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Do Crypto Jews Rule India?

July 9, 2016

(Emblem of the Theosophical Society, once part of Arya Samaj. The link between the swastika and "Star of David" is noteworthy.)

The "Arya Samaj" sect masquerades as Hindu
but is in fact Kabbalistic, Masonic and Jewish.

by Rajeev Kapoor

Almost a thousand years ago, during the Islamic purge of non-Muslims in the Middle East, many Jews traveled eastward to India in search of a new home. 

In India, in the Nineteenth Century, Freemasons Swami Vivekananda and Dayananda Saraswati, in conjunction with other Jewish Freemasons formed the Hindu Sect known as "Arya Samaj." 

Cross-pollinated by Madam Blavatsky and her Theosophical Society, the "Arya Samaj" sect of Hinduism promulgated a mono-theistic faith (not having multiple deities like the rest of the Hindus), transformed Chanukkah into Diwali (the festival of lights occurring on the same days), were meat eaters instead of vegetarian, and like many Jews, were obsessed with accumulating wealth, power, education, dominance, supremacy, and military might. 

In fact, the only idol allowed within the Arya Samaj sect, out of the countless gods sported by Hinduism, was the elephant god, "Ganesh," who symbolized wealth, prosperity, education, and material earthly providence. 

Today, members of the Punjabi Arya Samaj virtually rule and run the entire country, and are captains of India's industry, business, military, Bollywood (India's version of Hollywood), media, banking, culture and nightlife, and of course politics. Mahatma Gandhi and Jawarlahal Nehru would be the most well known, but also Rabindranath Tagore, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Radakrishnan, and Raj Tata. The leaders of the Indian Independence movement like Ramprasad Bismil, Bhagat Singh, Shyamji Krishnavarma, Bhai Paramanand and Lala Lajpat Rai were to be inspired by it. Also Sri Aurobindo and Subhash Chandra Bose.

Now pretty much all progressive Indian political leaders belong to this Freemasonic Kabbalah Jewish sect including Atul Bihar Vajpayee of the BJP. 

In business, Tata Enterprises, is run by Ratan Tata, an open and avowed Punjabi Arya Samaj. He literally runs India as well as many international corporations like British Steel (now called Tata Steel).

Arun Sarin controlled Vodofone India. One of his ancestors changed his first name to "Faqir Sarin" in order to dodge the Islamic sword and Jizyah tax on the "non-believer dhimmis," and finally made his way into North India. There he found sanctuary in the Arya Samaj HinduTemple where he could practice his satanic Jewish Kabbalah faith. But to others, he was just an average Hindu Indian, and so was his family. 

The learned elders of the Arya Samaj Temple, were all high level Freemasonic Jews, and the higher one rose in this Temple, the more knowledge, information and "light" were provided. 

Only the highest levels knew that their temple and religion was in fact, Kabbalistic Jewish and utterly devoted to Kabbalistic studies, just like the Jesuits of Spain and Italy, the Donmeh of Turkey, the Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia, the Mormons of Utah, and other groups throughout the world, devoted entirely to Kabbalistic Jewish (Illuminati) world domination.

Related- The Arya Samaj In India - how they present themselves
----------------   Are TKK Jews Running China?

First Comment by SL:

The first 4 paragraphs of the article by Rajiv Kapoor on Jewish/Talmmudic influence in India 
is so historically inaccurate, it is totally misleading and unjust toward many of the great thinkers mentioned there. 
This is based on many years of study not zealotry.
It would be more accurate to say that there is a strong conservative almost punishingly so, but you'd have to have intimate experience and knowledge of that and other Indian cultures to be able to make valid comparisons, in Punjabi culture, as well as a macho and deeply materialistic elements that dominate aspects of 'cultural Sikhism' and Punjabi traditions. Their culture that is Kapoor's culture is a colourful variation but far less subtle than the deep southern Indian materialism that also often masquerades as spirituality and religion. Kapoor must have a desperately poor understanding and knowledge of true Hindu culture in its various pure and yes, higher manifestations. Indeed, taking Vivekananda for example, his whole obsession was with the practical spirituality over superstition, discriminatory practices and myth. Blavatsky is a subject and a person, on whom very little has ever been written correctly about, as is Theosophy. I think MR Kapoor would do well to study a few volumes of her work before writing such shallow and misguided comments about her/it. Ms. Blavatsky's intelligence and knowledge certainly dwarfed that of most scholars and politicians, and Kapoor does not come across a good example of the intelligentsia - far from it - the word pop philosopher and Jingoism comes to mind. 
It is true however that Punjabi/Bollywood culture has poisoned much of Indian pop culture and culture in general with its machoism, utter disrespect for women and its utterly infantile gaudy tastelessness and simple lack of dedication to anything that can be called acting - and it has that wonderful Indian quality of not being embarrassed by its lack of sophistication and base bawdiness as well as its astonishing lack of imagination. It is well known that the 2 cultures that assimilate to westernisation (in general) most rapidly in India are Punjabis and Gujeratis, so much so that Gujeratis are known as the economic Jews of India, and Punjabis as just plain uncultured. Their colloquial language is, in the former case is dead giveaway and a testament to the crudity and testosterone driven nature of their 'culture' as it is rife with barbaric expletives and crudity beyond any other vernacular of the sub continent that one is likely to encounter or know of. Of course, fine strands exist within it as they do within Sikhism, but finding fine strands amongst a bale of weevils is not so easy.  
And it is also true that the Calcuttan Tata family are the epitome of materialism and monopoly, and that this does stem back to the Aryan influenced caste system, as prior to the Aryan invasions - I don't know for sure but some historians indicate maybe some 500 years before christ - (however the precise date is academic), allegedly introduced caste into the Vedic system.
Monopolism, privilege, hypocrisy, exploitation, psychopathy, caste - they are universal evils that pervade every culture, and I do not deny that Jewish influence was present in India and probably much to India's detriment, however, his tying up that with the Donmeh, and so on is as spurious in evidence as it is sparse in detail. Our Mr Kapoor seems to have the typically poor propagandist slant on reality that I have heard so many times from people of that cultural origin (I have also experienced the opposite, but that is partly because my intense studies and interests connected me to those rare individuals). It is based on a 'Little Punjab' perspective where as they often proudly proclaim, everything in Punjab is big, ... except for critical analysis and self analysis.
I would take that article with more than a pinch of salt, and personally would be embarrassed to be associated with it.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Do Crypto Jews Rule India? "

BT said (July 11, 2016):

In contrast to most of the other commenters, I thought Rajeev Kapoor's article was fascinating and thought-provoking---a fundamentally important contribution to our understanding of the vast tentacles of this New World Order octopus. The supposed conflict between Muslims and Jews is a clever illusion, designed to obscure the historical fact that Islam was CREATED BY JEWS as a Proxy Army to destroy Christianity, being the creation of Mohammed's first wife Khadija, the 40-year-old Jewish Yemeni Kabbalist Sorceress and Slave Trader, who "helped" her young employee husband to write down his "new religion", based on the Jewish Talmud/Torah, which explains why the two religions are so similar. Jews have never been the real target of Islamic conquest---only Christians, as the Jews intended.

Amber said (July 10, 2016):

Kapoor sounds like he has got a bit of the Islmophobe bug.

Wherever there are Jews (perhaps they are not real Jews either, but an alien strain masquerading as Jews of the Book) – it’s a given -- you will always find some sort of corruption and ginning up of conflict they do amongst the Gentiles.

Israel appears to have been created as their refuge and nest from all their crimes – and headquarters for all their global crimes.

Sunny said (July 10, 2016):

Swami Vivekananda was neither a Freemason nor did he formed or had any relation with "Arya Samaj". It seems you or Rajeev kapoor have NO idea about what Freemason is.
Rabindranath Tagore too had no distant relation with so-called Arya Samaj except he was invited by them for award ceremonies. This article is indeed funny :-)

AA said (July 9, 2016):

Read the latest article by Rajeev Kapoor, and whilst fascinating, he made a number of negative inferences regarding Islam-conquering by the sword, dhimmis and jaziya tax. Henry, he is wrong on all accounts. Read a book by Yusuf Alqarzavi and Azhar Nadvi, entitled Islam: Muslims and Non-Muslims. This book provides an in-depth analysis of how non-Muslims were treated by the conquering Muslims, in particular, when Islam came to India. I strongly recommend people read this, as it destroys the tired and false claim that Islam spread via the sword -(what sword claimed Indonesia to the Muslims?)

There is no compulsion in religion. Truth stands out clear from Error. Quran 11;256

And, Wilt than compel mankind, against his will, to believe Al Quran X:99

I agree, however, as a side note, that the Wahhabis and the Donhmeh are definitiely closet kabbalistic Jews. I would further argue that the entire Iranian leadership are also deeply in cohoots with the Freemasons and Kabala. In Islam, Imams do not carry any power what so sever; a theocracy is strictly unIslamic-people don't get this, and so Saudi Arabia is the same. Islam by the sword never happened, and Rajeev needs to remove the orientalist mindset in order to seek the whole truth.

Andrew said (July 9, 2016):

PROBLEM WITH Rajeev Kapoor narrative is that Islamic armies conquered India by 8th century AD. Jews of India have always been open. India has a legacy of four distinct Jewish groups: the Bene Israel, the Cochin Jews, the Sephardic Jews from Europe, and the “Baghdadis” from Iraq. Each group practiced important elements of Judaism and had active synagogues. The Sephardic rites predominate among Indian Jews.

And the Tata family descended from Zoroastrians

Rajeev replies:

If Andrew were to look closely ,the open Jewish communities established throughout India (Bene Israel, Cochin Jews, Baghdadi Jews, Maibar Jews) occurred in the deep south or east or middle India where Muslim influence, intolerance, and enforcement was virtually nil.

The Northwestern Punjabi areas where Muslim influence was strong and severe (and conflict was rampant) was where crypto-Jewry/clandestine Freemasonic-Kabbalah lodges were established under the auspices of the Arya Samaj movement.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at