The Illuminati Jewish Plan for European Genocide
June 26, 2015

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June 26, 2015
Justan said (June 27, 2015):
- Whites called racist from the day they are born
- Not allowed to have pride in their race
- Not allowed to have a racial identity
- Told race doesn't exist
- Self-hate taught in education system and media
- Denied any organization that promotes their interests
David K said (June 26, 2015):
I am Australian and see Australia as a cultural wasteland. What kind of culture is it to drink beer, watch footy and go to the pub? White women hear are like poison, you would have to be crazy to marry one. And then i look at the "family". This is the biggest joke. White Australian parents usually give their kids almost no support, especially financial but even when it comes to having your own kids, the "grandparents" often have little interest in really helping out. Its almost like a competition between parents and children and the parents actually want to see their kids do it tough like they did back in their day. I don't understand it. Oh but once they are dead you get their stuff because they held on to it so tight you thought they wanted to take it to the grave. Of course that's if they didn't spend it all on doctors and medicine trying to prolong their life.
In Asia the parents do everything they can to help their kids financially and in all other regards. The parents actually see their own house as their sons house for him to bring up his family in and they are there as babysitters anytime they are needed. The "mine and yours" attitude is so different there, not like in Australia where your own father has to constantly establish "HIS".
So for me marrying an Asian was a no brainer. Yeah maybe the genes of white man will get diluted but if this culture takes on some of the Asian ways it would be a great thing. I know its the NWO agenda but really look at white mans culture, its already too late, they have none.
Tony B said (June 26, 2015):
What surprisingly isn't mentioned in this exposé is that the culture being destroyed in the "European" nations is basically the culture of Christianity which for centuries was taken for granted in white nations but no longer is. It has also been the strength of those nations which is presently quickly disintegrating.
However, God can change that trend in a moment, making all the satanic plans of world conquest null, as Christianity, real Christianity, is not racial but tends to unite all races in a sane, God oriented union rather than in a controlled materialistic mob system the satanists are so anxious to create. Such a union would be sure death to all the satanic centuries of planning to own the world outright as their main and constant weapon of divide and conquer would be completely neutered by the true solidarity of real Christianity.
JC said (June 26, 2015):
The cultural Marxists have shifted the language from accepting refugees according the UN charter to now migrants. This has shifted in the last 10 years. Whereas before a refugee had to prove their refugee status with a real risk of torture and persecution to be accepted into EU, N.America and Australia, now the new much lower threshold is migrant. Economic migrants without a right to remain and unable to be accepted as refugees would normally be deported back to their country of origin. Instead we accept them without question.
The ball game has changed and the illuminati have opened the flood gates in their war against White Western Christian Civilization, using the tool of democide. The objective is to forcefully change the demographic of our countries, then as Nicolas Sarkozy advocate forced miscegenation law for your inevitable brown future.
Make no mistake about it, they have declared war on us. Our politicians, mainstream media, the Judaised Christian leaders and legal system become compliant to 'Practical Idealism'. They can only advance their agenda with our unknowing consent of the truth. The build up we are seeing with false flags is underlying an agenda.
Hate Speech laws and use of political tool of anti-antisemitism is to gag and terrorize an awaken mass of people and white people's defiance to an inevitable mongrelized future. So they need their fake terror to implement the real terror.
Europe needs no more of these low skilled masses, the policy ought to be repatriation to Africa, set up repatriation camps within Africa to receive them. Then impose a Naval Blockade to kill this agenda in its tracks.
Tyron said (June 26, 2015):
"Do not direct your resentment at immigrants who are just trying to better themselves, as our own ancestors did."
Nonsense. While these unlawful invaders are "trying to better themselves" they are being used as a massive battering ram to genocide us. This doesn't mean we should go shooting them etc, but we should shun these unassimilatables because soon they will be used to outright murder us when the SHTF.
Make no mistake. We have entered Jacob's trouble and it will soon be total war. We are in the war between Jacob and Esau and we are destined to win so as time goes on the "Jew" knowing this will become more and more ruthless because they figure they have nothing left to lose in what is rightly called " the controversy of Zion".
When settled, this controversy will either see the Satanic "Jew" or the white man- believer rule or reign over the planet in "Israel". I believe, first the "Jew", as we see now, and then us, which will manifest later after we win the battles in our own lands that we reside in today.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Doug said (June 27, 2015):
The same thing is happening in NZ that only 40 years ago was 90% European and 10% Maori. Europeans are now supposed to be down to 50% but a lot of mixed race people identify as European so most likely it is less and shrinking all the time. I was in Auckland recently and would estimate that 80% of the population there is African and Asian. European New Zealanders are educated to be ashamed and are blamed for the wild life hunting trips and various massacres in other countries that were carried out under direction of a foreign enemy who were in control of European countries. We are taught there is no such thing as race, except for the special race who were chosen by God. Their old fairy tales give lot examples of how they use deception to steal, such as when they deviously took over Egypt and have ruled since.