Anti-Child Hate Speech Allowed to Flourish
March 30, 2015

You can't criticize gays but heterosexuals are fair game.
Rebecca, 20, exposes the vicious heterophobic
anti-child subculture that flourishes on the Internet.
This profoundly anti-human thinking
is another example of many heterosexuals
mirroring homosexual attitudes and behavior.
Related- Young Women Rages Against Feminist Subversion
"They treat children like they are subhuman scum, the worst things to happen to this planet, seriously."
by Rebecca
I just wanted to make another observation about the evil society we live in.
I've been noticing more and more younger people, age 18-30, jumping on this vicious "I hate children!" bandwagon.
And when I say that this particular bandwagon is vicious, I REALLY mean that it is vicious and mean spirited in the full and serious sense.
People nowadays go on and on about how much they hate children, don't want children, and would hate having to raise children. They loathe everything about children.
Whenever someone mentions children, some idiot always remarks they don't like them and don't want any, as if it's at all relevant to the conversation.
I mentioned before that I was able to break out of my feminist brainwashing and discover the truth. Well, when I was a feminist, I didn't want children either. Now that I've distanced myself from those influences, I see just how disgusting and all around toxic this movement is.
I visit many different Internet sites, blogs, etc. and everywhere I look, I see the disgusting anti-children drivel.
There's this new subculture that's emerged and it's called "childfree." A lot of people make not having or wanting children their main identity. They frequent bulletin boards and forums dedicated to their "childfree life" where they trash talk children and parents alike.
I'm not exaggerating. This is literally all these people talk about on their sad little forums. They treat children like they are subhuman scum, the worst things to happen to this planet, seriously.

These people also rage against parents. They refer to parents as: Moo (referring to mothers, calling them cows) and Duh (for fathers, because fathers are "stupid.")
Parents are referred to as "breeders" as if they were subhuman for DARING to have children. For example, I was posting in a thread on Reddit once, and the topic of children came up. Out of nowhere, one little puke piped up with "Why don't you not have children and enjoy life instead?"
As if you can't enjoy life if you have kids? Seriously?
Feminism and the New World Order depopulation agenda is to blame for this. Feminism convinced stupid women that having a family is "oppressive" and "imprisoning." Instead, they should go out and waste their lives on some pointless career.
Feminism has masculinized women and effeminized men. Many men are little girly boys who don't want to get married and care for a family.
Because women would rather focus on being "independent" and spurn the idea of family, many men simply don't know what to do. They feel redundant and pointless. Directionless. They don't have a feminine wife to care for or a family to lead. Their development is arrested. They have meaningless promiscuous sex with masculine feminist women, work some dead end job, play video games, watch movies, watch sports, surf the internet, etc. They never become men.
Similarly, feminist women are neutered and never become women. Both genders remain androgynous, psychologically mutilated creatures who spend their lives being slaves to the Illuminati system.
People nowadays are so brainwashed it's pathetic! The media is the source of this horrible attitude towards children. The media deliberately projects a negative image of children!
This is true for ALL media. Think about it, when was the last time you saw the mainstream entertainment portray children in a positive light? Rarely at best, and even when they do, they still have to make children look bad in some way. I've notice the changes in attitudes over the years.
Today, kids are viewed as nothing more than burdens. People think that when you settle down and have kids, your happiness is "over". I've heard so many idiots describe the fetus as a "parasite."
The illuminati has truly taken a toll on society. The traditional family lies in ruins and people despise the very idea of settling down to have children.
Jennifer said (April 1, 2015):
Thank you for the article:
"Anti-Child Hate Speech Allowed to Flourish", it put words to what I am experiencing around me. First my chopped-up-vasectomy brother and his feminist wife are happily child-free. Then a good friend told me he divorced his wife when she confessed to having 2 abortions and not wanting to be a "breeder."
Another friend and his wife announced they will not be contributing to over-population! My new roommate told me she doesn't want children as she is too selfish and enjoys her freedom--to work in a salon as a facialist and go to parties a be a slut --sounds terribly boring to me!