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Indie Scotland Would Remain Masonic Roadkill

August 28, 2014

scotland.jpgLeft, Scottish National party leader, Alex Salmond (center) with his two lawyer stooges, Justice Min. Kenny MacAskill and Deputy Nicola Sturgeon acting on behalf of their Freemason masters at the terrorist cell of the Law Society of Scotland.

On Sept. 18, a referendum will ask:
"Should Scotland be an Independent Country?"

Independence would just be a changing of the guard,
says men's rights activist who lived there recently.

"Salmond will be just like Obama in America. Just after he was voted
in, we warned that America's black population will see no improvement in their live

MacLeod, (comment below) disagrees. This is a vote about stopping immigration and Zionist control.

by Duncan
International Men's Organization

More than most, our group has VAST experience of what is going on in Scotland primarily because we have been the victims of the thugs ruling Scotland with an iron fist.

Salmond portrays a future utopia of being free of English rule despite the fact the SNP party are ruled over by the biggest terrorist group the Law Society of Scotland. They are no better than the Labour and Tory thugs that have been behind the Crown's massive property theft from men during divorce.

The biggest crime in Scotland that neither the YES or NO camp has even touched on is the ease with which the Crown has been able to transfer assets and estates from decent Scottish men into the hands of the vile masonic network that dominates ALL life in Scotland.

Will Salmond and his lawyer henchmen MacAskill and Sturgeon change that ? Well our group provided mountains of evidence about crooked lawyers, judges and cops to them during many legal investigations carried out during the past decade and more and they did NOTHING to improve the vast theft of land and property that continues to this day in the courts that are dominated by the Speculative club of the judicial and legal mafia.

We can say with absolute certainty Salmond is as big a liar as the other major political parties opposed to independence . Salmond will be just like Obama in America when we warned just after he was voted in that America's black population will see no improvement in their lives and Ferguson alone proves that is the case with ghetto's of vast poverty that continue to blight America's poorest.

Salmond thinks he can convince the Scots that being ruled over by a Scot will make a difference but as long as he bows to the demands of the law society terrorists within his ranks he will, like Obama, provide only sound bites and nothing else as they had every opportunity to do something when we were part of the evidence-gathering that to this day despite lots of promises have done NOTHING to address the ease with which crooked judges, lawyers and their partners in crime cops and sheriff officers are thieving vast estates with impunity.

That is our frank account of the real issues behind the smokescreen of utter bullshit both sides of the argument are putting forward. All the evidence that was fully exposed on the Scottish Parliament website was removed as soon as the SNP were voted into power and shows the degree to which they fooled the public into thinking they would do something about it.

Many Scots want independence and rightly so but the SNP version will be to hand more powers to the Freemason mafia that dominates all aspects of Scottish life.


Related: SNP Scottish Independence a Freemason Ruse

First Comment from MacLeod: A Vote against "Multiculturalism"  and the Zio World Order

Scotlanddemo (1).png1. Check out the difference in demographics between London, and Edinburgh and Scotland in general (left.)
London is 60% White; 20% Asian and 15% Black. The Scots have always been pretty good at protecting their own turf from outsiders (as they have done in many areas of Canada for generations). Call me a racist, but I believe the subtext of the Scotland Yes vote is anti-diversity and anti-Zionist. That's why it's an important vote for all of us, IMHO.

As for Duncan's views that the Scottish independence vote is meaningless, as a Scot living in the USA, I would submit that what is happening in the "auld country" is that the predominantly white, Christian population of Scotland doesn't want to end up in the same sorry state as England -- overrun with criminal immigrants and with a native population stewed to the gills on cheap booze.

2. The author of this article states that Obama has done nothing to improve the lot of black citizens in the USA. Nothing could be further from the truth. Obama's single biggest achievement in office so far has been to allow the states of Washington and Colorado to legalize cannabis, which will have a profound effect on the rates of incarceration of Americans of all ethnic groups, but especially young blacks and Latinos.

 Former GOP California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, in one of his last acts in office, defied his own party and signed a Democrat-sponsored pot decriminalization bill. The following year, there were a staggering 20,000 fewer arrests of juveniles for pot offenses. These kids were getting raped in juvenile hall for carrying a joint. That's not happening anymore in California, thanks to "The Governator." The pot laws are the biggest tool that the cops have for "stop and frisk" and other oppressive policies. As other states "just say no" to cannabis prohibition, America will finally cease to hold the dubious distinction of incarcerating a larger percentage of its population than any society in world history.

Duncan is right about one thing: Obama "has done nothing" -- nothing to stop the juggernaut of cannabis legalization, which is the first step in ending the heinous "war on drugs," the most destructive public policy in US history.

glasgow (2).png3. Scots want free university education for their children, good health care and respect for their millennia-old culture. They won't get it from Westminster. There is a reason that the flag of Gaza was recently flown in front of City Hall in Glasgow and Edinburgh, and it wasn't because the Scots are fans of the international Zionist banking cartel that controls Westminster!

Related-- Zionist banker-owned US Corporations Boycott Glasgow Over Palestinian Support

Pros and Cons of Independence Strenuously Debated

Rixon, who lives in Scotland, writes:

I'm glad to hear that MacLeod is living in the U.S. That means someone so ignorant won't be able to vote. Because Alex Salmond has promised to encourage immigration. In fact one of the figures being used by the Scottish Nationalists is a recently arrived immigrant from the Indian subcontinent.

A few press cutting to illustrate Scottish Nationalist plans to INCREASE the number of immigrants to Scotland:
From the Economist February 15, 2014:
"If Scots vote for independence, a nationalist government promises to encourage immigration. It would offer incentives for migrants willing to move to far-flung spots. It would ease the nationwide requirement that immigrants must earn a particular salary to gain residency (currently set at £20,300, or $33,700) to reflect the lower cost of living there. Students would be able to stay after graduating and work for several years."
Another more recent press cutting from today's Scotsman:
Scottish independence: plan to increase immigration
Anger at SNP plan to 'bribe' migrants into Scotland
Scottish Express -- Dec 18, 2013
ALEX SALMOND was last night accused of planning to throw open Scotland's borders with "bribes" for foreigners.
The First Minister wants thousands more immigrants to pour into the country following a Yes vote in next year's referendum.
Mr Salmond is determined to pursue a different immigration policy than Westminster to aid economic growth.
The SNP leader wants to lift restrictions on non-EU immigration if voters back the break-up of Britain.
He also plans to bring in more immigrants by adopting a points-based system that would encourage foreigners to move to remote areas.
In other words the Scottish Nationalist will offer financial incentives to immigrants to move to Scotland if they win the referendum.They are no different from their counterparts in London. Both follow the orders of the international elite who want to increase immigration across the planet to assist in the break up social cohesion 

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Indie Scotland Would Remain Masonic Roadkill "

Nurie said (September 2, 2014):

An independent Scotland would throw a wrench into the Anglo-American/Zionist war machine. Did you hear that the British based Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament has endorsed Scottish independence as it most likely mean the end of nuclear weapons in the UK as an independent Scotland refuses
to host them as the remainder of the UK would have nowhere else to maintain them (the UK does not have any land or air based nukes only the Trident which is on its submarines which
are exclusively housed in Scotland)? Obama and even McCain are getting involved now and calling on Scotland to remain in the UK.

Dan said (August 29, 2014):

Actually, Black Americans have seen exponential improvement since 2008. What you mean is that Obama did photo-ops and speeches in the poorest neighborhoods to excite them to turn out at the polls, then he forgot about them.

The role of government is to hold the public back from helping ourselves, and also from helping others. the 'Urban Renewal' program of the 1960's destroyed black communities and bulldozed local jobs in the name of "Integration". Integration really meant re-forming 'the melting pot' into the new kind of slaves for the 21st century. Consumer/producers driven by the cattle prod of debt and carrots of entertainment and various addictions.

Rather than look to what these guys didn't do for their constituents, it's more telling to look at what they do TO them. Obama has done more for Planned Parenthood and GLAAD than any previous American President. Planned Parenthood kills TWICE as many black Americans as violent crimes, cancer and heart disease combined. While Obama has been ram-rodding sodomy as a civil right, young black males receive more AIDS diagnoses and experience more HIV-related deaths than any other racial or ethnic group in the United States. Both these facts are suppressed by the media, but all you have to do is look on medical websites. (and I don't mean doctors Phil, Oz, or Mercola).

As for Scotland, look at the fate of the Republic of Ireland. They won their independence by force in 1922, and they're already hopelessly enslaved to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), given the same Masonic political whores to govern them, inflicting the same EU policies are wrecking European culture.

Black Americans think Race Relations have Deteriorated under Obama

Tony said (August 27, 2014):

Dan writes that "Actually, Black Americans have seen exponential improvement since 2008."

Not true. They are always the first to suffer unemployment even though given jobs they often are not qualified to do over whites who are qualified plus other perks politically designed to hopefully hold down their frustrated rioting. Blacks are naturally more prone to violence when made to feel misused than are other races. Plus black crime against whites remains multiple times greater that white crime against blacks, much more that ten times greater and they are only about 12% of the population. There is no viable solution to the racial plight in America. At one time deportation of the blacks to Africa would have been fair all around. Not today. There will be a massive explosion, probably as the final excuse to install martial law.

What is happening is the opposite of what Dan writes. Whites are being dragged down to the same "standard" of living as the blacks and hispanics. All are being leveled at the lowest common denominator except the 1% who live in ever expanding opulence as their ever unceasing theft of the nation is condoned by all bought and paid for government agencies.

Also, Debra writes "The Ten Commandments are the Principles upon which all The Laws of God are based." Not true. These were God's physical laws for a physical rule through the Israelites that passed away with Jesus Christ. He gave the whole world God's superseding spiritual law of first loving God and then by loving one's neighbor as one loves himself. If most in the world obeyed this simple law all the evils existent and growing by huge leaps would simply disappear from the earth as good will toward all would reign.

JG said (August 27, 2014):

Whether it be Scotland, England or once Northern Ireland independence and sovereignty have been superseded by World Government through International Banking and the World Economy.
You can't let a foreign entity control your bread and legislature without being a servant to that entity.

Political elections have become mere theater between the all the candidates that this foreign entity has bankrolled. You can't get on the mainstream ballot without their consent and money.
The greatest political theater in modern history was the campaign of Barack Obama.The American public was sold on this candidate like none other in recent memory. Things were really going to be different this time and both the House and Senate were going to drop everything they were doing and listen to this man. Americans finally had a real "underdog" in the White House who was going to implement the agenda of the masses who overwhelmingly voted for him. He wasn't going to betray the voters like the establishment candidates had done in the past. This was John Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln rolled into one. The theater was great but the results of his presidency have been far divorced from his campaign rhetoric of world peace and prosperity for the masses. Sadly, the American public had duped been again.

The NWO agenda is in full steam now and their isn't a corner left on planet Earth that is not feeling their influence or wrath either directly or indirectly.The chess game is also over now with the world being held in "checkmate".

linux user said (August 27, 2014):

Good article on Scottish independence -- I agree that the SNP is not really an alternative.
Nevertheless, my advice to Scotland is to vote for independence (and stay out of the EU!).
Initially, it's handing the country from one bunch of Illuminati terrorists to another -- but afterwards, the chances of overthrowing them in a relatively small and insignificant country are much higher than the chances of overthrowing them in one of their main (and therefore best guarded) territories.

Use the SNP to get out of the UK, then dump them at the earliest possible opportunity. And find some way to stay out of the EU -- trading the dictators from London for the virtually identical dictators from Brussels is senseless. (In fact, I think the sole reason why they allow this referendum to happen is because they know this -- and they're so sure of themselves that they don't even see the possibility of a non-EU Scotland.)

Debra said (August 27, 2014):

Scotland, of all places, should be the easiest nation to remove from the fangs of the vampires; because it is believed (and said) that in Scotland is The Stone of Destiny.

One does not have to be a Biblical scholar to know that there were two artifacts that God used to mark sovereignty:-The Stone of Destiny and The Ark of The Covenant. -

What is holding the Scottish Nationalists (who claim to know the whereabouts of The Stone of Destiny) back from declaring Liberty under God according to the Holy Bible?

Maybe it is too far gone to declare Liberty under God at this point in time? No. I know for a fact that is not true. It is the people’s refusal to obey God exactly as Commanded. The Ten Commandments are the Principles upon which all The Laws of God are based.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at