FBI-Apple Backdoor is a Red Herring
February 24, 2016

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February 24, 2016
JG said (February 25, 2016):
Sorry, but you have been deceived.The government can hack into any phone they want and at any time with or without Apple's permission.
The reason for the media extravaganza over this issue is to divert attention away from the suspect and shift it to the legal rights pertaining to current privacy laws.
Why? Because like so many suspects in today's world of "terrorist shootings" this man is more than likely a patsy and hacking into his phone publicly would expose him as such.
CR said (February 24, 2016):
I was thinking the same thing, it's just like how Glen Greenwald (gay) and Bradley Manning AKA Chelsea (transsexual) are the heroes of the WikiLeaks thing. Now sexual deviants are the beacons of hope for freedom and democracy. Similar to how the gay agenda is promoted through putting gay characters in TV shows and movies, they are trying to get a few conspiracy nuts to sympathize with them.
Also, how come the FBI can't unlock the phone themselves? Even the local police department can recover data from CD's, cassettes, and hard drives that are completely destroyed, with the billions of dollars they are spending on the latest technology they can even unlock a phone?
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Ken Adachi said (February 26, 2016):
Is the real purpose of the psy ops to underscore the meme that the patsies were the shooters? They needed Muslim patsies to fit the script. The guy is laying on the ground in a pool of blood and his hands are cuffed behind his back. Do police usually cuff a dead man whose body had been riddled with bullets?