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May 29, 2016

Huge Feminist Psy-op in Brazil.

by Marcos

A 16 year old girl who has lived "la vida loca" since she was 13 as girlfriend to drug dealers in a favela in Rio is supposedly raped by 33 men. 

First of all, let me say that rape is a heinous crime and must be severely punished. This situation must be thoroughly investigated and the criminals must be brought to justice. The girl must receive psychological assistance.

Is justice the focus? Unfortunately no. The whole thing turned into an opportunity for pushing the marxist/feminist agenda.

Feminists claim "all men are rapists" and try to sell the ridiculous notion that there is a "rape culture" in the country, like in parts of India. The reality is that in Brazil rape is regarded as a monstrous crime by society and is severely punished even by criminals themselves (rapists are killed and raped in prisons). 

A marxist militant with a history of involvement with violent terrorist groups is quickly arranged to be her lawyer, and is demanding that rape convictions be settled based only on the word of the woman, with no medical exams to prove it. A manifestation from feminists was performed yesterday in Rio, demanding the compulsory "education" for boys so they won't become rapists. Sexist jokes, whistles and even smiles to women (no kidding) must be prohibited, since they lead to rape, they say. 

In the international press, there is absolutely no mention that the girl had sex with her drug dealer friends. It is written in a way one would think she was kidnapped from the streets. In fact, she had returned from a "funk" party and went to a friend's house. Funk parties are common in favelas: they all are dominated by drug dealers and display songs of violence, hatred for police and sex (including rape). It is not unusual to see public sex and nudity. Believe it or not, the marxist government consider them "cultural events" and even sponsor them financially. 

However, pictures of the girl taking drugs, making sensual poses and posing with automatic rifles and pistols have surfaced. People in the favela say she used to participate regularly in orgies (if you mention that fact, they say you support rape). There is no proof that 33 (notice the number) guys raped her. The problem is that someone recorded a video of the girl lying naked and sent it to the internet, so it became a great opportunity for the feminists and for  the marxists, who desperately want any reason to distract people from the many scandals of Dilma that surface every day. Of course, no mention that the Left has always defended drug dealers as  victims of society, and also prevented the reduction of the age of responsibility for serious crimes. An orgy with a minor, rape or not, is a crime, as is the posting of a video, but thanks to the Left, most of the boys will walk away free since they are under 18. The life of the girl as a whole is a tragedy, not only the rape incident, but this is never debated, because it would expose the negligence of the Leftist government in fighting child abuse, drug traffic and funk parties. 

Also, many other past victims of rape have been totally neglected by the Left. A radical marxist Congresswoman recently defended a rapist boy who killed his victim later because he was a minor. A Workers party Senator, Gleisi Hoffman, kept for a long time as her personal aide a rapist and a pedophile, Eduardo Gaiveski.  The hypocrisy is enough to make your blood boil. Let drug dealers in peace and put the blame on good, honest men and boys, for being born men. Needless to say, by neglecting to discuss the real reasons of violence, the Left will only make many other women be raped in the future. 

The girl's family is apparently evangelical, and the grandmother is raising the girl's baby. According to the grandma, the girl spends a couple of days at home and then disappears for 4, 5 days, having a good time around her drug dealer friends. After being interviewed, the girl once again fled from her mother. 

It is interesting that this week in Florida a 15 year-old girl had consensual sex with 25 students, but the US left let the opportunity slip. Marxists in America are amateurs compared to their Brazilian counterparts. 

Related- First arrest made 
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Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at