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New Aussie Prime Minister Is Satanist Choice

September 14, 2015

"Our preferred option is Malcolm Turnbull (or Turncoat as we call him) for Prime Minister, but you can't have everything. We're working on it though."

Satanist takes Credit for Upcoming War Jan 20, 2012

Tony Abbott, left, was too socially conservative for the Satanist Lodge that runs Australia. New PM Malcolm Turnbull,a former investment banker, is considered "not Conservative enough." You know what that means. Eg. While Abbott defended the institution of marriage, Turnbull is for instituting gay marriage.  Abbott also refused to join the climate change, asylum seekers, and women's rights crusades. Turn bull is all for them.

A.J. Fozdyke is the Satanist who gave this explosive information to the world in 2010.
Latest- Satanist banker Turnbull is crypto Jew  Now both New Zealand and Australia have
Goldman Sachs Jewish bankers as Prime Minister. 

By A.J. Fozdyke 

For the sake of some sport I truly hope that at least some of you are prepared. Not long to go. Weeks maybe. By Samhain, (Oct. 31) if not before. Low vibration energies are malleable, almost physical and can be directed to cause various manifestations. When paradigms crash there's always a lot of such energy. And a lot of blood. It's self feeding. In the ensuing chaos the filth will kill off one another.

'The beautiful goddess Naamah is becoming stronger, because in the splendour of Her shimmering power is the spirit of the world reflected. The dragon which rests in Her womb is awakening. The Usher of Desecration, Merovingian daughter of the heart of darkness comes in Her flaming robes to open your eyes to what is hidden. And We will taste Her power and beauty.'

After things settle down there'll be security. Lifetime security. Guaranteed. Sheeple love equality and security so everyone will be poor and controlled, because if ignorance is bliss the useless repeaters should all be ecstatic! Poverty enables conformity more than anything else. Think of it as consensual mind rape. Sheeple love security and are more than happy to trade little pieces of their souls; bit by bit.

To ensure a healthy gene pool from which to breed a new humanity, the sick and elderly must be allowed to die. That's already happening in Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain and elsewhere. In these countries there are lots of Catholics and Orthodox, but they're still committing suicide. When reality meets baloney, reality always wins. It'll happen globally when currencies collapse. No more pharmaceuticals! 

As the price of silver has been falling it's just as well you didn't get any. If I were you I'd be reclining in my comfy, intellectual easy-chair in the knowledge that your superannuation and savings are safe and secure. Tomorrow will be just like today only better, because while sheep need a dog to control them, sheeple control themselves.

There are so few human rights that taking away what's left won't hurt. Most individuals are Johnnie Walker types. They die by about the age of twenty-five, but just like Johnnie, they keep walking.  Personally, I love watching Sheeple being tortured and slaughtered by the police for whom they pay. I often wonder how free and brave Americans feel just before their police snuff them out. Remember that you all paid for the military, computerized weapons and camps.

We view it as systems. Making little machines work within systems. As Petor impressed upon me: Satan might not be good on a personal level, but He's a wonderful Systems Man! 

Google Aloysius Fozdyke Makow for about 10 previous articles by this author.

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First Comment from BB:

I appreciate the commentaries from A. J. Fozdyke, who seems authentic to me.  I appreciate perspectives from someone who shares the world view of the bosses who run things. I find his brutally honest comments refreshing. "Making little machines work within systems ... Satan might not be good on a personal level, but He's a wonderful Systems Man!" As an employee of a Fortune 100 company, I live with that truth daily. "There are so few human rights that taking away what's left won't hurt." That's painfully honest."

 Sheeple love equality and security so everyone will be poor and controlled, because if ignorance is bliss the useless repeaters should all be ecstatic!" Sadly, this statement applies to most of us. Fozdyke isn't someone I would trust, but I wouldn't call him a liar.

I also enjoyed the recent commentary from Leo Zagami, who purportedly was a member of the P2 Lodge in Rome. Whether we agree with these characters, or dislike them, isn't relevant. What is relevant to me is that they have insider perspectives that might help us better understand this nasty situation.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "New Aussie Prime Minister Is Satanist Choice"

Imran said (September 16, 2015):

Like many of the readers I personally doubt that Fozdyke or as he is referred to some as "Fozzy" by some is an insider elitist.

If he is a Satanist (though not connected to any of the Elite) in actuality; then I would say to him that God stopped giving the Spirit Life to mankind overall since Noah's descendants disappointed Him. Overall since that time only Abraham's descendants received this Life...and then during the New Commission many people have received it. But not 100% as used to be the case.

Without the Spirit Life Fozdyke is nothing. When he dies. That is it for him. No Heaven or the Lake of Fire for him. Since he does not have a spirit body like the saints do...fallen or otherwise.

Yes some of the saints are likely globalists insiders. They will enter the Lake of Fire if they keep persisting in their foolishness to defraud the brethern.

Matt said (September 14, 2015):

This leadership change has happened so quickly that I haven't had time to get my head around it. Abbott didn't particularly strike me as particularly conservative, or being pro-Australia or pro-freedom. However, his administration was obviously better than the previous one (Labor) and the left hated him with a very obsessive hatred. Turnbull is a former merchant banker from Goldman Sachs. He's pro-gay-marriage and would like to see an emissions trading scheme.

This link of Lord Monckton is interesting:

Al Thompson said (September 14, 2015):

OK, so this guy is a self-proclaimed Satanist which means that he's a total jerk and he's a liar. All Satanists are liars so anything they say, even if it is tainted with truth, will be of no value to the one hearing it. All they do is pull the most stupid teachings out of their collective gluteus maximi. To entertain the words of a liar is a complete waste of time. Trying to understand a Satanist is like trying to find a diamond in a dung heap.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at