Germans Feel Defeated by Migrant Invasion
April 4, 2016
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April 4, 2016
AW said (April 6, 2016):
I read your latest post about the Migrant invasion of Europe (I have read everything you post about this issue).
As a Muslim and justice seeker, I feel deeply sad and angry about what I am reading in this articles.
I don't want Europeans to become a minority in their own homelands as we Palestinians became one in ours.
I don't support the lawless behavior of some of these migrants and don't know of a single Muslim who would defend their criminal actions.
How can I convince your readers (the ones who are sincere truth seekers) that the actions of these migrants do not represent all Muslims and DEFINITELY do not represent Islamic teaching.
I also feel sorry for the REAL refugees (women and children) from Syria and elsewhere whose homes have been destroyed by the Globalists and who now have nowhere to go.
Sigh...this issue has caused me so much anguish, but I feel powerless to do anything.
SK said (April 6, 2016):
What The Nazi 's Done To All Six Million Jews , They All Deserve To Burn In Hell For That Back In The World War 2 Days ! With Adolph Hitler That Satan Worshipping Sick Sadistic Animal !
N said (April 5, 2016):
Good text from Oliver. It's true.... I lived 5 years in Munich - last year in September I moved away and I am glad about it. The only men who chatted me up in the open street, were always Africans. I wouldn't dare any more to walk alone in this city in the evening.
The number of deaths of popular Germans recently made me conspicuous, too.
The situation in Germany is really frustrating. Indeed, more and more Germans wake up and see the potential of violence and the traumatization that come along with the migrants, and the iniquities regarding the Germans, but most of them still think that Germany is a democracy and that they can change things when they vote another politician who is promising anything better. Their mindset is absolutely caught in the system.
BF said (April 5, 2016):
I read your article on the influx of immigrants into Germany with some interest. As far as Germany is concerned, Europeans react with mixed feelings about its current predicament, as memories of two world wars cannot easily disappear. Worse, Germany is one of the chief culprits for the breakup of the former Yugoslavia in 1991, being one of the first to recognize the independence of Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia, and later on the absurd "independence" of Kosovo, which was always historic Serbian land, holding 1,300 Orthodox churches and monasteries. German foreign policy continued in 1991 where it stopped in 1945.
The current influx of immigrants is not as innocent as it appears. Only 5 % are native Syrian refugees, while the remaining 95 % are the unemployed of the Middle East, Asia and Africa, where the population has increased by ten times during the last 100 years. These unemployed are guided into Germany by Turkey and Saudi Arabia, the former issuing forged Syrian passports and travel instructions. Turkey is dreaming of resurrecting the Ottoman Empire, while Saudi Arabia of turning the whole of Europe into a Muslim continent. Even so, neither of these two countries could have done what they are still doing if they did not have the backing of someone. What we have here is geopolitics, where the intent is to prevent Germany becoming the chief power of Europe and also preventing the creation of a Russian-German economic and political union, which would mean the end of the EU and NATO. This immigrant invasion of Germany will destroy the country, as it already has one of the lowest birth rates in Europe. Worse, this immigrant invasion will destroy Europe, where there are sizeable non-Christian communities in the UK, France, Belgium, Holland and Sweden. Last year a well known Polish website gave an analysis of the immigrant problem, concluding that if the influx of immigrants is not reversed, then a day will come when the entire native population of Europe will flee to Russia for survival. This may not be as fantastic as it sounds, but a real possibility. The popularity of Putin after his Syrian intervention has dramatically soared amongst ordinary people in Europe.
We have to remember that the people responsible for Germany's sins are the same people responsible for the migrant invasion. Our solidarity must be will the German people. We are in the same position as they.
JG said (April 5, 2016):
I had the pleasure of serving in West Germany 35 years ago. The German people were great. It was a beautiful country at that time and they also had a strong economy and a social democratic form of government.
World War two had long been over and West Germany was now an ally and a friend to America and the "free world".
The only immigrant population at that time to speak of was an ethnic Turkish population in some of the cities like Nuremberg. They were civil and kind hearted and they had respect for the German people and were happy to be there. I remember spending time with them in one of their restaurants and they didn't stop buying me drinks.
This all changed when the Berlin Wall came down and the Cold War ended.
They now have lost their independence and have inherited a Communist friendly leader in Chancellor Merkel. The new wave of immigrants in Germany now are not the hard working practicing Muslims they once had but are young third worlders whose home nations were more than happy to unload.
This move by Merkel and her NWO bosses to sabotage the social fabric and identity of the German people with forced foreign third world immigration is treasonous.
However, knowing the German people, they won't be tolerating this charade for too much longer. The Germans have a long history of not going down without a fight.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Horst said (May 6, 2016):
There is absolutely no error in Oliver’s heart-breaking description of the situation in Germany and the cowed-down Germans. If Germany falls, along with America, the “destroyers†of this planet would have achieved their goal, “nwoâ€!!!
“Merkel†(or should it be an insult to the lovely FERKEL ??) is jewish and a traitor to Germany and groomed by the other traitor “kohn†aka "kohl".
BUT people all over the world are waking up and shall revolt against the SCUM of this earth.
This is the final battle and victory, once and for all, will be OURS, GOD will stand us by, we all pray for it.