JFK Video Strips US Leaders of Legitimacy
January 27, 2015
While Francis Conolly's big picture is shaky,
he conveys one chilling truth effectively:
a cabal of rich traitors, gangsters and
psychopaths run the USA.
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
On the eve of JFK's assassination, three future Presidents toasted the plot's success: LBJ, Richard Nixon and G.H.W. Bush. The meeting took place at oilman Clint Murchison's ranch. The Mafia was represented by Carlos Marcello, Joe Civella and Jack Ruby. The Illuminati bankers sent John McCloy and the Brown Brothers Harriman. Law enforcement was represented by J. Edgar Hoover and his gay lover Clyde Tolson. Dallas Mayor Earle Cabell, brother of ex Deputy Director of the CIA, Charles Cabell, completed the cast.
This is one of many eye-opening facts in Francis R. Conolly's gripping video "JFK to 9-11: Everything is a Rich Man's Trick" which was uploaded last November and is only now gaining recognition.
This video is an inspired but flawed effort. The biggest flaw is its length-- an exhausting three and a half hours. It should have been divided into two subjects, the JFK Assassination and Conolly's view that the Illuminati are Nazis and gangsters who run America and the world. I recommend that you start this video at the one hour and thirty five minute point. That makes it a more manageable two hours and you're not missing anything too critical.
Here are some of the revelations you'll find:
Conolly pins the assassination on the CIA and the Mafia, whom he says are "two sides of the same coin." He argues there were eight shooters firing 16 shots, with two in the sewer firing the kill shots. They include Mafia hitmen and hired assassins, most of whom were later killed. He claims the point where JFK's limo had to stop was marked on the sidewalk, and (very hard to believe) the mark is still there! He says Alan Dulles and David Attlee Phillips of the CIA planned the assassination while George H.W. Bush was the field commander. There is a picture of Poppy Bush in Dealey Plaza. CIA agent Bush also recruited Cubans for the Bay of Pigs invasion.

Conolly claims that many of the post-assassination "investigations" were actually sponsored by the CIA. These include Oliver Stone's movie, JFK; the documentary The Men Who Killed Kennedy and the book, Blood, Money & Power by Barr McClennan. Actors appeared along with real witnesses in the documentary to steer attention to the "grassy knoll." Conolly argues that many terrorist acts use actors and that the mass media are traitors.
Conolly effectively reprises the Kay Griggs interview proving the US military leadership are sexually compromised members of the Masonic gangster cult that runs the US. You rise through the ranks by offering your bum.
Conolly's grasp of the big picture is not marred by any reading of Henry Makow. As a result, he has a socialist paradigm. He argues naively the rich are trying to monopolize wealth because if we all had more wealth, it would lose its cache! For most of the video he has an image of "a super-rich cabal of secret Nazis protecting their money from the threat of Communism." He falls for the story that the bankers tried to remove FDR in 1934.
Later on, Conolly shows Anthony Sutton and seems to realize the bankers are behind Communism too. He recognizes they created the CIA for profit but he glosses over the Jewish and Masonic dimension.
While Conolly's grasp of the big picture is shaky, he conveys one chilling truth effectively: the West is run by a cabal of super-rich traitors, gangsters and psychopaths.
Related: CIA Domestic Assassination: JFK and Mary Pinchot Meyer
First Comment from K
Karen said (January 28, 2015):
You did a dis service when you suggested not watching the first part of the movie. That was the most interesting. Years ago I remember reading about an ad being placed that found Nixon for a future presidential candidate but I was never able to verify that info again. Now I have. Thanks. I do agree with your poster who said the body switch was sort of strange. While DNA testing was still years away, finger printing was alive and well. There were ways to verify whether that was the real JFK, not to mention body markings, etc. Were the blood types the same, color of eyes? No one just switches a president, not even a ruling class, and gets completely away with it. But I suppose stranger things have happened.
I always question when I hear and read things that make Kennedy larger than life as a good man. But he was just a man and men are men. However, I have thought his sex life was over rated. How much of that sort of enjoyment can a man really have, even in different ways, when one's back is torn up? And one has Addison's disease? I know someone who has Addison's. There's no energy left for extras. The adrenals are literally gone. So perhaps by accident the stories are far more exaggerated than the man's life. And to compensate he actually did try to make a good difference in his position of power.
Our problem on the horizon I fear is another Bush presidency. Perhaps we will elect a Clinton since our congress/senate have gone Republican. I don't know if that will help us. We may be in a whole lot more trouble than we think we are.