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February 19, 2016

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February 19, 2016
Tim N said (February 19, 2016):
Comment response to Dan [below] and the Constitutional Convention.
As part of any change in Washington, the 17th Amendment to the Constitution must be repealed, giving back to the states the right for state legislators to vote in their two Senators.
Jefferson and Madison would be confounded that the states and state Governors ever let this happen. See The Federalist 45 & 46.
Al Thompson said (February 19, 2016):
The problem with opposing the new world order is that there is so much of it and the Constitution of the United States is a major political problem in that it has produced the worst government known to mankind. It has promoted communism all over the world using the stolen funds from the people who work hard for it. A constitutional convention will do nothing but perpetuate the whole problem. Violent revolutions always produce more of the same corruption so that's not really an option.
No government would be better than what we have now. The government, as we know it today, is nothing but a bunch of thieves, thugs, murderers, and liars. I think it would be better to oppose the principles of communism and avoid all of the occultic implications within the government itself. The government is the same as bad religion.
There were many people who did not want the Constitution and I think in order for your readers to properly understand where we are today were the warnings of the Anti-Federalist Papers.
Trying to "get back to the Constitution" is just a false hope the produces nothing. Higher moral standards would go a long way to turn it all around. We all do too many things that offend God and we're being paid back.
Dan said (February 19, 2016):
Bill says a Constitutional Convention "hasn't worked very well for the past 230 years."
You aren't making much sense, Bill. The second method under Article V has never been used.
It involves petitions from at least 34 states to call a constitutional convention, where one or several amendments are proposed. The amendment or amendments are then sent on to the states, where 38 states are needed for ratification.
Article V’s Convention Mechanism is the Tool Given to the States to Check Federal Power.
It is Not Controlled by Congress.
Prohibit Congress from regulating activity that occurs wholly within one State.
Require Congress to balance its budget.
Prohibit administrative agencies—and the unelected bureaucrats that staff them—from creating federal law.
Prohibit administrative agencies and the unelected bureaucrats that staff them—from preempting state law.
Allow a two-thirds majority of the States to override a U.S. Supreme Court decision.
Require a seven-justice super-majority vote for U.S. Supreme Court decisions
that invalidate a democratically enacted law.
Restore the balance of power between the federal and state governments
by limiting the former to the powers expressly delegated to it in the Constitution.
Give state officials the power to sue in federal court when federal officials overstep their bounds.
Allow a two-thirds majority of the States to override a federal law or regulation.
Article V’s Convention Mechanism is the Tool Given to the States to Check Federal Power.
It is Not Controlled by Congress.
The States Control an Article V Convention
The States Control an Article V Convention Responses To Opposition
Friends of the Article V Convention
RT said (February 19, 2016):
Crown Land - The Canadian Encyclopedia
Crown Land. Crown land is the term used to describe land owned by the federal or provincial governments. Authority for control of these public lands rests with the ...
Less than 11% of Canada's land is in private hands; 41% is federal crown land and 48% is provincial crown land.
George said (February 19, 2016):
Great article by Bill Barcus. There is some history here that should be mentioned. The recent uproar at Malheur is a continuation of the so-called Sagebrush Rebellion of the 80s, which had Governor Fife Symington of Arizona as a prominent spokesman, emphasizing the Constitutional provisions for limited federal ownership of land and the Tenth Amendment. He subsequently did some prison time for what appeared to some to be a politically motivated charge of defrauding investors in an Arizona shopping mall.
In any case, the Sagebrush revolt basically faded away, until it was revived in the land grab of the Willamette Basin of Oregon. There are deep roots to this crisis. For the sake of the country, I hope it builds up steam and ends up with a more balanced approach to our Western lands.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Daniel P said (February 20, 2016):
Not sure if you read this already...Title To Water, Canada's First Nations and Blue Gold [...] It is important for readers to understand that, under Native Law, no one owns water, water is a gift from the creator and, under the Common Law of England that Canada inherited due to its former temporary position as a colony of England, there are only riparian rights to water, which are not ownership of water, but which are rights recognized to be held by a land owner giving him the right to draw water from a lake river or aquifer adjacent to or under his land.
Under Statute Law made by Canada's provinces, the provincial governments confiscated ownership of all water in the various provinces.
The difficulty is that the provinces had no jurisdiction to take away or diminish Native Rights to water without entering a treaty with the local Native Bands Tribes or Nations