Why are Christians So Naive about Judaism?
September 8, 2015

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September 8, 2015
GG said (September 9, 2015):
Nothing like a Scripture verse 'punch in the head' to get me thinking ! I'm referring to 1John2: 22. By the time I had finished reading that paragraph, I realized how 'on point' the verse is. If brevity is the soul of wit, that paragraph is brilliance !
My comment/question is directed to Mr Perloff: If I am to reject Zionists because they deny the deity of Jesus, "Why (how) should I (as a Bible-believing Christian) embrace Islam ?" The hadj to the Kaaba in Mecca has once purpose, to expose the believer to the core tenant of Islam (as written around the top of the cube) that "god (allah) has no son".
I'm no theologian, but Scripture (ie: 1John2: 22) and logic would seem to dictate.........anyway, Mr Makow, thank you for another thought-provoking article. Your links are always a gold mine of information, so it's looking like a long night.
Bill said (September 9, 2015):
To Al Thompson and the others who get a lot of it right. It only took me 23 years to figure out the pastoral lies and Satanic deceptions of Judeo-Churchianity. I bit the hook big-time swallowing the age-old Zionist instigated propaganda that, "the Jews are God's Chosen People," the "Apple Story," and all the rest of the Jewish fables. When I was finally led to I begin studying the Bible instead of merely reading it the real truth of Scripture unfolded.
Like Al, I will never set foot in another Judeo, Evangelical, or non-Evangelical church again. Judeo-Christianity is, Counterfeit Christianity!
"Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! saith the Lord." Jeremiah 23:1
The bottom line: Until one comes to terms with Genesis 3:15, understands it, accepts it, and believes it, the lights will never go on in the brain department regarding Scripture. It has been said that, "the brain is like a parachute... it must be open for it to function." Genesis 3:15 is the single most paramount key verse in Scripture to understanding the entire rest of Scripture.
Judaism is Communism, plain and simple. It is Satan worship. The Pharisees of old are alive and thriving today, still worshiping their father the Devil, through their progenitor, Cain.
David said (September 9, 2015):
Henry, this has always stumped me about my fellow Christians. All I can figure is the evangelicals are convinced that whatever Israel does (including stealing Palestinians' land, mass murder and apartheid) is somehow the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy just because it's happening in that part of the world.
Also, all my life I've been told about Judeo-Christian values (which to me is an oxymoron), so Christians naively believe Jews are our spiritual brothers and sisters. I think Christians also believe charity and tolerance should extend to Jews no matter what they do or say about Christians, because of their history of persecution, which we never hear the end of.
Richard S said (September 9, 2015):
Just recently found the link to MarchingtoZION.com on your site. What a fantastic film.
Perhaps only Ted Pike's earlier films , has Judeo/Zionism been dealt with so thoroughly and finally.
The film Marching to Zion is an elegant juggernaut which plows methodically through the specious twin pillars Zionism and Judaism.
HB said (September 9, 2015):
The 13th tribe will never stop destroying us (you and me and for what we stand for).
I can but cry when witnessing what these monsters are unleashing, planned since a century and rolling
it out like an enormous avalanche. And the traitors of the european "régimes" as well as the scum bag
in Rome even bid for more and applaud...
It is utterly sickening, I shall return to Thailand after a short stay here, and not come back again.
If you have not seen the devil in person, take your pick, GOD'S THUNDER OUGHT TO DESTROY
this ugly witch/bitch.
Marco A said (September 9, 2015):
YouTube has become a major platform for supposed Christians to work en-mass, there is a massive movement online involving these 'Christians' who are influencing and deceiving millions.
I don't even want to call them Protestants, as a protestant to me is part of a standard Church such as Lutheran, etc. Many of these people don't seem to have any obvious affiliation with any church and many are Satanists (my opinion, but I feel very strongly about this accusation).
These 'YouTube ministries' which garner hundreds of thousands to millions of views, will often support Israel, promote old testament holidays, and provide snippets of obvious wolves in sheep's clothing (John Hagee, Jonathan Cahn etc.). All these things naturally contradict traditional Christianity.
There is also always an obsessive importance placed on dates in relation to the end-times, also with numerology and astrology which is totally anti-Christian and is delving into occultism.
They will also preach incessantly about a rapture that will take place, and that Jesus will return soon come to reign. They are also always anti-Catholic.
There are also many people who claim to be Satanists who converted after they 'saw the light' or whatever, and post videos and fool millions. Just last night I watched one of a man claiming to be a former Satanist, who converted. The FIRST thing he did was mock the Virgin Mary and St. Michael as pagan worship - while in reality they are the two mortal enemies of Satan and a help to man.
Naturally the internet 'Judeo-Christians' (whatever you want to call them) thought the man was great. While in reality he's just a Satanist deceiving.
Overall I feel like much of this modern Judeo-Christian movement is there to condition people for the advent of Evil and the reign of the imposter Christ.
AG said (September 9, 2015):
Why? Because what is called "Christianity" today is "Judeo-Protestantism," or "Judeo-Churchiantiy." Sorry, but Protestantism is a heretical non-Christian religion that bears little resemblance to what Jesus taught and gave His Last Drop of Blood for.
So-called "Christians" of today, adhere to Judaism because Jews worship Satan. and Judaism caters to the Protestant belief system more than Roman Catholicism (the religion that Jesus founded. Roman Catholicism, prior to Vatican Two). The Vatican Two Church is a Novus Ordo Church (new order) --"a new religion," not Catholic, and it resembles Protestantism and has aligned itself with Judaism, creating a cocktail of a disaster for the souls of confused Catholics who want to be loyal to their religion, yet know inside themselves that something is deadly wrong with the church....and know deep inside that they are not receiving Holy Communion at mass, but just a cookie in their hand. (Read Father Dominic and Francisco Radecki's books "What Has Happened to the Catholic Church?" and "Tumultuous Times"...both books document this in detail, and provide historical references to back up what they say).
Today's "Christians" have bonded with Jews because Judaism caters to the self, and to family/personal love/friends social bonds etc.....and to believing that Arabs are evil and that they must be killed --when in reality, Zionisim/Judaism is using these silly Protestants to kill the Arab world so they can take over the entire Middle East and erect their god (the anti-Christ).
Jesus taught --that the only evil we must conquer is within ourselves, but Protestants have bonded with Jews because of the Jewish bible, (the Torah) which Protestants think is "the word of God" when they do not even know what the Word of God is, and ignorantly think it is a book.
Today's "Christians" think the way to Heaven is to memorize a book, "believe" in a concept, kill Arabs and other "non-believers" and then wait around for some second-coming of Jesus so they can be taken to Heaven and watch chaos below. When in actuality, Jesus already walked the earth and tried to show us the way, but humanity did not want His message...not even today's so-called Christians want His message, and they are waiting for Jehovah (Satan) -- the god of the Jews-- who is the anti-Christ, and he will be worshiped by today's "Judeo-Churchianity" and when he is done with them, he will kill them, and all the Jews that worshiped him as well.
Satan has one goal....the destruction of ALL of humanity. His spirit is alive and thriving in today's society --this is literally the era of the anti-Christ, and when he is ready to reveal himself in psychical form, as a man and a leader who will "rescue" everyone from financial crisis and wars, and from disease etc. then he will be worshiped as Jesus by the ignorant and blind "Christians." The antichrist will also be worshiped by Jews, and anyone else whom his message caters to --the message that self-gratification and the material world is 'where its at,' and alt that talk of self-sacrifice was just a silly concept for stupid people.
Jesus said, "My Kingdom is not of this world" but Judaism is bonded with this world, and Protestantism as well, because Protestants believe you can do whatever you want, and keep doing it, because after-all 'Jesus died for their sins.' Judaism has no accountability because they are the "chosen ones" (only satan would choose a particular group of people for his own.
Tim N said (September 9, 2015):
To AG and others:
You are correct that Satan is against all humanity. He has been here from the beginning and according to Christ, is "the prince of this world , a liar, deceiver, and murderer. " As Paul says, he can "wrap himself as an angel of light."
As God picked Israel to deliver the law, and Christ to fulfill it and bring salvation, the "Jewish" faith and Christian church have been under attack, infiltrated, and corrupted continually. And yes, the Catholic church and Jesuit Order especially. In fact, the Catholic Church and related Popery worship IS the anti-Christ system and deception warned about by Daniel, Paul and John that will come from WITHIN the Church.
No other organization fits, or has the global reach for the new world order.
I also suspect that once the Jewish leaders saw that Christianity was the new power structure, they were used by Satan to corrupt the Church from within, and have been for probably 1,500 years. The Protestant movement was a movement by God originally. And was persecuted by the Catholic church relentlessly, killing over a million of their fellow "Christians". But Protestantism too has been seriously corrupted.
Personally, truth is in the New Testament words of Christ and the Apostles. Today and throughout history, most "Christians" have not followed the truth, so don't judge the truth without reading it for yourself.
God loves us and has given us freedom of choice. It is man that has chosen evil. Love God. Love your neighbor. Let everyone live in liberty and freedom. No one is righteous. Only by the grace of God are we forgiven. Everyone is welcome. You can worship and pray anywhere. This is Christ's message.
JG said (September 8, 2015):
Large sectors of Organized Christian America today have become corrupted by the atheist doctrine of "'political correctness".'
They are afraid to take a stand and defend their messiah Jesus Christ if it will cost them their political position or affect their personal wealth.
A lot of the so called American Christian congressman and senators ( republican and democrat) think it nothing to put on the black skullcap and enter a Jewish temple to tell them everything they want to hear in order for their support and to keep them off their back even if it means compromising the gospel. Cowardice is a bipartisan thing today in Washington.
They don't know what the Talmud is or says about Jesus Christ and really don't want to know either. They also obviously don't know their Holy Bible for if they did they couldn't and wouldn't bow to these Talmudic Rabbis.
They have deceived themselves into believing that they can serve the masters of this world, reap it's rewards of wealth and prosperity and then have a place in the Kingdom of Heaven waiting for them when they die.
Al Thompson said (September 8, 2015):
Christians have been trained through their bible studies that Christianity is founded upon Judaism. The problem I have with these questions is that all of the information that I have is based upon writings which may or may not be true. The Christian's blind support of Israel is something I was subjected to and I took the bait. I had no reason to believe that these pastors would lie about something like that. It's not that Christians are naive but that they are misinformed. Their pastors are liars and that's hard for them to accept. I wouldn't touch a church with a ten-foot pole knowing what I know now.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Bill said (September 10, 2015):
C H Douglas, the British engineer who studied and provided the only practical analysis, as far as I'm aware, of the operation and deficiencies (likely deliberate) of the existing debt-money system, suggested that modern organized Christianity had allowed itself to become Judaic orientated.
My understanding of his comment is that he thought the Christian world had fallen into supporting legalism and centralisation ahead of the Law of Love.