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Ontario Teacher Disciplined for Criticizing Child Procurement Program

March 29, 2015

Introducing pre-puberty children to sex is
psychological sexual abuse, leading to
physical abuse. Parents must take vigorous legal action.
Teachers must refuse to groom children for pedophiles.

The time has come for civil disobedience.

We've heard about bakeries who refused to bake cakes for gay weddings as a matter of principle. Now we have 75,000 elementary school teachers in Ontario who are forced to act as satanist social engineers and procurers. Their livelihood is at stake.  Like Eichmann, will they "obey orders"? 

If you were a pedophile, wouldn't you want children to learn the following? (see article)

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

An Ontario teacher has been disciplined after criticizing Ontario's sex ed in social media. Details are withheld because she wishes to remain anonymous. She "fears for her safety."

She writes:

"Thank you for covering the sex-ed topic in such an informative, educational, way. As a public school elementary teacher, I had been trying to do the same by using social media (Twitter, Facebook.) At least until I have been gagged by my own Union and sent to the school board's "Tweet Right" course.

gingerbreadman.jpgWhat is happening in schools and particularly the union is terrifying. We are being gradually conditioned to approach children with sex talk via images of gingerbread cookies. Most of us have learned as children to reject candy from strangers. Yet here we are, teachers from the Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario about to start using images of candied cookies to have adult chats about sex with children.

It's simply criminal. There ought to be some sort of political/judicial/criminal action to stop this dead in it's tracks.

There is this sort of linguistic/psychological approach gradually implementing the "sex-ed" curriculum. There is an occult quality to the entire thing and disturbing overtones of pedophilia.

I hope you continue your work on this subject. Parents and teachers need to be educated about the sex education program and its genesis. They simply don't know. They need to be informed with the facts about it so they can understand."


The sex ed curriculum was designed by a pedophile. Benjamin Levin pleaded guilty to making written child pornography, counseling a person to commit a sexual assault, and possession of child pornography. He also told an undercover police officer he had sex with his own daughters and hoped to have sex with his granddaughters.

The Ontario Sex Ed Curriculum is designed to groom children for pedophiles, homosexual and otherwise. If you were a pedophile, wouldn't you want children to learn:

Graphic lessons on sexual body parts including "penis", "testicles", "vagina" and "vulva." (age 6)
How to give consent. (age 6 and older)
How gender is a social construct unrelated to anatomy. (Age 8)
That homosexuality is cool. Gay families are normal. (Age 8)
That they should start dating. (Age 9)
That masturbation is good. (Age 12)
That vaginal lubrication is useful. (Age 12)
That anal intercourse and fellatio are good ways to avoid pregnancy and stds. (age 13) 

That doesn't mention anal sex is 3000% more likely to result in AIDS; that
almost 1 out of every 3 actively gay men in Toronto will get AIDS; but says it's OK to keep having sex even if you have AIDS. 

That sex is a purely recreational activity whose purpose is pleasure, apart from love or marriage. According to the Coalition for Life, "the words 'love' and 'marriage' never appear once in the sex-education strand of the curriculum. Not a single mention. Does that reveal the mindset of its writers, if not the philosophical underpinnings of the curriculum itself?"


If you didn't believe in a satanist global conspiracy empowered by the Illuminati banking cartel, you should now. The people supporting the Ontario Sex Ed program are globalist proxies like the Communist party, Planned Parenthood, OPHEA (The Ontario Physical & Health Education Association) and "Queer Ontario" which according to their website, promotes bondage, casual sex, sadism/masochism and group sex.

The sex ed agenda is international in scope. A Greek wrote to Ann Diamond recently: "Yesterday I went to a conversation that took place in a primary school and was organized by school teachers and social workers. They invited parents to tell them that it is necessary to put sex ed in kindergarten. I asked them where they take their instructions from, they said from WHO [World Health Organization]. I talked and I opposed to all of this, and yes, they were impressed from the things I knew, and they didn't have an answer. It's spreading wild, guys. It's a world agenda."

What passes as spontaneous "social change" is in fact an organized process of satanic possession.

So far only one man has launched a legal action. A Mr. Tourlakis has sued the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (HWDSB) for refusing to give him advance notification of lessons that contradict his religious beliefs. They have also refused to let him to withdraw his children from class.  (Point 12) 

But all parents and teachers need to challenge this in court. Forcing teachers to sexualize children contravenes the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms which guarantees "freedom of conscience and religion." (2a)

Muzzling teachers contravenes the guarantee
of "freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication." 

Furthermore, the Charter protects Catholic schools who refuse to participate. (29)

I have to ask Ontario parents. Do you love your children? Prove it.

Thomas Carter has found a group that is more militant:

Today at our church in London, ON, a lady was giving out petitions protesting the curriculum put out by Parents Alliance of Ontario.
This group is very active and have been behind the protests at Queen's Park. 500 hundred of their members were responsible for shutting down the brain washing session held by Liberal MPPs Bas Balkissoon and Soo Wong.

The group appears to have been started by Chinese Canadians. They are planning another protest for Tuesday April 13.

More updates and info available


Join Parents across Ontario who are saying NO to Ontario's new sex ed!
FB GROUPS > My child My choice, Say no to Ontario Sex Ed, PM Stop the dangerous and abusive sex ed in Canada,
Stop this dangerous sex ed program imbedded with pedophilic influence (of convicted child predator Ben Levin), which presents confusing theories (introduces 6 genders to young influential minds) opposed to sexual health and education facts, introduces anal sex as an equivalent to vaginal in GRADE 6 when in fact anal sex is illegal in Canada until the age of 18 and is harmful to the body, has high risk association to the aids virus since 'anal fluids' carry highly toxic and infectious bacteria (especially when mixed with semen). These facts however are missed in this sexual health and education program designed to keep our children 'educated and healthy'. The curriculum introduces consent to minors rather than teaching them according to Canadian Laws that it is a violation for anyone to touch them sexually. The program encourages masturbation and sexual touching to minors which is a violation of the criminal code of Canada. The Ontario government is threatening parental rights and Canadian freedoms and has disrespected Canadian values.
Stand with us and fight back. All protest will be very loud, but very peaceful. No violence of any kind will be tolerated.

April 2008- Makow- Pedophilia: The Next Frontier 
Wynne's Sex Ed Rooted in Totalitarian Communism (Cabalism)  
Ontario Lesbian Premier Grooms Youngsters for Pedophiles
The First Child Kathleen Wynne Destroyed

First Comment from Dan:

In all cultures and all lands, pedophilia has been a capital offense.   So the first thing to ask is; what happened?  How have the most criminal of sexual perversions become a plank in the political platform in democratic countries?  Marx never suggested it. Trotsky only went so far as promoting promiscuity and bisexuality .[1] He corresponded with and met the Fabian Socialist Lord Bertrand Russell in 1921.[2]  

The English Lord Russell and the cultural terrorist Trotsky knew that isolated individuals are easily controlled by the State.  Both experimented with ways to break up the nuclear family.  Trotsky outlawed marriage, decriminalized sodomy, and promoted promiscuity and homosexuality.  In 1927, Russell and his wife (at the time) Dora operated a private, experimental school for children up to puberty.  The children immersed in sex 'education', and encouraged to experiment on each other, and given hours of opportunity. Russell confirmed that children that have premature 'hands on' sexual experience with other children, whether before puberty or before maturity, will never bond deeply enough to sustain a marriage.

All this goes to the motive of the Globalists' heavy handed support for outright deviant sex programming of children unfortunate enough to have to go to public school. 

Now, how are they getting away with forcing this blatant, aggressive sex deviant programming of children into Ontario schools?
I've noticed that parents and the public who should be up in arms aren't doing much, if anything, but reading articles like this. 
I've also noticed most don't want to really study the curriculum line by line, because it's repellent to us.   But if you really want to get motivate to do some kind action - even if it's only writing letters to editors of your newspapers and posting op ed comments,
this German documentary   THIS IS A MUST SEE.  It tells you in great detail what's in these programs, where it started, and the powers behind it.  

Originators of Early Sexualization

[1] Communist Rules for Bringing About a Revolution (1919):  "Corrupt the young.  Get them away from religion.  Get them interested in sex."
[2] In history books Russell is often called a "liberal anti-Communist" but remember this quote: "I believe that Communism is necessary to the world, and believe that the heroism of Russia has fired men's hopes in a way which was essential to the realisation of Communism in the future."
[3]  It was called the Beacon Hill School, and Russell could get away with this because he obtained a Royal Charter.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Ontario Teacher Disciplined for Criticizing Child Procurement Program "

RE said (March 30, 2015):

Just my "two cents". As a parent, grandfather and great grandfather, the societal breakdown where prophesied a long time ago. In the
New Testament, the Missionary Paul stated: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual evils in high places." This evil has to be first of all fought in the spirit realm. Since most people are unaware or unable to to do so, the fight has to resort in the physical or natural. Only a combined effort by those that want to see a change, can this societal perversion be reversed. It will be our last opportunity to make a difference since the forces of darkness are also determent to win this fight.

Max said (March 30, 2015):

Isn't a contradiction that, while the Canadian, American, European, even Latin American (I'm from Peru, a Latin American country, where, despite the poverty and lack of economical development, the law -like the developed countries- severely punishes child abuse, and sniffs the Internet for CP consumers to jail them) governments are punishing pedophilia and CP production/distribution/consumption/possesion, they, on the other hand, PROMOTE the very issue they are FIGHTING AGAINST?

I don't understand..



They need to appear to be against the thing they are for.


Thomas Carter said (March 30, 2015):

Here's a video of Wynne addressing angry parents from 3/26. Amazing how so many of these protestors are Chinese. All this immigration may not be such a bad thing.

Diane said (March 29, 2015):

Thank you so much for this post. My heart aches at what this will do to little children. At least parents can be forewarned and can ASK about this in advance. My kids this year were introduced to yoga in gym class, which is against our religion. No one asked. Our six year old came home chanting and showing us yoga poses. When I inquired about this, I was alienated and received a lot of eye rolling. It seems we should be able to provide informed consent about this. When I was a teacher in the early 90s, parents were able to choose whether or not their kids participated in sex ed, but it did not start til kids were 13 years old, and was done only in teaching the children the physiology of the genders and how that might result in procreation.

Andrew said (March 29, 2015):

Great comment Dan.

And let me add.

Official history names Karl Marx as the intellectual founder of communism and completely ignores Jeremy Bentham, the evil genius behind the terrorism of the French Revolution. In practical reality, this bloody revolution was the first successful communist revolution although the term, communism, was coined after Bentham’s death by Marx who was little more than a paid propagandist and writer. We could argue that the first founder of communist principle was Plato himself (a homosexual), but it was Bentham working with Lord Shelburne, the former British Prime Minister, and with virtually unlimited British East India Company funding WHO PULLED OFF THE FIRST IRREGULAR MILITARY COUP disguised as a spontaneous REVOLUTION.

In this connection it should come as no surprise that Bentham also wrote a 1785 essay extolling the virtues and benefits of pedophilia and pederasty—arguing the folly of any sanctions against homosexuality, lesbianism, masturbation, and bestiality. Bentham dismissed harsh penalties then in force against pederasty as the result of irrational religious fears born of the Old Testament destruction of Sodom and perpetuated by society's ``irrational antipathy'' to pleasure in general and to sexual pleasure in particular. Christian morality, like every other expression of natural law, had no place in Bentham’s world where everything was a simple matter of pleasure and pain.

Degeneracy has always been a tool for suppression of individual, human rights and liberties.

Aisha said (March 29, 2015):

Thank you Henry for pointing out that this agenda is global in scale. I was shocked to read that sex ed is introduced in Kindergarten in some school in US too. Many parents are protesting and its heartbreaking to see that as taxpayers, and citizens of this country, that our basic right to a fair education is trampled. Many people will pull their kids out of school, and bear the burden of educating their children on themselves if this goes ahead. It is a lost of our country. As a Muslim, I am deeply disturbed by the perverse nature that is being introduced in schools, to such young minds, who cannot yet think for themselves. I think that students should protest en mass and refuse to attend school if this goes through. Awareness is lacking, as you can see, the media is treating this in a mild manner. The details of all of this is not shown in the media a lot. Society as a whole will suffer , the implication of this stuff is deep. Corrupting children will make them psychologically impaired, as well as increase corruption among people.

Al Thompson said (March 29, 2015):

My hat is off to this teacher to stood her ground regarding the "sex-ed." However, how many parents have the collective strength to back her up? Most people in the USA and Canada have never experienced serious difficulty regarding government and people are afraid to go to jail. And if abusing children is acceptable, then there's really no reason to live. The problem here is that the school system holds the perverted purse strings.

All of the Ontario parents need to rally behind this teacher and throw out this disgusting material and be done with it forever. If parents can't stop it now, things will only get worse.

Civil disobedience; you betcha. I ran into similar stuff with the public school system so I homes chooled; solving the immediate problem.

This is one big reason to completely shut down public schools. In Commiefornia,
the schools are funded by property tax. I'm guessing it is similar in Ontario. What if all the parents withheld their property tax payments?

But if the Ontario parents don't back this lady up, she'll be left "twisting in the wind" because people didn't rally behind her.

The communist system is lawless when it comes to natural law and God's commandments. It really has no authority whatsoever, other than the use of violence. The big problem here is that the parents--trying to make ends meet--tolerate this bullshit because they need to earn a living. But I have to ask the parents: Is your government worth 50-60% of your income? In my opinion, it shows that government as we know it is too destructive. The parents must oppose this with everything they know how to do. Children are precious people, and they aren't the state's livestock(goyim). This must be stopped.

Alex said (March 29, 2015):

It does not surprise me in the slightest that this sexual brainwashing is going on. (Insider?) Aldous Huxley predicted it in chapter three of his prophetic novel, Brave New World, after all.

After hearing a sobbing prepubescent boy complaining that he did not want to participate in the mandatory sexual games with a little girl who was prodding him to do so, the Director of the conditioning center in Huxley's novel- after attempting to calm the boy down and leering at the little girl as she scampered away ("Exquisite little creature!"), mused to his audience of young trainees about how differently things were in the past when things were not as "progressive":

"He let out the amazing truth. For a very long period before the time of Our Ford, and even for some generations afterwards, erotic play between children had been regarded as abnormal (there was a roar of laughter); and not only abnormal, actually immoral (no!): and had therefore been rigorously suppressed.

A look of astonished incredulity appeared on the faces of his listeners. Poor little kids not allowed to amuse themselves? They could not believe it.

'Even adolescents,' the D.H.C. was saying, 'even adolescents like yourselves...'
'Not possible!'"

Brave New World was shocking for its time, but of course things have certainly changed. Why is this being done? Huxley said it best:

"As political and economic freedom diminishes, sexual freedom tends compensatingly to increase. And the dictator... will do well to encourage that freedom."

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at