Cuba Move Highlights Marxist Trend in the Americas
December 19, 2014

Obama's recognition of Cuba is a step toward
uniting the Western Hemisphere under Marxist auspices, leading to Masonic Jewish (Illuminati)
world government.
South America is already well on its way to continental union under these terms.
by Marcos
On December 17th, President Obama surprised the world by reestablishing diplomatic rellations with Cuba, a bloody dictatorship which tortures dissenters, destroyed the lives of millions of Cubans and spread Marxist totalitarianism around the continent. If ever there was a country which deserved to be invaded by the Marines and have its sick government replaced, this is it.
Instead, supposedly encouraged by Jesuit Pope Francis, Obama gave a Christmas gift to the murderer Raul Castro in the form of diplomatic relations, travel and commerce, and even a new embassy.
This is a move which will be extremely unpopular and cause much resentment especially among Cuban immigrants who know firsthand the horrors of the regime. So, why would Obama take this absurd step?
Cuba has always been the main agent of Marxist infiltration in the continent. In1990, it received a great boost with the creation of the Forum of Sao Paulo, an organization led by Hugo Chavez, Lula and Fidel, with the participation of Marxist parties and communist terrorist organizations, including the FARC of Colombia. Their combined efforts which included funding, technology to electoral fraud lead almost every country in the region in the direction of Marxism.

Since 2004, serious efforts have been made to officially unite the continent, through the Declaration of Cusco that launched a community in the model of Europe's.
Wikipedia summarizes it well *:
"The UNASUR Constitutive Treaty was signed on 23 May 2008, at the Third Summit of Heads of State, held in BrasÃlia, Brazil. The Union's headquarters will be located in Quito, Ecuador. As the Treaty entered into force on 11 March 2011, UNASUR became a legal entity ... they had laid the foundation (masonic) stone for the Secretariat Headquarters. The South American Parliament will be located in Cochabamba, Bolivia."

1) Create a military academy where all top officers will be brain washed and loose their patriotic ideas. Without the diploma, no promotion.
2) Create a cooperation in voting technology, in order to disseminate the expertise in election fraud, as seen in Venezuela and Brazil, through the use of the system the Smartmatic company developed to Chavez.
3) End of air space limits, in order to facilitate drug traffic which is a significant source of income specially to Bolivia and also help in the eventual transfer of troops.
4) Create a common fund for scholarships, facilitating the Marxist indoctrination of the youth.
5) Pave the way to a common passport and citizenship.
It must be said that Brazil shares no linguistic, no cultural, and paltry historic and economic ties with other countries in South America. For the common Brazilian who has always looked towards Europe and the US, and who could care less for their neighbors, this makes as much sense as the union of Canada with Mexico.
Venezuela is bankrupt, as is Argentina. Brazil is suffering the worst crisis in 20 years. The country is weathering huge government corruption scandals in the order of tens of billions of dollars, which has reduced Petrobras to 20% of its former value. One would expect that the presidents would be frantically trying to find solutions. Instead, they are pushing for this integration as it were the most important priority in the world.

Obama validates Cuba because the Castro Brothers have done the dirty deal of unifying Latin America under Marxism. There is a Marxist behemoth right south of the border which hates the US. But naive Americans think it is harmless, Obama plays Neville Chamberlain to Hitler. They are just "amigos"!
The US$2000 that Cuban exiles will be able to transfer to their families in Cuba each trimesters will also help the bankrupt island.
This stage of the plan has been fulfilled. Expect a new push for the integration of the North American Free Trade Zone soon. It is the next logical step.
Giancarlo said (December 21, 2014):
please relate to Marcos:
Well done with such writing! A beacon of acumen which might well shine from a theocon lighthouse.