Obama Preaches Tolerance While Inciting Hatred
December 15, 2015
Obama Doublespeak; What's his Game?
Obama and the mainstream media ALREADY play a masterful game of 'double speak' when it comes to Islam. They are very careful to add 'radical' in front of terrorist every time the word is mentioned, to ensure the masses don't associate terrorism with the real Muslim faith, lulling us into a continued sense of complacency toward the Muslim religion and Muslim immigration as a whole.
Remember, we're talking about a religious and political ideology here, NOT a racial ethnicity.
Again, I'm aware of the role the Jews and Masons are playing in this at the highest levels. But I also know Islam is a radical religion in and of itself. Yes, there are 'sects' of Islam that have excluded the radical elements of their faith based on the intuition of the human soul, and do practice their faith more like Christians than Muslims. But the fact remains that they've excluded these radical elements in spite of their faith, not because of it.
One example, Muhammed was a polygamist and Islam justifies polygamy. On this basis alone we can see Islam is a false religion. Christ was clear in the NT scriptures, one man and one woman. He truly, traditional Catholicism truly, gives men and women equal respect, in complimentary roles. For Muhammed and Islam to justify polygamy is to take a major step 'backwards'.
Study the traditional Catholic dogmas, as I'm sure you already have, and you'll find no such moral conflicts in its theology, not one. Therefore when a member of the clergy or faith acts contrary to its dogmas, the faith itself can't be blamed, as it can in Islam.
I have taken up quite a bit of your time today Henry, so I won't include a youtube clip of Obama 'bashing' Christians. I'll simply show you one where he's praising Islam:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCAffMSWSzY (less than 10 minutes)
Yes, a couple of bits and pieces probably are taken out of context there. But the overall theme that Obama praises Islam and does no such thing for Christendom is established beyond doubt. Again, a quick youtube search will bring up video examples of Obama openly mocking Christianity including Christ and the gospels, if you'd like to see them.
I'm sure you're also aware that Christians are being brutally persecuted all around the world, especially in Islamic nations, but not limited to Islamic nations. It's not unusual for China to persecute Christians for example. And sadly, the West itself is rapidly heading in that same direction, because we have become lovers of lies e.g. sodomy is good, and haters of truth e.g. chastity is a virtue.
Anyway, here is CNN defending Islam (and there are many more such clips online):
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kucGqPzcR4 (less than 10 minutes)
Christopher G said (December 16, 2015):
Zakah1's videos on youtube clears up all these questions.
WWF is full of predictive programming with the twin towers and Albert Pike's "Christianity" vs "Islam".
satan is cleverly cancelling out the 2 religions he hates the most as dupes keep getting duped.
Both religions really the same at the core. Mohammad spoke highly of Christ in the Quran
and his first wife was a christian, then later married a Jewess but that doesn't seem to matter to the dupes.
All attention diverted from the real culprits - the Rothschilds & 300, giggling while sipping wine on bordeaux vinyards in France as heartbroken Syrians refugees are scapegoated.
Why can't people get it through their thick skulls, POLITICS IS ALL THEATRE and satanists are highly organized long term planners with contingency plans!? If plan "A" fails then they go with "B".
Plan "A" with Obama was to have him a popular hero ushering in NWO, if that didn't work plan "B" is to make him a villain pretending to support Islam. Obama deserves an Oscar for his performance.
If you want to be political science expert, stop watching the news and start watching wrestling & soaps.
Mohammad said not to break into sects 3x in the Quran. [6:159] [30:32] [42:14]
Shiite fake Islam sect was created by Jewish satanist Abdulla Ibn Sabbah, so it makes sense why Jewish shills like Matt Stone claim to be Shiite.
Christ made it clear He didn't come to negate [Moses] law or prophets(Matt5:17-19).
The Greco-Roman law of one man can only marry one woman has absolutely nothing to do with the Bible or Judaism or nature for that matter.
I notice how socially engineered "supposed" christians have on their blinders about the Jewish Prophets as they
slander Mohammad.
Moses's first wife was an Ethiopian princess then he went with a Median woman. The Most High was NOT furious
at King David for having 99 wives, but was furious at David for stealing Uriah's wife and indirectly murdering him.
I have yet to find any defenders of Talmudic blasphemers of Christ - "christian zionists", slander David or Moses as not being prophets.
Rich men with booty get lots of booty. You don't have to like it, that's just the way it is.