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Brother Will: "My Journey So Far"

August 1, 2015

(A devout Christian, the author says Darwin and Einstein are the two people who ironically inspired him the most.)

"Brother Will", 57, is a management consultant in Wales.
Here is his "journey of discovery" and thoughts on where to go from here.

Disclaimer: I am interested in other people's experience and perceptions, but posting does not imply endorsement.

by "Brother Will"

This is my journey of discovery in this amazing thing called Life. I became a Christian in the mid 1970s basically because I felt no love from parents, both of whom came from families with strong Freemasonry backgrounds. 

I was attracted to the people in a local church because I felt genuine love from them and, even better, unconditional love from God. I devoted myself to reading the Bible and I dedicated my life to God and have spent my whole adult life as a "missionary" in various parts of the world and engaged in spiritual warfare. However, I never really "got" Church, but hey, that's all there is, isn't there? 

Anyway, I married a wonderful christian young lady, lets call her Alicia, towards the end of the 1980s in a Church. Six months later, as a nurse she broke her back lifting an obese patient. She was forced to spend as much as 80% of each lying down day. 

So I was effectively married to someone who couldn't work and who was told couldn't have kids. Anyway, it wasn't easy as you can imagine but I loved this girl so much, that I would do anything for her. 

The Lord gave Alicia amazing strength of character and she did the only thing she could do which was pray and read the Bible. Anything like paid employment or going to Church was out of the question. 

When we did go to Church, all people did was look down on Alicia for being ill or pray for her healing or tell her that she lacked faith for thinking she was down and depressed. No way!!! In our strange tragicomedy of a life, we rejoiced in the Lord. He even gave us two wonderful kids who have virtually left home. (Alicia still can't even carry a bag of sugar or even get dressed by herself. So it is my privilege to act as her carer.) 

The plot thickens. I nearly died just before Christmas 2014 due to a serious blood problem. I needed five major operations to finally get through. The Lord gave me some more time to live and since then, my eyes have been opened to all the evil happening in the world. 

If you want to understand what is happening to us, please access the following website. 


All this stuff about NWO/9-11/Technocracy and the power of Satan and his powers and principalities became real to me. 

I can't believe that, for 40 years as a Bible-believing Christian, I didn't realize that 
a) Conspiracy Theories and actually Conspiracy Fact and that 
b) the existing Church is virtually a God-free zone, 
c) God is at work in people in other religions and none, 
d) the depth of oppression of women by men (not just by me, but also the vast majority of other males throughout history) and 
d) all the stuff that they pump into people at Theology schools is just what we now call "feeding the Beast" as it makes slaves of people who are snagged by it. 

The orthodox church threw out God in 300AD! He is doing something new, something different, something intangible OUTSIDE the church, which is where enlightened people like you come in, shedding light in a dark and darkening world. 

This is just MY journey so far. What is much more important to me is YOUR journey, because I am just a fellow traveller, on a quest to understand the Truth. God is Truth. "You will know the Truth and the Truth will set you free" John 8v32


So where to we go from here, folks? Not fully sure, but here are a few thoughts:

1) Meditate on God and on the Bible daily (especially the Song of Songs and the Book of Revelation). As He is in charge of the battle and He has the ultimate victory. We do not need to be afraid.

2) Love everyone we meet unconditionally every day....yes, everyone, even if they are a pain in the backside!

3) BEWARE of anything electronic such as mobile phones and the internet as they can cloud our karma with the Lord and with our loved ones.

4) Enjoy and look after Nature, the Lord's gift to us.

5) Get out of the orthodox Church, Synagogue or Mosque asap. (Who needs church buildings and paid clergy anyway. We are ALL equal in the Kingdom of God...everyone is welcome. The Kingdom of God is simply those people who listen to God's voices and obey His commands, (i.e. without the praise of man.)

6) Encourage Permaculture and work towards the Resource Based Economy described by Peter Joseph's three amazing Zeitgeist movies available free on the internet  The end of the third film is well worth waiting for.

7) Don't let anyone or anything every tell you what you can't do. "I can do all things in Him who strengthens me" (Phil 4v13). So whoever you are, wherever your journey or situation, you are here for a reason, even if things look desperate for you. Please don't under-estimate what God can do through you if you are willing to let him as an empty vessel. He may use us but He may don't. We are called to be faithful not fruitful. "He must increase but i must decrease" (John 3v30)

Finally, one day, when all this is amazing, tragi-comic reality/Spiritual battle is over, while we are in heaven with Jesus with our "spiritual bodies", let's look back together and discuss how the Lord spoke to us through our journeys. See you soon!

Makow Comment- Just like his admiration for Darwin, I can't understand how Brother Will can ignore the attack on Christ in Zeitgeist, or recommend the general scam it represents. 

First Comment from Dan:

'Brother Will' has been led astray.   He writes "if you want to understand what is happening to us"  then go to "the Pleiadians" website.  Where you can read about our cosmic brothers and how we're "all one in the Galactic Family".

For the sake of his invalid wife it's up to him to see through the deceptive false prophets of the 'web'.   You don't need externals.   Didache 11 "Welcome the teacher when he comes to instruct you in all that has been said.  But if he turns and trains you in another tradition to the destruction of this teaching, do not listen."

Peter Joseph isn't here to help disabled, impoverished people.  There are no such people in Zeitgeist's visions of the future.

JACQUES FRESCO: " If we try to visualize the future without families. there's fear, so when we make movies we put families in there. There will be no families. Those people won't want children. We do a survey of the carrying capacity of the earth, and that tells us how many people the earth can support."  The "Zeitgeist" Agenda 

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Brother Will: "My Journey So Far""

Rich said (August 3, 2015):

Although I usually like Al Thompsons comments, I can't agree that Einstein's theories of Special or General relativity are frauds.

Whereas evolution can be taught to a dumbed down public, relativity takes a little more imagination, which makes it utterly useless as a tool of oppression. Telling people they are glorified monkeys is useful to the Satanic agenda, I agree. Telling them that time and space are virtually the same is not. Time-Space seems more like an actual fingerprint of the Creator. But then, I am just a layman.

Ephesians 3: 17,18
That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;

Some even think this passage could be describing three dimensions plus time.

As for Will. He needs serious help.

Peter G said (August 2, 2015):

Thanks for posting this Henry

I find several of this guys remarks quite naive in a number of areas but his heart is in the right place.

Those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.

My prayer is for the recovery of his wife. A rock if ever there was one.

SD said (August 2, 2015):

Regarding the subject article, consider my recent comment on Zen Gardner's website (5th comment down) concerning Jacque Fresco/Peter Joseph,

I'd ask you to consider that it's really not nefarious at all - these men, their work. There's so much more to Fresco's vision than "The Venus Project". Regardless, I don't think you have to worry because even ideas like his, that in fact do have the best intentions, wouldn't be allowed to be used for any good by the real controllers of our world, assuming it was able to get off the ground in the first place, and also considering our current lower-level of consciousness on the planet.

Tom said (August 2, 2015):

This letter is pure fiction. I doubt the whole story has any basis in truth, any spirit filled Believer in Christ would know intuitively that anything to do with the zeitgeist movement is of the darkness. If that is not a dead giveaway, the "oppression of women" guilt induction crap surely is.

RR said (August 1, 2015):

Sorry, this is nothing but New Age Religion BS.

Al Thompson said (August 1, 2015):

This is a perfect example of mixing diverse doctrines and then coming up with nothing. Evolution and the theory of relativity are two of the biggest frauds ever foisted upon mankind.

Evolution has no facts to prove its existence. Evolution doesn't even rise to the level of a theory. A good theory has to be underpinned by facts and not opinions. If you believe in evolution, then I doubt one can accept the God who created us. The god of evolution is the wrong one.

Relativity as I understand it is total nonsense and this can help to explain why people have a hard time discerning truth. They are taught in school that truth is relative to one's perceptions which is false. Truth is what it is regardless of how one perceives it. Scientists can be just as screwed up as political and religious leaders. Science doesn't establish the natural order; science only observes it.

Just the simple observation of nature shows that evolution and relativity are both complete nonsense. But just like good little Jews, Darwin and Einstein put out these teachings to distort the minds of the goyim. These two theories go a long way in distorting the moral structure of mankind. Men and women are not animals and they are not species. Men and women have to operate upon the truth and nothing else.

Mike P replies:

I can't find any support for the idea that Charles Darwin was a Jew. Wrong yes, but Jew no.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at