Pope Preached Everything But Christ
September 30, 2015

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September 30, 2015
Rose said (September 30, 2015):
I don't know why you are disappointed. He's not a pope but an anti-pope. It is to be expected that he acts in this manner. The true pope was prevented from taking the papal chair publically in 1958, Cardinal Giuseppe Siri, who took the name Pope Gregory XVII, and his hidden successor is still alive. These events which are unfolding before our eyes were already predicted by St. Paul and St. John from the New Testament, warned about from La Sallete and Fatima, approved apparitions of Our Lady. They all say the same thing. Sede impede. The seat is impeded.
Jonny said (September 30, 2015):
Thanks for this excellent article. Yes, Francis will not mention Christ because it is not politically correct to do so and because the Catholic Church is a political institution above all else. The actions, errors and omissions on the part of the modernist hierarchy since Vatican II has done untold damage to the Catholic Church and many of her most loyal and devout members. Francis's actions and calculated omissions remind me of Pope Paul VI telling the UN assembly that they (rather than Jesus Christ) represent the last hope for humanity. What an outrageous thing for a "Vicar of Christ" to say to a predominantly Socialist assembly. Vatican II caused a massive divide between traditional and modernist Catholics that continues to divide and weaken Roman Catholicism to the point where Sedevacantism ought to be discarded as a tenable theory and replaced by Catholics finally recognizing that the Church's own dogmas of indefectibility and infallibility are and always have been myths. I would like to recommend the book, "The Sedevacantist Delusion: Why Vatican II's Clash with Sedevacantism Supports Eastern Orthodoxy" found at this link: https://www.createspace.com/5440118.
Colm said (September 30, 2015):
Your contributor Al Thompson [below] cites the child abuse scandals in the Catholic Church as proof of its corruption. He ignores the truth that all corporate media generated scandals are, by definition, psy-ops. So the fact that the Catholic Church has been singled out for the psy-op treatment indicates that it is the only real religious enemy of the New World Order. Protestants, Jews, Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses have all been given a free pass on the clerical abuse issue by the media. Some Irish Protestants, to their great credit, have complained at the way the Irish and international media have studiously ignored clerical child abuse scandals in their denominations. It's also worth noting that the British media - which hammer the Church relentlessly over paedophile clerics - have hysterically rubbished highly credible allegations of paedophile networks among their controllers in the Masonic establishment, and have now begun to viciously character assassinate the accusers. None of which is to deny the truth of what Mr Dunn says about Francis and the modern Church. Two wrongs don't make a right.
Al Thompson said (September 30, 2015):
My experience with Christian churches is that the pastors teach one thing and do another. The Pope is no exception. Given the text of the New Testament, it is my opinion that the Roman Catholic church was never Christian, nor are any of the other churches. They consistently twist the clear words of the scripture to suit their own agenda. The child abuse issues in the Catholic church is a truthful indicator as to who are these religious people. By attending any "Christian" church, one will add to the delusion just by their own presence. This is a lesson I learned the hard way.
The word's attributed to Jesus Christ "you can tell them by their fruits.." is an excellent way of making important judgments. The speech and the actions of a man will always disclose the truth about him. What the pope promoted while in the United States is the exact position of the Catholic Church. My experience is that most religious leaders say one thing and do another. And the hypocrisy is simply another way of lying. In my opinion, people use churches like a baby who uses a pacifier without ever giving any of it any critical thought. I think it is better to stay away from them and to avoid religious groups. There are too many bad things that can happen to someone who engages them.
"Christian" literature is loaded with satanic symbols and many religious leaders use the Satanic hand symbols. They are disclosing to us who they are so it is best to use the warning and stay away from them.
JG said (September 30, 2015):
Pope Francis DID meet with Kim Davis on Tuesday in Washington and give her his praise.
As far as the Pope's mention of Abraham, Moses, and Abe Lincoln before the American congress and not the name of Jesus is politically correct and kept him out of scrutiny and conflict with the Christ rejectors on capitol hill. And there are many. This was a classic case of politics winning over Christ to "avoid the conflict".
The early Christian martyrs did not avoid conflicts that the witness of Jesus might bring to them but welcomed it and defended the name of Jesus till death separated them from this world.
Scripture tells us that a friend of the world is the enemy of God. God is not all things to all people. He is one and his Word never changes and is never compromised. And, his alter does not come to the world but the world must come to his altar.
Tony B said (September 30, 2015):
I grew up with that "Robert P." type b.s. [below] but have for years now been sick to death of it. Protestantism is NOT Christianity. It is vicious and self loving. There is NOTHING spiritual about protestantism. They threw all spirituality out the window when they destroyed the true Church in England. Protestants mostly spout the lies originated with the mass murder of Catholics when England and it's Churches were looted by the likes of Netherlands Jewish financed, Christ hating, Cromwell and his robbing butchers of real Christians. I have lived those lies just as have most Americans, most English speaking people, from where emits into the world the very worst evils on the planet as witnessed every day. Lies are lies, whether or not one ties Christ's name to them.
That said, this "Pope" is anything but a Pope. The Catholic Church, the ONLY Church set up by Jesus Christ, has been co-opted at the top (like almost ever church) by talmudist/masonic/satanists so what else would anyone expect from this guy except the masonic "brotherhood of man?" In other words, WE will run the show God created because WE are God and we were created by some mysterious freak happening we like to call "the big bang." A much harder religion to believe in than real Christianity.
But it fits right in with materialistic protestantism.
Reply to Tony b.
The Lord Jesus Christ said, “You must be BORN AGAIN†(John 3:3 – 7) Not go be a Catholic.
A man must be BORN into the true church, I never joined my family I was BORN into it.
Robert P said (September 30, 2015):
The Pope is the “Head†of an Anti Christ organization, which is spoken of in Revelation 17.
This “Great Whore†had “Harlot daughters†the other so called protestant denominations, all of which preach their own doctrines above the pure word of God, making every thing else they do worthless.....
Matthew 15:9.
But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. The Lord calls His children out of these Anti Christ systems.....
Revelation 18:4.
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, (The Great Whore and her Harlot daughters) my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
Judgement is coming !!!
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Gail said (October 1, 2015):
The Pope means father right? Let’s see what Jesus has to say about that:
Matthew 23 - http://biblehub.com/matthew/23.htm
“And do not call anyone on earth 'father,' for you have one Father, and he is in heaven.â€
Is the Pope our Leader? Let’s see what Jesus has to say:
"Do not be called leaders; for I am your only leader.â€
I would say that the reason why the Pope doesn’t mention Jesus is because he is a liar and Jesus was about Truth:
1 John 2:22
Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son.
John 4:3 King James Version (KJV)
“And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.â€
Is the Pope a liar, he is worse than that. Great article on the Present day Pope from Global Research.