Common Core's Communist Core
February 27, 2015
(left, courtesy David Dees)
"Common Core" is a standardized US national curriculum
which leaves no doubt that the country has been subverted
by a Cabalist satanic cult, i.e. Communism.
The goal is to brainwash, dumb down and enslave the young generation.
from ISIS smashing priceless artifacts in the Mosul Museum
Common Core: A Look Behind the Wizard's Curtain
(abridged by
assessment of the proposed history standards describes the
ideological bias of the proposed history curriculum this way:
Instead of focusing on actual U.S. history, for example, critics say the radical new Advanced Placement (AP) history curriculum represents hard-core Marxist indoctrination...the new scheme hypes and exaggerates real or imagined wrongs while presenting everything in a collectivist mold. Meanwhile, it downplays and ignores virtues and goodness in America's historical development and its experiments with liberty and self-government."
and math lessons propagandize environmental and political agendas
that vested interests would like young minds to absorb. Think
re-education in the best tradition of Mao.
primary creators of the curriculum refer to the Common Core
as "cognitive and psychological aptitudes". We've finally
turned our educational system over to the psychologists lock, stock
and barrel.
Parental rights are covertly pre-empted in ways such as eliciting descriptions of family roles and behavior from kindergartners, and teaching fifth graders that they should "Define sexual orientation as the romantic attraction of an individual to someone of the same gender or of a different gender."
The sexual education agenda would more appropriately be classified as pornography 101. One critic noted that there is no longer any "abnormal" sex... Every type of sexual activity is taught to be normal and acceptable, even pornography. By the eighth grade, youth should be taught about all forms of birth control, including the "morning after pill."
Language lessons increasingly replace classic literature with short technical articles as students get older. By the senior year in high school, 70% of their reading material will be composed of political or scientific writings, pieces infused with the political agendas of the party in power or opinion pieces. Great literature is devalued and the student may only get to experience excerpts of the works.
Mathematics takes on a bizarre new structure....even parents will have trouble learning this new, unnecessarily complicated method even of doing simple addition. Many children are experiencing high levels of stress as they go through the lessons and the examinations. Manifestations ... include vomiting, sobbing, involuntary urination, panic attacks and illness.
... If students come up with the wrong answer to a math question but can explain the reasoning they used to get this (wrong) answer, they might not be corrected. In other words, the emphasis has shifted from the answer to the procedure. Students are expected to be able to show five different types of visual reasoning to arrive at the answer to a simple mathematics problem rather than just learning direct subtraction or addition.

Without good scores on their SAT tests, students may lose their dreams of college admission. Many private and parochial schools are adopting CCSSI. The next step is to bring higher education into line with this system, a recommendation that is already making the rounds.
While the overt promise is that this data will be kept anonymous, certain erosions of the law protecting family and student privacy mean that the dozens or hundreds of corporations involved in CC development or administration who may be able to benefit from this information will have access to it.
There is also the potential for the most sensitive and private information about student reactions and emotional responses to be detected and stored, which opens the door to a true Big Brother environment in our nation's schools. It is only a short step to the Guidance Counselor or psychiatrist on staff who can diagnose the child with ADHD (using the test developed by a company that was recently acquired by Pearson, the Common Core curriculum publisher) and prescriptions may be written and dispensed on the spot, without parents ever knowing.
... In the wrong hands, every teacher comment or evaluation, every outburst, illness, mind-altering drug, objection, failure or other wobble could be used years later to pre-select individuals for rejection or diversion into a less-than-desirable career line.
These warehouses of data are not being built and maintained by the individual states. A huge central database center has already been constructed in Utah. The potential privacy issues are enormous. Having all records in one location also opens the door to catastrophic data breach as well.
Common Core should strike deep terror into the hearts of every parent, grandparent and every American. But if you ask most people what they know about it, they know very little other than the name. While there are many issues to be dealt with in this country, there are two characteristics to this initiative that make it among the most serious and fearsome: 1. its utter pervasiveness and 2. its ability to mold the minds and opinions of our children and destroy any concept of sexual morality as well as their will to learn and succeed.
Some states have rejected the CC due to parent and educator demand, even though it had initially been accepted and implementation was in progress. However, some parents are now finding that modified versions of the same curriculums are being implemented in states that have professed their disagreement with CC. The standards and curriculum were simply put in a new dress and given a new name.
With typical American spirit, parents are refusing to hand their children over to the government to have their thinking rearranged. These days, the Internet is a major tool of resistance used by parents and educators. There is a tremendous amount of information online that reveals the problems associated with Common Core.
Nearly every state has an anti-Common Core coalition that uses social media and YouTube to coordinate activities and distribute knowledge. The more you know, the more you will understand the motives of those who have perpetrated this educational coup on our country. And the more empowered you will be in overturning this draconian system of educational mind control and returning the control of American education to our states, as mandated by our Constitution.
Confront your principals, school superintendents and most of all your legislators. Common Core can be erased. But you'll need to Act.
Related - Common Core Testing Regime Ruled Unconstitutional
------------- Common Core Literally Birthed in Hell (scroll down)
-------------- Ralph Epperson explains Common Core! (YouTube)
First Comment by Katherine, a former teacher (Thanks for sending this article!) :
The REAL crux of the matter is the data mining of children.
I am attaching an article on the Common Core Curriculum. The juicy part of Common Core is the creation of mental patients and turning our children into addicts as per the 1971 plan of the MK ULTRA operatives - "Psychotropic Drugs in the Year 2000 - Use by Normal Humans" edited by military Wayne O. Evans and eugenic psychiatrist, Nathan Kline.
Try running THAT by a parent. I am sending you the form that parents
should be filing with the school -" Parents' Exemption Form for
Psychological Testing". I have tried to get parents to sign it for years
but they are too afraid or too lazy.
Children and parents do 11
forms at the beginning of the year. There is no informed consent. The
data is mined and sent to a psychiatric centre out of town. It is right
out of Nazi Germany. Decisions are made to flag children for ADHD. Behaviors are categorized according to 154 behavior categories. "Will
not brush his teeth" will win a child a behavior category of conduct
Parents are completely oblivious. They must not be. Just doing this ONE simple step would throw a wrench in the Common Core.
Robert G said (February 27, 2015):
US education started its implosion shortly after Catholic education stopped being a force in the teaching of Americans. This hit to Catholic education came not long after Vatican 2, the worst event ever in Catholic history. With Vatican 2 religious vocations were savaged, those who left gave unbridled reign to pedophile clergy who no longer had to believe in anything: because Vatican 2 was the end of Christic belief. Man is the measure in Roman Cathi doctrine now.
Check the charts on US grammar school-high school declines in simply the reading portion of student achievement from about 1973 till today. 1973 was when Catholic schools started hiring more lay teachers whose numbers replaced the religious.
Now there are hardly any religious left in Catholic grammar and secondary schools in the US.
Vatican 2 was a Masonic move that achieved more than it could possible have imagined it would. One has to blame the Roman Catholic hierarchy pure and simple for the filth that has followed in US education. The same has happened in Europe (but we are addressing your piece on Common Core, an American fiasco supported by among others, Jeb Bush in this email).
I doubt that the US education system will ever recover from what the Masonic power that initiated Vatican 2 and shoved belief in matters transcendent into the toilet of secularism has accomplished. It has made way for the drug culture celebration in American television and film leaving America's youth in a cesspool of impossibility and failure in 2015.