Saluting Three Anti-NWO Pioneers
November 27, 2015

Tony Blizzard, 82, recalls three patriots,
all born in the 1880's. The first is Myron Fagan, an anti-Communist Jew
who was the first to expose the Council on Foreign Relations.
The second is Paquita de Shishmareff, a White Russian aristocrat
who edited a popular edition of The Protocols of Zion under the pen name "L Fry."
Supplying much of the information for Henry Ford's
"The International Jew," Paquita had many
Jewish supporters who knew the Protocols were authentic.
Finally, Tony recalls the courageous Illuminati defector Edith Starr Miller
who wrote the classic exposure of the satanist NWO, "Occult Theocrasy" with Paquita.
by Tony Blizzard
I learned early on that all Jews do not live by the talmud. In fact, those Jews who fight the evil are the most tireless and dedicated of all.
They know the absolute satanic evil of the agenda and what it does to the world.
I met Myron Fagan (1887-1972) when he was a frail old man working in a hot old-time single-wide trailer, parked on a blacktop parking lot in North Hollywood with one small electric fan on his desk piled with stacks of work and research.
In fact the trailer was pretty much one big library of precious research. He had long been blackballed in Hollywood because of his stand but was working long hours alone, in very poor health, pinching pennies to somehow get out his monthly bulletin that was so far ahead of other "patriots" that I couldn't make out the significance of what he wrote at the time, being too new in the war.
But "Mady," who had me bring her there, knew the value of his mind, his knowledge.
Must also mention that "Mady", Paquita Louis de Shismareff, (1882-1970) when she first came from Russia with the family money, bought a mansion in NYC and used it for a half-way house for those Russians who managed to get out before being murdered. She found them a living. Most of them arrived in steerage.
At the same time, she had a broadsheet going with an all-women staff besides sending Cameron, editor of Henry Ford's Dearborn Independent newspaper, the information which the paper published and which eventually became Ford's "The International Jew." Most of it written by Mady.
One day, one of the women come into her office worried and exclaimed, "There's a Jew out here who is demanding to see you." Mady told her to send him in.
The man told Mady that he had a neighborhood business and that the rest of the businesses were also Jewish. He said that they knew there was a "hit" out on Mady, so to be careful where she went and how, but not to overly worry about it because they would not allow it to happen there. They knew exactly what she was writing and they obviously were not in love with the Eastside Jews who were murdering Christians wholesale in the Soviet.
I have told that story to some of these deep racists and they would froth and refuse to believe it. Their loss as far as I'm concerned. The lady and I were close friends, working together daily, for a few years. She didn't lie. For her it would have been wasted time.

You may have forgotten that Mady also co-authored "Occult Theocrasy" with Edith Starr Miller (1887-1933). De Shismareff's name and co-authorship was kept silent because she had already been most viciously labeled "antisemitic" by the media powers of the time. Pequita still had several large trunks of ancient books in various languages which they had used in research which were supposed to be given to me at her death but I was not around when she died. They were probably thrown into the nearest dumpster.
The primary reason those two highly intelligent, highly educated women put together that encyclopedia of occult information was because they were incensed that Nesta Webster, in her various books, excused English Grand Lodge from the occult conspiracies.
The original publication in two volumes has a fold-out copy of Aleister Crowley's certification of appointment as National Grand Master of the O.T.O. (Gross-Orient Masonry centered in Paris) for Great Britain and Ireland, signed by Theodor Reuss at the same time that Crowley held high office in the English Grand Lodge.

There is also included documentation of the connection between English Grand Lodge and German Illuminism, plus the Societas Roseicruciana in Anglia. I have a copy of that original French publication dedicated to me in Peqita's still fine hand in her old age and after several strokes. The actual publisher, by the way, was the same Catholic publisher (R.I.S.S.) which published the original "Waters Flowing Eastward." The sizing, paper stock, cover layouts, binding, setup and type styles are identical and are companion pieces on my book shelf.
Although "Mady" (Pequita) never went into her good friend's death at age 46, she always had the highest praise for Edith Starr Miller. My own guess would be that she was murdered by someone high in those occult circles, whether her husband or another.
As an aside, that same publisher printed a ship load of "Waters" which was sent to Argentina where there was heavy interest at the time, but the ship was lost at sea without ever an explanation of how.
The Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations by Myron Fagan Transcript of 1967 audio recording
Also by Tony Blizzard