Brexit- What is the Hidden Globalist Game?
June 26, 2016

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June 26, 2016
Oliver Hansen said (June 27, 2016):
I read about a map from Orwell´s 1984. There the world is divided into 4 major regions. Interestingly England on that map is singled out from Europe and is part of “Oceania†(America/South Africa/Australia). All the rest of Orwell´s Europe is part of “Eurasia†(from Spain to Russian Pacific Coast). (Orwell Map)
Nevertheless according to the bureaucrat´s own numbers 51.9% Brits are not buying into the narrative. Sounds like the “scientific dictatorship†is running on 3 wheels.
Peter said (June 27, 2016):
So if Northsider is right with his analysis, is he saying it would have been a loss for the Zio establishment if the Remains had won? Some loss. Can they EVER lose? Or is this simply another attempt to spin a loss into a win for the Zios to make them appear all-powerful and invincible? Can they now be winners both ways? Something is not right here. If the Remains had won, it would surely have been presented as an establishment win.
James C said (June 27, 2016):
Why am I not surprised? The Zionists brought us World Wars I and II, and it looks as though they will bring us World War III. But the Zionists will never realized their dream of a one-world, debt-ruled superstate under their control.
James C said (June 27, 2016):
Why am I not surprised? The Zionists brought us World Wars I and II, and it looks as though they will bring us World War III. But the Zionists will never realized their dream of a one-world, debt-ruled superstate under their control.
IF said (June 26, 2016):
Henry, I'm not sure what the fuss about the "Brexit" is. The media already had a hashtag nicname for this BS before it even was confirmed? People do realize of course that the Bank of England IS the first central bank of the fractional reserve system, and still is a top member of the groups of central banks that make up the Federal Reserve and the central banks of the other countries. So whether the Uk are in the "EU" or not, the same bank still prints the money. I'm sorry to say, but I'm sure those in the Illuminati relay on this gullibility of the common people to push their agenda. It really is sad and embarrassing to see white people glorify the Brexit as some kind of show of you are still owned by the same banks. It's sad to say it is this gullibility and false enthusiasm that characterizes the elite's attitude towards the white masses.
As a Jew I know that among some Jews there is a scornful attitude for the seeming gullibility and blind gung hoism of the Caucasian culture. I would like to see the English free themselves too, but if they think this is freedom they won't get far.
Tony B said (June 26, 2016):
I have to agree more with the Boyle comment. For one thing, in all the web sites I visit for information I had not seen one single comment even close to what the interestingly anonymous "Northsider" claims was common media rhetoric before the vote. One would reasonably expect that at least one would have picked up comments by the elite and warned against it. Perhaps the elite was only "talking" to itself.
Also, it should be common knowledge by now that the EU control is ONLY at the prostitute governing top in every last European nation; that the common people of every EU nation want out and back to being their own nation under their own control. Thus the Brexit vote, which you can bet was as criminally corrupted for "STAY" as the money powers could possibly corrupt it, was NOT what those powers wanted as it could very well preview a complete breakup of their European conquest with multiple overthrows of those paper-thin ranks of Rothschild prostitutes in charge. Makes me believe the actual vote to leave may have been as high as 90%.
Of course, the Rothschild cabal of the City of London will do everything possible to make some sort of gain out of the vote but it will be a re-building gain, not a further enslavement of Europe. Remember, these satanic egoists had confidently expected to have undisputed rule of the whole world by the year 2000.
--Northsider replies re anonymity:
Perhaps Mr "B" (how's that for irony?) is unaware of the various hate speech laws which exist in Europe - in which case he shouldn't really be commenting on European issues. If he IS aware of such laws, perhaps he feels brave enough to visit, say London, and tweet some of the stuff he says here under his own name, and see how long it is before he ends up in a police cell. If he accepts this challenge, I'll be suitably impressed. If he doesn't, I think it would be better for him to keep quiet about other people's motives.
Ryan said (June 26, 2016):
It seems obvious to me that the elite would secretly favor Brexit. With several European countries now vying for a possible exit from the EU; this would cause considerable chaos to not only Europe but world markets and inflame the already volatile manufactured migrant crisis/immigration situation . It seems quite clear they are sticking to their masonic mantra - Order out of chaos.
Glen said (June 26, 2016):
We should know by now when ANYTHING is presented in a positive or even semi-positive light by the masonic Jew-controlled main stream media, they are behind it for one reason or another. No matter how much the pukes like Cameron jump up and down and scream "we must remain", we must realize he is just a puppet for the masters and is more than likely vying for that which he is speaking against.
We must also realize if the controllers wanted this referendum to fail, they would have "got er done" through vote fraud, as they have done with so many referendums throughout history. One that comes to mind is the recent California GMO-Labeling Ballot known as Prop 37. As Joseph P. Farrell put it, "Frankly, when I heard that this measure had gone down to defeat in a state that can only be qualified as a "granola" state, I was rather surprised, and immediately began to suspect that there may have been fraud involved."
They used to tell us, believe none of what you hear and half of what you see. With the advent of the green screen, it is clear we will never be able to believe a single thing we are told or what we "believe" we see with our own two eyes. We really do live in a matrix that consist of nothing but a web of lies and propaganda, fed to us on a regular basis by those who own and control us.
Until we realize our political leaders are nothing more than controlled entities themselves, that they are nothing more than "Judas Goats" we will never be free. For all to become aware of the level of betrayal we as tax slaves live under I recommend a book by Michael Collins Piper titled "The Judas Goats (The Enemy Within)". What follows is the Wikipedia definition of a Judas goat.
"A Judas Goat is a term used to describe a trained goat used at a slaughterhouse and in general animal herding. The Judas goat is trained to associate with sheep or cattle, leading them to a specific destination."
"In stockyards, a Judas goat will lead sheep to slaughter, while its own life is spared. Judas goats are also used to lead other animals to specific pens and onto trucks. The term Judas Goat is derived from a biblical reference to Judas Iscariot [who betrayed Jesus Christ to the Pharisees]."
Steve said (June 26, 2016):
Excellent assessment of Brexit. I assumed this without knowing any of this. I believe for the last several millennium that the same groups have ruled and perfected it to such a degree that there is nothing in this world now that isn't purposely manipulated in every country and vote process. This includes Trump and Putin. From Egypt to Greece to Rome to the Vatican. They now have the technology and DNA control, it doesn't look good.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
BF said (June 27, 2016):
Brilliant!! I believe this has been done to trigger the financial collapse and social unrest that the Globalts want and will exploit. Yes it is an attractive ruse or shall we say Trojan Horse?
It's worth pointing out, by the way, that Johnson, and more especially Gove, are close personal friends of British Prime Minister David Cameron, which makes it, therefore, more than plausible to suggest that their dispute over Brexit is pure political theatre for the gullible masses and nothing more.