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Alberta Bishops Fight Satanic Gender Law

February 6, 2016

According to Alberta's mandatory new guidelines, a student's gender is based not 
on biology but psychology.  He can "self identify" as a girl one day and a boy the next.  As such, he can play sports with girls and change and shower with them. He can even dress like them, and they like him.

The human rights of millions of children are violated to "protect" a handful of misfits. This flimsy pretext to reengineer and enslave society is a psyop. If Albertans accept this outrageous attack on their children, they will accept anything including concentration camps. The same applies to the USA.

Below, Thomas Carter describes how Alberta's four Catholic Bishops are drawing a line. For once, the Church is fighting back.


This absurd policy is even substituting genderless pronouns for "his" or "her." Clearly "Human Rights" is Orwellian doublespeak for giving "rights" to a tiny minority and taking them away from the vast majority i.e. enslaving them.  

Satanists invert healthy and sick, natural and unnatural.  Society is asleep while our identity and freedom are under vicious attack by the Masonic (Cabalist) Jewish banking cartel and their lackeys in every field. Western society has been totally subverted and is satanically possessed. 

Related - Students Will be Called by Whatever Name they Choose, Whether they Legally Change it or Not 

by Thomas Carter

Earlier this year Alberta's NDP government released 12 "best practices" mandatory policies for "transgendered" students that govern everything from shower rooms to sport teams and school trips. The guidelines state that a student's own "self-identification" as either a boy or a girl, or neither, is the "sole measure of an individual's sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression." 

Unlike their Ontario counterparts, Alberta Bishops have spoken out against this Orwellian law.

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Left, Edmonton Archbishop Richard Smith.

The Archbishop denounced the guidelines saying the principle that self-identification is the "sole measure" of an individual's perceived gender identity creates, what he called, an "artificial gender-neutral atmosphere in schools, often without proper regard to the rights and protections previously upheld for boys and girls and their mothers and fathers."

He also took issue with certain Catholic board trustees,"There, for too long now, we have witnessed the inability of trustees to function in a cohesive way or speak with a unified voice. The words and actions of some trustees, rather than defending and upholding all that is good in Catholic education, have caused harm and hostility. In so doing, they have betrayed the trust placed in them by Catholic electors."

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Bishop Fred Henry, Diocese of Calgary

In a letter sent home to every parent in the district, Fred Henry clearly defends Catholic teaching on sexuality stating,

"Gay Straight Alliances and Queer Straight Alliances are highly politicized ideological clubs which seek to cure society of "homophobia" and "heterosexism," and which accept the idea that all forms of consensual sexual expression are legitimate. The view of sexuality that they espouse is not Catholic."

Below- Bishop Paul Terrio from the Diocese of St. Paul, Alberta

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"To mandate that 'self-identification is the sole measure of an individual's sexual orientation' and in fact, by totally excluding biological fact, contradicts our common day-to-day life experience and also repudiates the goodness of Creation," he wrote. 

"I therefore, as a Catholic Bishop in Alberta, must reject the 'Guidelines for Best Practices': for reasons of both faith and common sense." 

 Father Stefano Penna, vice president and professor at Newman Theological College in Edmonton chastized a school trustee, Patricia Grell, "Do your constituents know that you are completely in cahoots with those whose intent is to bully anyone who does not 'speak the new language' of family and sexuality?" 

The good priest added, "According to the new government regulations for 'Best Practices,' there is only one English that can be acceptable: the bizarre right-speak of graduate students and their faculty advisors in the Department of Eugenics, Racial Anthropology or Gender Diversity."


Left - Cardinal Collins aka Pervert Kathleen Wynne's Little Buddy

Listen to Conservative House Leader Tim Wilson recount how Cardinal Collins asked him out to breakfast to tell him to "back off" Wynne's sex-ed program. 

He said, 'We don't want to make a big issue out of this. So can you guys back off or not make a big issue out of it?'

In Cardinal Collin's only official statement on the curriculum, he said that Catholic schools "have a responsibility to teach the curriculum."

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Institute for Catholic Education (ICE) Mike Pautler  Interesting stuff about Mikey here 

ICE's Mike Pautler told LifeSiteNews that while Catholic schools will be using the faith traditions of the Catholic Church as the "starting point" for interpreting  the sex-ed, nevertheless, he admitted that the "core content and expectations" of what ICE will produce will not "vary from that prescribed by the Ministry of Education." 

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President of the Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education OAPCE, Brian Evoy

Meanwhile, a different institutional Catholic organization, the Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education, has also admitted to being part of the sex-ed consultation process.  President Brian Evoy called the consultation process positive, adding that his organization is "very much in favour of the curriculum and all of the changes that will be made." He said he is confident that ICE will be able to interpret the sex-ed so it squares with Catholicism.

Jane Michael, the board member whose vote defeated a motion in Halton Hills to delay implementation of the new sex-ed curriculum claimed Bishop Crosby influenced her decision. Meanwhile, the Catholic Diocese of Hamilton banned a Kitchener parish  speaker who opposed the Ontario sex education curriculum. 


The fact that there are still some Bishops upholding Catholic teaching and defending the children is encouraging. More importantly, the actions of the Alberta Bishops exposes the Ontario Bishops as frauds who have no right to their offices. It would be nice if they could be forced out for non-performance.


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Alberta Bishops Fight Satanic Gender Law"

GF said (February 7, 2016):

There may be a logical way out of this gender-neutral sports, dressing rooms, and bathrooms conundrum, which the Politically Correct crowd may not be able to legally refute. If gender identity is entirely each individual’s choice, okay, fine, let it be. But individuals, or groups of individuals, should be allowed to self-identify themselves as “modest girls”, or as “modest boys”, and opt out of the gender-neutral agenda. A modest girl or boy should be allowed to skip gender-neutral Physical Education classes and sports programs, and a group of modest girls or boys should be allowed to form their own teams.

Another thing: adult gyms do not require, and do not allow, gender-neutral showers and changing rooms, so why should that be forced on minors at schools? That sounds like a Civil Rights violation to me.

Perhaps it’s time to start a Modesty Movement for Modest Rights.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at