I Don't Hate Gays
October 5, 2015

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October 5, 2015
Scott said (October 6, 2015):
his is actually a response to the first comment from Richard. It's interesting, because the fake aspects of the Westboro Baptist Church had been obvious to me for a long time. To add, a basic question should have been "how could they afford to just travel and cover lodging/dining expenses on almost a moment's notice?" The full details of Fred Phelps's background wasn't known to me previously, but it was clear that if you violated HIS civil rights, you would get sued. That was the pay off, and apparently quite often and quite handsomely. This was more helpful to the gay agenda than any other aspect, because it allowed their advocates in the media, Hollywood, academia, etc. to point fingers and say, "if you don't go along, you're a hater like them!" The trick worked, and no doubt a lot of the players didn't even realize that they were being duped.
Seriously, the Westboro Baptist Church has not been featured in the news since that US Supreme Court (if the congregation even bothered to show up that time). Before that, they were everywhere and provided ample fodder for the cultural Marxists too (Bill Maher, Jon Stewart Liebowitz).
This whole affair deserves wider examination. Hopefully you or another reader are up for the task!
SCB said (October 5, 2015):
There are consequences for legislation pertaining to homosexual freedom and public conformity that Peter should understand.
I always see all the libtards talk on Facebook etc about how Gay marriage is "just about love" and "doesn't affect anyone." Even a "Christian" who claims when the Bible talks about same sex union being immoral, claim it's a reference to lust, not love. So this Christian claims "love" is allowed between same sex partners?!!
Sadly the droolers don't ever comment on my posts about how Premier Wynne (with Justin's support) need to teach elementary or middle school children about masturbation, anal sex and gay tolerance so that they won't bully later in life. I and others I know, don't bully gays and we were not raised in the homosexually obsessed environment?
So who still thinks it "doesn't affect anyone?"
I don't want my kid taught sodomy in school before they hit puberty.
This will create deviant children because (we all can agree) kids copy everything they see and hear.
Let's not forget the plan in THEIR occult writing about an asexual or genderless slave race.
I don't make the rules and the devil wants to be honoured through sodomy. Legislated demonic offerings.
Tony B said (October 5, 2015):
I side with Al Thompson. However you are both buying into the agenda without realizing it. Call yourselves "normal" because that's what you are while faggots are abnormal. Let them face it. Hell, make them face it.
I'm older than either of you and when more or less Christian principles still ruled, people simply refused to associate with those they knew to be queers - or even suspected. Queers were anything but in your face, they kept mostly to themselves with a very low profile around normal people. However, if a queer made a pass at you he became "fair game." Mostly he got beat up, his money taken - his car too, if he had you in one - and he was lucky at that. If he ran to the cops the cops ran him out of the police station. The really girly fags, if they made a public commotion, were often castrated before the night was over. People simply did not put up with any pushing into their lives by perverts, which is itself nothing more than normal. People understood that toleration of evil was itself evil.
There is more to this though. It is a KNOWN FACT that faggots as a group are the most violent people on earth. Ask any cop where there are a bunch of them. Just imagine the mind set of a woman scorned but in a man's body. Extremely ugly imagining.
Last, there have been many "clinics" specializing in returning queers to normal and they were highly successful. (I emphasis, to NORMAL.) But the government works overtime to shut such places down because it belies their lie that "they are born that way," or that "it's a lifestyle choice." Shrinks used to work to return them to normal but some decades ago they were made to join the agenda and they changed their line on the abnormality of perverts in their official documents. If that phrase has the ring of an oxymoron that's because it is. Pervert MEANS not normal. One transitive verb definition is: "To cause deviation from the right, true, or regular course, in, of, or to, to derange."
I don't care how nice he/she/it is, it's a pox on society and must be eradicated if a true society is to survive. Otherwise we have constantly growing chaos.
Jacqueline in Amsterdam said (October 5, 2015):
What an excellent article written by Ken Adachi. I totally agree with his article.
Like you I do no hate gay people. I just don't like the monstrous ugly beings who want to destroy our normal family life.
I don't like the fact they they degrade GOD and try to replace HIM with inferiour ugly beings like satan and his goons.
Al Thompson said (October 5, 2015):
I'm a homophobe. I can't stand to be around homosexuals as they are nasty people. Everyone one I've met was a jerk, immature, and a pervert. The only good thing a homosexual can do with his life is to stop being a homosexual. All of this comes down to whether or not people want to keep the commandments and the natural law. To intentionally go against that natural law is an abomination and it doesn't serve any good purpose. A man who sticks his penis into another man's butt is utterly deprived of all morality.
Homosexuals are predators. They will intentionally try to convince young people that their behavior is normal. They will sexually harass heterosexuals and try to seduce them into the homosexual camp. Queers are extremely evil people and they make targets out of people who don't think like them.
I've had personal experience with this when I worked at a company as a teenager. One of the supervisors was a flaming queer and he constantly was coming after me. The only way I got him to back off was to threaten him with violence; and even that didn't solve the problem. I eventually had to get a transfer to another location. After being on the receiving end of their advances, it is my conclusion that homosexuals are absolutely insane; pathetic wretches of the lowest order.
Being a homophobe can be a good thing as it keeps up one's guard against the perverts. I don't go to many social functions as I don't want to be near anyone who is a homosexual. Even their speech is completely twisted. They all sound evil and demonic with their effeminate speaking. Their filth drips out of their mouths. And many men and women have destroyed their families with this nonsense. Homophobic? Yep!
Homosexuals should learn to grow up and act like real men and women and put away the immature lifestyle. In addition, homosexuals have a very short life expectancy due to the extreme exposure to SIDs. That alone should be motivation to quit this losers' lifestyle.
I post this although I think it is wrong to generalize. I have known some very decent homosexuals. I have met some who recognize it is a disorder and want to be cured.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Bill said (October 7, 2015):
Thanks Henry,
A brilliant article from Ken.