The Culling of the Goyim, Part WW3
December 5, 2015

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December 5, 2015
Christopher G said (December 7, 2015):
Well, if you think "Ras"-Putin the zionist Crypto-Jew satanist is a good king, I would like to sell you a piece of the Golden Gate Bridge and some swamp land in the Florida everglades.
Politicians are actors and Putin is in character saying one thing while doing another.
Putin defending the Quran, as he murders and bombs Muslim men, women and children back to the stone age is almost comical.
Really, what kind of a world do we live in where people only pay attention to the B.S. that comes out of politicians' mouths and ignore them murdering good people?!
Rabbi Abe Finkelstein said: "...when you own the herd, you have to thin out the herd..."
Fake Muslim Shiite extremists is no new phenomenon, and was deliberately created by Jewish satanist - Abdulla Ibn Sabbah in the 7th century.
Another Jew by the name of Hassan Ibn Sabbah brainwashed assassins with strong Marijuana, which is the origin of suicide bombers.
The truth is that Moses the Levite, Mohammad the Ishmaelite and Christ the Judahite(by his mom) belong to the SAME religion, the worship of The Most High.
One God did not create 3 different monastic religions. Satan is the the author of all religions and makes them juxtapose errors to make them fight each other.
Satan blasphemes, subverts and negates - Moses with the Talmud(which he didn't write), Mohammad with the Hadith(which he didn't write, he was illiterate and recited in Syro-Aramaic not Arabic), Christ with Mithra(satan).
Mohammad had his followers face Jerusalem but today fake Muslims worship Diana's black stone in Mecca as Christians worship Diana on Easter and Mithra on X-mas.
But that will never happen until religious people stop falling for lies and stop worshiping satan!
Amber said (December 6, 2015):
You should also observe Jeff Rense as having strong Islamophobia content on his website as well – and thus you should point out that he is also a bought and paid for shill for the NWO’s “Clash of Civilizations†manufactured reality.
What a jerk and sell out to America and the future of Humanity.
Horst said (December 6, 2015):
This article and the subsequent three comments compel me to write to you personally before adding my
pertinent comment / critique of AJ.
My doubts and suspicion that something is not so straight forward touches on two subjects - 911 and the "jews
who are not jews" (adl - splc - most of the leading institutions headed and controlled by them - "fed" controlled by Burns, Volcker, Greenspan (he may be the good guy ??!!) Bernanke, Yellen) - PNAC - NED etc), AJ is NOT delving deeply enough into.
The achilles heel of all these destroyers, ever since I listened to the great and rather soft-spoken Cooper and
my own research I S 911 , no doubt about it.
Lately a caller on AJ's program mentioned Christopher Bollyn and his in-depth research. AJ became a bit irate and cut short the conversation, to my disappointment. And, indeed, I concurred with this caller, the evidence IS
overwhelming, I am at a loss to understand why "they" can not be nailed. As Dr Sabrosky pointed out, if and when the truth comes out AMERICA WILL WIPE OUT the mini-state, unfortunately for all the innocents !!!!
Have you read the book BARBARIANS INSIDE THE GATES by Donn de Grand Pré ?? It is so clear and obvious who is behind so much evil on this planet.
Hiba said (December 6, 2015):
Such refreshing article and comments, aside from the culling part which we cannot deny seems inevitable.
The lesson; no matter the doom and gloom that may lurk around the corner or awaits us on the horizon, is to love one another and rid our hearts and minds of hate and prejudice.
This isn't easy with the satanic forces in the form mind control monopolize and use tools, methods and means such as media, pharma/drug, gaming/gambling, commercialism/materialism ect and attacking us with various forms of magic and psychotic possessions inducing a level of trance often referred to as ignorance. This requires slow dosage of knowledge (truth seeking, open-mindedness ) , spirituality( monotheistic studies, reflecting, meditation, fasting, prayer, charity ect) and experience ( travel, experimenting ect)
The answer was here all along.
61. Blessed be He Who has placed in the heaven stars, and has placed therein a great lamp (sun), and a moon giving light.62. And He it is Who has put the night and the day in succession, for such who desires to remember (reflect) or desires to show his gratitude.63. And the slaves of the Most Beneficent (Allah) are those who walk on the earth (travel) in humility and sedateness, and when the foolish address them (with bad words) they reply back with mild words of gentleness.64. And those who spend the night before their Lord, prostrate and standing.(Noble Quran, Surah Al-Furqan (The Criterion) )
Glen said (December 6, 2015):
I started my search for the truth sometime around 2005. As I learned what I had been told about 9/11 was not only a lie but also physically impossible, I was attracted to sights like infowars. I garnered a lot of good info concerning the lies of 9/11 but eventually came to realize they too had an agenda and were just as guilty of deceit as the mainstream media. Although they would admit many truths about the event, they would also do their very best to hide or dis-credit a lot of other information concerning what went on that day.
As I became aware of people such as Dr. Judy Wood and Rebekah Roth, I once again found I had more questions than answers. I am not saying I believe everything they say, I'm saying I found it a virtual impossibility to discuss such theories on almost any 9/11 truth site without being called a crazy loon or a "plant". Where there is a lack of the free exchange of ideas, you can bet there is an agenda.
Eventually I came to the conclusion almost everyone out there is "controlled opposition". Once I came to this realization I was able to lose my hate for the Muslims of the world and place that hate where it belongs, on the backs of the cabbalist, Neo-Con Jewish run Satanist who I am thoroughly convinced orchestrate every event that takes place in this crazy world of ours.
All I can say is, this article is dead on. It is the truth, nothing but the truth, so help us God. Again I must thank Henry for being the real deal and helping to expose the globalist plants such as Alex Jewns.
Matt S said (December 5, 2015):
I used to visit alex jones's website, but i read some of the comments to articles, what a load of hateful little men, put me off, rarely go back there now, if ever.
I have a friend that visits alex jones's website often, fuel up on his hate, he is racist, hates muslims, thing is, he's never met one, plus he's never been to a muslim country.
i am going to email him this article, but i think he's too far gone.
I have visited several muslim countries over the years, one practiced Sharia law, but everyone was fine, lovely, in fact, no hate, 100% welcoming, smiles, want to chat and distance themselves from the likes of isis and jihadis, if that comes up in conversation. Go out of their way to accommodate you.
In one place, Pacitan, in East Java, the response westerners get from the locals is breath taking, you can feel the love, they just want to talk to you, massive smiles, walk over from the other side of the road to talk to you, just be with you. If you lose your smile, for whatever reason, i recommend going there, you'll find it! I have traveled a fair bit over the years, but never experienced anything like that, glorious, such beautiful people.
Maybe it's different i the Middle East, hardly surprising if so.
A said (December 5, 2015):
Did any thinking person imagine that the alternative media was somehow immune from control by dark forces. The internet is the future of world communication and information sharing, the technology came out of the american military technology arm DARPA. Alex Jones and his bandwagon of Islam haters, have been nurtured from the start by dark forces. Bill Cooper was interviewed on the Alex Jones show many years back, when someone once asked Alex what he thought of Bill Cooper, the liar in chief of InfoWars (i now understand the name to mean a war on real information) said he only had him on once and he was swearing and cussing so he never had him back on. I went back and listened to the interview on YouTube, Bill never swore once ! So blindly faithful are many Prison Planet listeners they don't even bother checking the facts. In the beginning Alex invited lots of interesting guests and discussed real issues, but one fact that was always a dead give away that he was controlled opposition, was that fact he would criticise some Christians and extremist muslims BUT NEVER ZIONIST ! He has never strayed from that formula. Once he had built an audience he slowly started ditching his regular guests Alan Watt, Mike Rivero etc anyone who was critical of Israel. He tried to ditch Mark Dice, but rather than go quietly, Mark began making YouTube videos mocking Alex Jones, when bully boy Alex realised that Mark wasn't going quietly like the others he quickly made peace with him ! I really wish Alan Watt and Mike Rivero would also expose this zionist intelligence operative.
Alex Jones and his band of merry haters have now morphed into a tight propaganda unit, with a mission statement to promote hatred of all Muslims. These days Alex rarely invites interesting guests with different viewpoints. You just have the mad man ranting on for 3 hours about the same topic with non stop adds about how you will die or suffer if you don't buy his health products. I used to listen to him in the good old days, but for many years now I cannot justify wasting 3 hours to acquire 10 minutes of useful information. When the Malaysia Airlines plane vanished near Diego Garcia, Alex Jones and another of his sidekicks, Mike Adams of Natural News both completely ignored the Elephant in the room. As kings of conspiracy they religiously refused to explore the possibility that the plane landed at Diego. And so it continues, the Alex Jones empire has pivoted, its sole mission now is to increase hatred of Islam. The dancing Israelis are no longer mentioned, but ficticous reports of Muslims celebrating are mentioned. Twin towers being brought down by American Government not mentioned, now the hate monger sits silent as The Donald says Ousama brought down the towers. This man has no principles and no honour, I hope the Infowars audience which is being held in Alex's Prison Planet of false information will see how he is leading them by the nose to hate all Muslims and promote World war 3.
For the record it was the British that created the Muslim Brotherhood and Wahabist state of Saudi Arabia. A majority of muslims hate the wahabi religion, but it is the huge oil wealth of Saudi and the support of its western backers that have allowed them to spread their evil wahabi salafi
ideology around the world. Don't blame Muslims for what the illuminati created. Let us all decent Jews, Muslims, Christians and good people come together in unity as we all believe in the same God and stop the madness which is this rush to world war 3.
Thanks A
Jones pulled the same "swearing" stunt on me.
All I said was "illuminati don't give a shit." Clearly
Jones' opposition to the NWO takes a back seat to his hatred of common idioms.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Hans said (December 7, 2015):
Fully agree with your analysis. Though I do not wish to credit your perception and logic, it would seem to me glaringly obvious that reciprocal hatred between "West" and "East" has been fomented for decades now. Those who are directing this campaign of hatred must either be utterly utterly stupid or utterly utterly evil, which actually may boil down to the same thing, because one could argue evil is just a particular, irrational manifestation of stupidity.
At any rate, the criminals at the controls doe seem to be successful in their efforts. I can truly see no way a cataclysm can be averted at this advanced moment. Most of us are already living in a panopticum. Seems going back to 19th-century methods of struggle is the only option. Looking at the police forces are equipped (looking the same all over the world) would seem to indicate that is exactly what they are prepared for.