Indonesia Proves Islamophobia is a Lie
May 13, 2016

Many people find the West in moral and intellectual decline. Issues such as gay 'marriage,' transgender toilets, spiritual pogroms against white males, nuclear families and Christians in general, Common Core, and a laundry list of related items are almost literally chasing the middle class out of the country.
Indonesia offers a strong traditional alternative. The traditional family, sanctity of one's home, and a strong heterosexual, male-dominated culture present a radical departure from the satanically possessed West.
Religion figures prominently in society, and despite a large Muslim majority, is quite tolerant and for the most part peaceful. There is occasional violence, usually against property, but those responsible are normally dealt with quickly and decisively.
Roughly 80% to 85% of the population is Muslim but the Constitution guarantees protections for Hinduism, Buddhism, Catholicism, and Protestantism, as well. The laws go so far as to forbid mixed-religion marriages. One of the partners will have to convert, at least on paper, or marry outside the country (not easy anywhere in Asia.)

In Indonesia, marriage is
considered a sacred union between a man and a woman. When getting
married in Indonesia, one must first receive a blessing from a
mosque, church or temple before applying to register the marriage
with the government. There are no civil unions here. The concept of
'gay 'marriage' is all but unthinkable here, and the US is
derided for recent changes there.
Though not strictly legal, Muslim men may have up to four wives, though only one can be registered with the government. A man must have the permission of his current wives in order to take on another. The families are generally kept separate and usually in different cities or towns.
Though Indonesia is very egalitarian in many respects, the man is still very much in charge of his hearth and home. It is still traditional for a young woman to audition her housekeeping skills for prospective in-laws. Fathers are automatically considered to have the final word in their house, and no Communist social services will appear at the door for sensitivity training because of it. There are, however, wildly differing cultures in Indonesia, and they have their own internal rules. A foreigner looking for a spouse will want to study family background and traditions before diving in. This will save a lot of headache and surprises later.
When it comes to manners and social graces, Indonesian society is very traditional and polite. People are almost always referred to with an honorific, such as the local equivalent of Sir or Ma'am, or in more familiar circumstances Uncle and Aunt, or Grandfather and Grandmother, even when there is no blood relationship.
Education in Indonesia is somewhat of a grab bag. If a local can afford it, children are sent to international schools, tutoring centers, or even out of country for education. The international schools generally conduct classes in English and Mandarin, and have a heavy emphasis on Math, Science and Business skills.
The primary focus of an Indonesian education is to produce managers and operators for local companies. This leads to a strong and growing middle class, but the people are not well-rounded or multi-disciplinary. In other words, schooling is very functional and utilitarian.

The public schools are very low-tech and have a heavy Islamic content. Very low emphasis is placed on History, Art and Literature in favor of additional time spent on religious studies. When second languages are offered, it is generally English or Mandarin. The Sciences are most certainly presented within a religious context, as well. However, there is a wealth of tutoring services that offer specialized education in various subjects. There is a strong class system here that is based primarily on the educational opportunities that one receives. The lower class will rarely go past high school if they attend school at all, while the upper class invests much time and resources in advanced education.
Literacy rates are very high in Indonesia because the language is designed to be learned very quickly. Despite that fact, very few Indonesians read for pleasure and bookstores can be rather spartan. Television and movies are the primary forms of entertainment, with little opportunity for things like theatre, symphony and ballet, unless one travels to major cities in other countries. This is slowly changing, but it will require some time for democratization.
Choosing to ex-patriate to any country will require sacrifices. Relocating to nearly any country in Asia will force a major change in culture and lifestyle. One must be fully aware of what is being gained and lost in any move. However you feel about foreigners in your native country is liable to be how others will feel about you. It is very important to assimilate as much and as quickly as possible in a new country. Most people will be deeply insulted and resentful I one does not make a sincere attempt to learn the local language and customs.
One final note. As you ponder ex-patriating, do not focus on escaping something, but rather on moving toward something else. This may seem like a subtle difference, but it will make a major difference in the quality of your decision. For instance, some folks might be escaping 'gay marriage' by moving to a country that allows bigamy, which they may find equally offensive. If you have decided to leave home, then you already know what you are leaving. Keep your sights on what you want to find in your new home.
Bernard Grover is an award-winning arts and entertainment professional living in Indonesia for the past eight years. Grover recently completed the country's first commercial arts center and brought the first-ever Broadway musical to Jakarta. His blog can be found at, and he produces the interview program Radio Far Side on YouTube.
First Comment by Ken Adachi:
The answer to America's current dilemma is to STAY HERE and fight, and return it back to the freedom-loving country it once was in the late 19th century and early 20th century, by wresting power away from the sellout, Zionist-sponsored political cretins who are responsible for funding and passing the rammed-through, un-debated, unconstitutional "Acts" that are negating our constitutionally guaranteed liberties and converting America into a Marxist/Communist Hell hole.
We ALREADY are living in the Greatest Land of Abundance the world has ever known, and ALREADY possess the most Individual-rights protective Constitution of any nation in the world. Why on earth would we abandon it and start over again, working up from the bottom, as an immigrant in a third world Muslim country?
The way to restore America back to being, once again, the most desired country that people around the world had previously yearned to live in, is to dismantle all of the Gestapo-style agencies (DHS, TSA, Fusion Centers, FEMA, CIA, NSA, etc.) and to repeal/reverse all of the "Acts", Executive Orders, Presidential Directives, funding authorizations, etc that are imposing the iron hand of totalitarianism upon us. The US congress is REEKING with fifth columnists and Zion-sponsored, self serving TRAITORS who can be removed and replaced by pro-constitution, anti-NWO, freedom-loving patriots if only the majority of voters in this country would WAKE up, smell the coffee, and vote out Zionist-owned traitors. Trump WILL be the next President. If only he could be given an 'America First' congress to work with. That would be something!
Don't like the promotion of homosexual perversion being rammed down your kid's throat at school? FIGHT
Don't want your kids or your wife exposed to transgerder bathroom decrees from Washington? FIGHT
Fed up with seeing 3 Billion of your tax dollars yearly going to fund Zionist Israel's reign of terror against Palestinians? FIGHT
Stop taking it. Get up and FIGHT with words and deeds and take back this wonderful country which belongs to the American People, not the Jackals & Cretins of Zion.
M said (May 14, 2016):
Frankly I can hardly believe how rosy your view of Islam has become.
Long before the takeover of the Eyes Wide Shite society via usury was the Muslim world busy waging war and killing in the name of Allah.
They waged hundreds of bloody wars against the Christians, Hindus and practically everyone. If they had won, then we would be living in the Middle Ages.
Islam should be forbidden on Earth for the good of humanity just like usury and Luciferianism.
I wonder how anyone cannot see that the Muslim world just got pushed by the scientific, humanitarian and spiritual advances of the West in the last centuries. Even their reforms in the last century up until the 1970s were only a reaction to the crushing civilizational defeat against the West.
Sure - the current radicals are certainly funded and supplied by the top, since they want WW3, but it's not as if they are really innocent there. If the Muslim countries were given suddenly super-advanced technology, then you would find out quickly how peaceful the religion of peace truly is.
Thanks M
What gets me is that we have destroyed numerous Muslim countries yet people like you think they are threatening us.