Charlie Hebdo Redux in Argentina
January 21, 2015

Argentine Federal Prosecutor Alberto Nisman, left was found shot to death Sunday. Israelis believe he was murdered because he was going to testify Monday about Argentine President Cristina Kirchner's coverup of a Iranian role in the 1994 bombing of a Jewish Community Center that killed 85 and injured hundreds. Miguel, a resident of Buenos Aires challenges this view.
With this last service for Israel, Nisman helped destroy Cristina Kirchner's government . Her government was too Pro-Palestinian, Pro Iran, and pro Russia and China. Sound like France's recognition of the Palestinians and Charlie Hebdo?
By Miguel
I live in Argentina ( Buenos Aires) and I know about the two car bomb attacks in Buenos Aires. The first was against the Israel embassy in 1992 which killed 29 and injured 242. The second in March 1994 was against AMIA, a Jewish Community organization.
The embassy bombing looks like a MOSSAD false flag. MOSSAD agents were Johnny on the spot immediately after ( this seemed too quick). The Israeli theory was that a bomb car was involved.
But a later investigation by four expert in explosives determined that the explosives were inside of the building. There was no suicide bomb car driven by a Muslim driver ( as Israel said) and no crater in the street. So no one talks about the Embassy bombing.
At the time of the explosion, the ambassador and all high-level people were not present; there were only low level employers. So as the Embassy bombing was not success in incriminating Hezbolla and Iran, they needed a new terrorist attack against AMIA. Again, only low level employees were killed or harmed.
With this service, Israel Nisman helped:

2) It makes people think Iran is guilty in the AMIA case.
This is NOT a good for government. So why would they do it?
But it is is good for Israel. Now Nisman is a hero and people think he has great information about " secret pact" with Iran to escape culpability. . I think that Nisman was a liar for Israel without any real probe or important information.
I am anti Kirchner. But Cristina believed in Iran's innocence and was courageous in this matter. Israel wanted to stop more investigations because they have not real proof against Iran.
First Comment from Dan-
"News of Nisman's death came just hours before he was to present evidence to Argentina's congress that he said implicated his country's president and foreign minister in a nefarious cover-up scheme." HAARETZ
Okay, so what is it? What is this evidence?
Listen; a Special Prosecutor isn't like a witness with testimony that evaporates with their death.
Any evidence he would have presented in court is documented in the case brief and office files. Prosecutors have assistants, research staff, secretaries, private detectives - people that know what he knew.
If he had evidence implicating Kirchner's government we can be damn sure that the AMIA and Israeli Embassy wouldn't let a little thing like the death of the prosecutor stop that evidence from being presented in Federal court - and yelled from roof tops all over the world - especially now, when Israel is desperate to recover ownership the 'victim' narrative.
Since all the media buzz on this event is about anything but NIsman's case file and the evidence he had, and not a mention much less a statement from the Assistant Prosecutor who would have that file, we know there IS NO EVIDENCE.
There's nothing to debate. Nisman's dead. Let's see them go ahead with their case against Iran - if they have one. if Iran didn't do it, there wasn't anything for Kirchner to cover up.
Either they have the case they say Nisman was about to present, or they don't.
March 17 1992, July 19, 1994, April 19 1995
These bombings in Buenos Aires were underreported in the United States. That's how it goes with how news is presented to us. The July 19, 1994 bombing in downtown Buenos Aires was as visually dramatic as our Oklahoma City Federal Building bombing on April 19, 1995, but the news handlers merely mentioned it one and let it go.
Maria Cristina said (January 24, 2015):
Let me tell you what´s being happening in my country since the 90´s All of them have been buying part of the territory(Rockefeller,Rothchilds,queen of Holland,Goldman Sachs,etcetc) and became owners of: THE PATAGONIA(petroleo and glaciers of pure water)
Douglas Tompkins(who is not a philanthropist at all) owns almost three provinces.(land and water,search ACUIFERO GUARANY) CENTER,Córdoba. (water) It´s nothing to the global scenario but it is to the global AGENDA. Since several years ago Patagonia has been homeland for young people from Israel ( Mossad too?.At least Zionists) On the other hand,Argentina is a strategic geographic point for whatever´s going to happen in the north hemisphere I think in a few years. Take a look on Google maps,please.