, who denounce the Zionist media, but nonetheless promote Zionist media narratives, are at best useful idiots, at worst controlled opposition. 

Related - David Duke talks with Andrew Anglin 

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "alt-right -- Illuminati Trojan Horse ?"

anon said (August 12, 2016):

Dan does not have the alt right's number. I'm not in the movement but note some facts countering the thesis of your article. 1. The alt right dismisses MGTOW who mostly care about "game" to get laid, not family, tribe, nation, or creed. 2. Milo is not a "leader" in this extremely straight movement: 3. The alt right promotes masculine physique and combat.

My own critique lies just here. Physique and combat have their place, but form sidebars to the mental core of the big war. Our oppressors are wordsmiths, propagandists, financiers, and lawyers; pencil-necked geeks. Muscles aren't how to beat them.

Texe Marrs presents "Ways of the Serpent" on the "double mind" induced in victims. It is the principal enemy method. George Orwell fictionalized it as doublethink. It riddles laws under which Western societies malfunction. We do winning combat by knowing the enemy's method of striking. For example, very few normal folks consider "person" and "United States" to signify commercial corporations, or "driving" as commercial activity. Semantic deceit rules us and muscles won't beat it. That said, physical work does help mood and clear thinking, as the alt right properly notes.

Erik said (August 11, 2016):

I had to reply to your alt right article

The daily stormer has called out Milo and all other subversive jews trying to infect the movement.
If you read the website , it is dripping in sarcasm and won't hesitate to use what some consider racist language to point out our enemies. It labels the JEW as you have as the sole contributor to our white genocide.

Any movement could be subverted but I pray to God daily that the alt right takes over and TRUMP
is elected . We need the alt right. Us whites are fed up

Lisa said (August 10, 2016):

Definitely the alt-right is CIA psyop. CIA has infiltrated white nationalists as well. They are online tweeting lots of rage and racism. Government-Jews are actively drumming up race hate on all levels…and, its working just like it has in every country they destroy. I wish white people in US and UK were more observant and knowledgeable about how government, Jews, and CIA works. Everyone is falling lock and step into the plan. They also tell whites to drop Christianity because that is a Jew-made religion and they should go back to white pagan gods. THAT is totally CIA. Anytime Christianity is attacked KNOW its CIA. This stuff is just too easy to see for intelligent people, but cant be seen by idiots. Anger is an easy tool to use.

James C said (August 10, 2016):

It would seem logical to conclude, therefore, that merely working hard and having more children than you can possibly support are not the answers to all of the world's problems. I think the best counterarguments to your proffered solutions was that given by Aldous Huxley in his novel Island: "If war, waste, and moneylenders were abolished, you'd collapse. And while you people are overconsuming the rest of the world sinks more and more deeply into chronic disaster. Ignorance, militarism and breeding, these three--and the greatest of these is breeding. No hope, not the sllighest possibility, of solving the economic problem until that's under control. As population rushes up, prosperity goes down.... Another ten or fifteen years of uninhibited breeding, and the whole world, from China to Peru via Africa and the Middle East, will be fairly crawling with Great Leaders, all dedicated to the suppression of freedom, all armed to the teeth by Russia or America or, better still, by both at once, all waving flags, all screaming for Lebensraum."

Tyron said (August 10, 2016):

It is true that AA doesn't give public credence to false flags and there is a very good reason for that. The masses, most, don't believe in them and the "Jews" Media specializes in smearing all who expose such things, so in order to change the direction of Overton Window and push our narrative into the mainstream, we must "play politics" to an extent because after all, all false flags are surrounded by a body of lies promoted by the same to confuse the issues making sure the truth won't come out for a long time. Because of this, getting caught in that rabbit hole only works against our appeal and ultimate aim of our movement which is eventually to get to the root of our problems which is the "Jews", their Satanic religion and matrix of control.

Also, it's been well established that the "Jews" and Islam are in cahoots against whites/Christians, so even tho many attacks against our people are false flags, the mass rapes, robberies, riots and assaults are not, so please, "excuse us" CH if we don't acknowledge the "Jews" and their cohorts false flags; for we are too busy using everything at our disposal to boot these parasitic, criminal and genocidal foreigners from our lands knowing full well that if that isn't accomplished FIRST, nothing else will be possible.

KS said (August 10, 2016):

Here is a video from a small youtube channel, firestarter media. Is this the future for all of us?

'The True Story of Whites in South Arica' - Interviews with Whites in Squatter Camps

I have only come across a couple of pockets of 'Alt Right', namely Red Ice Radio and Firestarter Media so I am unaware of what goes on elsewhere but we all know that any organic 'grass roots' movement that gains traction will quickly be attacked, infiltrated, ridiculed and have phoney 'Leaders', imposed upon it.

The Alt Right do seem to have broken out of the Abrahamic mindset to some extent and can't be pushed back into the completely ineffective 'Traditinal Right' mould.

The advice from Dan that......'What we actually need is: Men to grow up, be responsible and strong Marriage, to make large families; Respect for all races as they are, and the wisdom to keep it as nature made us.' is a basic Alt Right message and fine except for the Marriage part. Any man who gets married under the Western legal system is stupid to the point of imbecility. After the divorce laws are scrapped?... Maybe.

Doug P said (August 10, 2016):

"My concern is doing away with whiteness. Whiteness is a form of racial oppression. Sure. The suggestion is, that it is somehow possible, to separate whiteness from oppression and it is not. There can be no white race without the phenomenon of white supremacy. You abolish slavery and you abolish slave owners. In the same way if you do away with oppression you do away with whiteness.....and the task is to bring this minority together in such a way that it makes it impossible for the legacy of whiteness to continue to reproduce itself. "--Noel Ignatiev, University Professor Massachusetts School of Art

-"The ULTIMATE Guide to the Jewish Agenda of Immigration and Multiculturalism" on YouTube

Tony B said (August 9, 2016):

One finds it interesting that there seems to be no mention of the plight of white South Africans these days. Showing regularly what has happened to these people, as you have in some posts, would be the shock necessary to unite those who are targeted. All that charted multi-organizational gobble-de-gook amounts to the usual Soros type divide and conquer lies.

BTW, Mady told me half a century ago that the last bastion for the white man would be Siberia. More and more it appears that she was correct again.

JG said (August 9, 2016):

The Marxist founded and led Civil Rights organizations have sabotaged White Identity over the last 50 years.
They have successfully perverted their psyche with nefarious claims that are laughable.

Without the White Christian race the world is a ghetto. Just drive through the neighborhoods in America where there are no Whites and tell me what you have experienced if you have the courage to do so.

The Political Correctness Psy Op is just as laughable as those who advocate it retreat back to their lily white suburbs where they reside including the affluent blacks that can afford to live in those suburbs.

The NWO Illuminati forces know that as long as the White/ Euro Christian population remains segregated it cannot be thoroughly corrupted and therefore they remain a threat to their agenda for world satanism where there is no independence or Christian morality.

B said (August 9, 2016):

While it is undoubtedly true that the elite did not want blacks to procreate too much, they first made sure to fasten the destruction of their families. Abortions in fact ended the crime waves of the 1970s, because if single mother households are pumping out delinquents and sluts, then it does not serve anyone.

The black community in the 1950s was more stable than the white one with a 90% marriage level. It fell apart quickly due to clever engineering, social security only to single mothers, destruction of low-tier jobs, no-fault divorce etc. Yet the black community has to accept some blame for all of that too.

The question is whether the US would be better or worse off if those millios of black babies were born to single mothers? Now that said - if those families were as stable as in the 1950s - sure.

And that leaves aside the discussion whether abortion is ultimately wrong. At the crux of the argument is an ideological one - when does soul enter a body? When it is a few cells that can be divided and multiplied at that level or sometime later? Ultimately while I am not a big fan of it, there should be the option available. Sex and life is messy even with extremely stable marriage patterns and 90% being married and having little need for abortion.

MC said (August 9, 2016):

The interesting thing I've noticed is that some of these people are doing genuine research and influencing the MSM coverage.

For example, Bezos' WAPO had a front-page feature the other day debunking the alt-right's ubiquitous claims about HRC's health.

The alt-right Twitterverse is also giving Holocaust revisionism unprecedented visibility, especially among younger readers.

I'm following a few dozen of their Twitter accts. and I'll keep you posted of any relevant developments.

I read Dan's comment. I just got on board reading this stuff and Milo gets very little attention these days. On the contrary, there's a fair amount of virulent gay bashing.

If the Twitter alt-right community is phony, then its 24/7 focus on well documented Holocaust revisionism is the biggest limited hangout of all time.

Vamos a ver -- we shall see.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at