Al Aqsa Mosque: Israeli Provocations Presage "End Times" War?
September 16, 2015

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September 16, 2015
JG said (September 17, 2015):
Israel knows they are in control right now and they also know there is no one out there right now that is going to 'hang the bell" on these Likudists, including America and Russia.
These monsters are no longer capable of sound reason, respect for humanity, or anything else that does not support their claims of racial superiority and world domain at any and all costs.
The nations that make up the so called "Christian West" such as America help fund and finance these rouge operations not out of free choice but by political blackmail.
As far as September 23rd goes I wouldn't make plans quite yet for your getaway and don't tell your boss off and lose your job either. No one knows the hour and the day but God.
Darrel said (September 17, 2015):
Concerning the mosque and the Temple to be built on the same site, the first Temple was built about 1000 years before the false prophet of islam was invented. As for Edgar the catholic priest, he too is just another false prophet declaring things that God has not spoken and we shall all see the truth of this statement in a week or so when 9_23 has come and gone and the unholy pope has left America and none of their predictions have come true. The current pope (like all his predecessors) is filled with the spirit of anti-Christ, he is of his father the devil, he is an idol worshipped by millions as he leads them all into hell.
Marco A said (September 17, 2015):
Firstly, I'm not here to absolutely try and discredit the prophecies, but I am definitely sceptical.
I don't think there is any 'Catholic' prophecy at all that indicates something will occur in September. Catholic prophecy for one has never been concerned with date setting. I've looked into the whole September debacle that is raging across the internet, and it is largely concerned with vague numerology and looking into Masonic Hollywood creations to find 'signs'. Its very bizarre. But I suppose that's the point in this message, that Masonic / Satanic plans will not succeed.
Regardless, I have looked into these supposed prophecies of the Virgin Mary a bit, and reading them it seems as if that Russia is indicated as the enemy in a fair number of the locutions.
Why do prophecies have to become messages regarding foreign policy? Think about it, who is to benefit in demonizing Russia?
Also there is continuingly preaching that Russia wasn't consecrated to Mary in these locutions, although 'Pope Pius XII (1942), Pope John Paul II (1984) and Pope Francis (2013) consecrated the world to the Immaculate Heart, with Pius XII also specifically consecrating "the peoples of Russia" in 1952' (Wikipedia.)
Also I thought Russia and the Russian Orthodox Church had a deep devotion to the Virgin Mary and that Russia was having somewhat of a faith revival, however big or small.
But maybe the consecration wasn't specific enough towards Russia, and maybe the rest is just Russian propaganda, who really knows for sure.
Also, the sheer number of these 'locutions' is also red herring for me in that they possibly aren't genuine. Catholic prophecy in my research (albeit limited) seems to be short and sweet, straight to the point, and not dragged on in limitless apparitions or prophecies.
The world is definitely being raped, and I wouldn't be surprised if major events took place soon, but I'm still sceptical. Where is the spirituality in this, "Iran will boldly assert its new position. Efforts to curb its ambitions will prove fruitless (just as the efforts to curb its nuclear capability). Most important, Iran will give Russia a door to Middle East power, something it sought years ago in attacking Afghanistan.There will be a linking of Russia with Iran, and although the relationship will not be smooth, they will be joined in their mutual hatred of Israel and the West."
SA said (September 17, 2015):
If you recall my litter several months ago about King Abdullah II of Jordan, I did mention his upcoming role we are seeing unfold right before our eyes.
The king is a member of the elite 'committee of 300' and has been groomed by zionists to take over the region of Levant (Syria, Palestine/Jerusalem, Lebanon, Jordan) and even parts of Iraq.
He is the backbone of ISIS and has used it to weaken all around him to feast upon what's left.
King Abdullah II has just (June 2015) raised the ominous and prophetic red banner
Which Islamic prophecy states will be that of a character name "Alsufyani" who will be at the forefront to fight Imam Al-Mahdi (final caliph in Islam before return of Jesus Christ)
So, expect plenty of drama and an all-out war in the region by the usual Zionist culprits orchestrated in an attempt to stop destiny.
Glen said (September 17, 2015):
Thanks for posting this article. I was raised a Southern Baptist and therefore became well aware at an early age that these so called followers of Christ were pushing for the same thing that a group I had never heard of (radicle Islam) was pushing for. WWIII and the total destruction of the planet earth was necessary and un-avoidable, and the sooner the better. I was told I would be saved from the carnage if I just put my faith in Christ and would be drawn up to the heavens to be with that same Christ.
It's funny, because at that early age I still could not make sense of the whole thing. I could not help but wonder how and why humans, blessed with ability to "reason" could do no better than to pray for and plan for his own demise. Secondly, I could not find where Jesus himself thought this was a good idea.
Bottom line a "fundamentalist" is a "fundamentalist", no matter what brand he chooses, and until we all figure this out, I find no hope for mankind.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
†ony B said (September 17, 2015):
Marco's points [below] on this latest seem most logical to me.
Could this be the time for the con of all cons being set up by those doing the devil's business? My guess is that this con would include the present Pope who does everything to destroy Catholic doctrine.
Although I'm not Catholic, I have learned that it is certain that if all people, Catholic, Orthodox or whatever, were to become faithful to earnestly praying the Rosary the world's spiritual direction would turn around in a short time. Nothing more than that need be urged so why all the verbiage?