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Happy 2015 -- Postcard from Mexico

January 1, 2015

Had a great two-week vacation in Mexico. My wife and I stayed with her mother in a town north of Mexico City. We were blessed with warm sunny weather. But the best part was to mix with a people who are not under constant psychological attack by the Illuminati media, trying to undermine gender identity. 

Family is still strong in Mexico. Men are men and women are women. Children are cherished.
As a result, people are happier and life is sweeter.

The town depends on tourism, but it's mostly Mexican tourism. There are many Indians in native dress. There is a bustling market selling every possible fruit and vegetable fresh from nearby farms. I was constantly conscious at how hard most people there struggle just to make ends meet. Life is so much easier economically for most of us in North America.

 It's a sunny New Years Day here in Winnipeg. But it's cold!! Never mind, I'm glad to be home.  I missed my coffee and corned beef!

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at