Ontario Lesbian Premier Dumbfounded by Sex Ed Objections
July 9, 2015

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July 9, 2015
KS said (July 9, 2015):
Will someone please explain how it is that parents, (particularly readers of this web site) believe they can entrust their vulnerable children to the state and expect a good outcome ?
CR said (July 9, 2015):
What is going on now is a complete change of tactics from the earlier "fight against oppression" by these perverts. When they wanted sodomy laws overturned they said that it's nobody's business what they do in their bedrooms. Now they are trying to make it everyone's business, and if you don't want to hear about it then you are labeled "homophobic".
How about this - GET BACK IN THE CLOSET! Nobody wants to know about what they do except other perverts like them, let them keep it to themselves. A phobia is an irrational fear, but personally I'm just disgusted.
Homodisgustic? If you don't like sewage does that make you sewerphobic? How about dead bodies? I worked for a funeral home before, but I still don't like corpses. It is basic human nature to be repelled by certain things. The sodomite movement wants the rest of society to go against their instincts and either join or applaud them.
There is no need for children to learn about these things. I'm 31 and I wish I never heard about any gay/LGBT thing, some knowledge we are better off without.
MJ said (July 9, 2015):
Parents should keep protesting in a massive way and the pressure should be unbearable for that province. If they release a uncompromising refusal and mass boycott as a tactic this civil disobedience will work. As they say you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink unless you are a tortured soul in gitmo. leadership has become the cesspool of the degenerates.
The story of Prophet Lot in the Quran.
JG said (July 9, 2015):
Like America, Canada is now not only being denied majority rule but is also being denied majority representation in it's school's sexual orientation curriculum.
Homosexuality is a "learned behavior" that has no right to be misrepresented as a new socially acceptable norm to innocent children at such a young age.
They shouldn't have to be exposed to the philosophy or the act itself in any way.
This is very obviously being done to attempt to confound the Christian Morality that might be taught in the home or that is present in their God given nature.
Al Thompson said (July 9, 2015):
Actually, what I am dumbfounded by is the fact that the parents send their children to these schools. Free public education is one of the planks of the Communist Manifesto. Since communists, socialists, and nazis don't have any morals, why would anyone send their children to be taught by them? The public school system is run by idiots, so why have an idiot teach your children anything?
Under these conditions, schools are like prison camps and not places to learn basic reading and writing skills. In fact, these are mental and moral retardation centers that are of no social value to anyone. They are a hotbed for child molesters and abusers, and the mental abuse they impose on the children is unbelievable. The children belong at home.
It would be fun to watch thousands of parents refuse to allow their children to go to school. Just empty out the school system. This would mean that one parent would probably have to stay home with the children. Too bad, it has to be done and there's no option unless you want your children to come out acting like Miley Cyrus or Justin Bieber.
It is obvious that the so-called leaders don't give a rat's butt about what the parents think. This premier is feigning being "startled" by statistics when in fact she doesn't care. They just want their perverted agenda put forth no matter how much damage it does to the children. The "premier" is a pervert. So, are the parents going to continue to send their children there? I used to ask politicians questions like this and they all have the same non-answer. They make the parents think that their views are being considered when they are not. Again, communists just do what they want and they don't care about you.
Parents have the option of homeschooling so I suggest that they use it and stop trying to reason with idiots. There's not enough time in life to spend it attempting to convince an idiot to stop doing something that is evil and stupid. If it means lowering your lifestyle because of lost income from one spouse's job, then so be it. Better to stay home with the children where they belong, instead of being indoctrinated into the mind-numbing nonsense of communist libtards.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Peter G said (July 10, 2015):
Kathleen Wynne and Liz Sandals both look like a couple of really bad villains from series one of Star Trek.