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Young Man is Saving Sex for Marriage

August 21, 2014

housesold.jpg(Brian sees sex as part of marriage and procreation.)

"Gaming" young women and 
seeking sex for its own sake
strikes Brian as degrading 
and pointless. 

Brian is a 22-year-old postgraduate student who lives in Ireland. His interests include hiking, reading and "stemming the decline of Christian civilization."

"Whenever a man longs for anything beyond measure immediately he is disturbed within. The proud and the covetous are never at rest. The poor and the humble of spirit live in the fullness of peace." Thomas a Kempis, The Imitation of Christ

by Brian

I have enjoyed reading articles in the so called "manosphere" for quite some time now. Many important topics are tackled in an objective and pragmatic way and it is refreshing to get away from the mush oozing from the liberal media. However, I cannot condone is the pickup culture, the "pump-and-dump," the spending of huge amounts of effort in order to engage in promiscuous sex where a woman is simply used in a selfish and hedonistic way. 

This behavior is so common and socially accepted that it is not even questioned anymore. I have met many good men whose main priority in life seems to be getting laid. They let their trousers do their thinking and are perfectly content doing it.

I know what many of you are thinking. It's the women's fault for becoming "liberated". They are getting exactly what they deserve. Yet I urge you all to reconsider. Many of these women are brainwashed by the decadent culture sold to them by MTV.

lesson.jpgThey are told 24/7 that the most important thing in life is their fun and told not to think of the consequences. In a way, they remind me of a child who continues to gorge on chocolate even though it will give him a tummy ache later. The child is too stupid to realize his pleasure now will cost him dearly in the future.

I see promiscuous women as fallen human beings who are on the ground rolling around in their own filth. If I was to "game" such a woman, using psychological techniques learned on the manosphere to take my pleasure only to avoid her after the deed, all I have done is kicked her when she is down and in most need of help. 

It is the ultimate act of hate. She is someone's daughter, sister, mother. She is also a child of God, however misguided. I am furious at feminists and what they have reduced the West to, but I will not be forced to play their sick game.  

By way of example, a  good friend of mine dated this girl once. He is an intelligent guy who looks after himself and she was absolutely smitten with him. I saw the way she looked at him, her eyes hopeful and full of love.

Yet from talking to him, I knew he did not take their relationship seriously. He had sex on tap for the price of having to spend a few hours with her every week. If he had the opportunity to sleep with other girls, he took it. On a human level, I felt sorry for her. Was it fair for him to use her to satisfy his libido?

man-mountain-solitude.jpgI therefore remain a celibate man. The next time I will be having sex is the night of my wedding. 

Do not get me wrong, I am not deprived of female attention. However, any girl who is not potential marriage material simply does not get the time of day as I refuse to waste my time.

Instead I focus on other aspects of my life. My legal career is progressing nicely. I devour volumes on history, philosophy and politics (which allow me to tear those liberals apart in debates). At the weekends I hike out in the wilderness. I have also taken my Catholicism more seriously. Celibacy is not too difficult, provided it is approached with the right attitude.

The only way to change a sick world is to change ourselves first. Jaded by years of feminist indoctrination, it is time to become human again. To conclude, I present another quote from The Imitation of Christ (which I sincerely urge every Christian to read):

"Therefore true peace of heart is found in resisting passions, not yielding to them. There is therefore no peace in the heart of a carnal man, nor in the man devoted to the things around him, but only in the fervent and the spiritual."


Makow - Managing the Male Sex Drive

First Comment from Victoria:

Excellent article from Brian and congratulations to him for being only 22 yet taking such a mature and compassionate view of things.

Speaking as one of the (formerly) rabid feminists who ignorantly helped to inflict that ideology on the world from the 1970's to the mid '90s, it is women such as myself who young men should be directing their anger towards and not young women, who are simply the result of 50 or more years of social brainwashing.

In my defense, I have to say that it was being the product of an unbalanced marriage, by having an incredibly angry, 'patriarchal' father who saw the women in his family as his 'chattel'; and, a passive - but resentful - mother who never contradicted anything he said or did. It was these conditions that drove me into the feminist camp when I went off to university.  And, like so many of us 'boomers',  who had fathers who had served in the military during WWII, the authoritarian structure of my family was not uncommon in those days.   So, men must take some of the responsibility for having created the fertile soil into which the seeds of that movement were planted.  And, it was their sons who 'benefited' by the more liberal attitude to sex that it brought about...

It is my great regret that I, and my (formerly) feminist peers are unable to pass on to young women the benefits of the painful lessons we have learned.  We, older women, are still seen as washed-up, over-the-hill, and irrelevant to most younger women.  I don't know from where Brian has acquired his wisdom but all credit to him for having done so.  Men are, and always will (I now believe) predominate in this world because of their greater physical power and energy, and if not allowed to do so in a positive, responsible, constructive way, will do so negatively.  By choosing the former rather than the latter path, Brian is setting an excellent example for other young men of his generation.  Good luck to him!

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Young Man is Saving Sex for Marriage "

CG said (August 22, 2014):

Years later an Angel in my dream explained to me to only have sex for any of these reasons: MAKE BABIES, LOVE OR MARRIAGE; These are the
only reasons. I repeat these are the ONLY reasons. I wish I could go back in time and undo my stupidity of letting clueless socially
engineered fools shame me into debauching myself.

I pray Brain keep his standards high, keeping in mind what the Angel told me and deal only with a good woman that loves Yeshua and him.

James N said (August 22, 2014):

Thanks for the article entitled "Young Man is Saving Sex for Marriage". When I was 17 I discovered Thomas a Kempis' "Imitation of
Christ" by chance in a hostel while on an A-level biology field-trip in the south of England in 1981. That second-hand book really helped
me, and I thank the person who put it in the library there. I can also advise anyone to read and meditate on the book - I would argue the
second most important Christian book, after the Gospels. It got me through university a virgin, and when I met my wife I knew that I had
saved myself for a good reason.

Keep up the good work, and my the Creator God bless you.

KLS said (August 22, 2014):

Is it not ironic that to understand the dynamics of masculinity, femininity and male / female relationships we have to go to that dark corner of the web known as the 'manosphere'.
All the books from the 'professors', and experts with university 'degrees', and all the books on piety tend to merely reinforce our brainwashing. And nothing on the manosphere is forcing us to abandon our own personal morality, whatever that may be.

Brian, you are legally trained. Please get back to us and explain just why you are prepared to enter that crazy corrosive and three sided contract known as 'marriage'.

"Whenever a man longs for anything beyond measure immediately he is disturbed within. The proud and the covetous are never at rest. The poor and the humble of spirit live in the fullness of peace." Thomas a Kempis, The Imitation of Christ -

No thanks. That sounds like a counsel of abasement, not fulfillment.

Here is an article (from the manosphere) discussing under what conditions a marriage might be successful and how much that differs from the usual modern form.

Steven B said (August 21, 2014):

I'm a 26 y/o man who has felt depression and worthlessness many times over my lack of exploits with women. I got into the manosphere and found good explanations for the negative experiences with girls in my life and understood how I displayed weakness and desperation and killed attraction girls had for me.

I now understand how to pick up girls and have done it successfully with 'alpha' behaviors and attitude. This article is in line with how I feel about it. God's clear that fornication isn't what he made humans for. Racking up lays is a wasteful and destructive pastime.

I still get a bit down when I hear guys bragging about how they got laid recently, but that's b/c I have conditioning that sex and romance is life. It's hard to hope for a good marriage when many women behave like toys played with by a dozen or three other men. The primary thing I tend to get sad about is sex and romance, even with the world falling apart, my lack of a fit companion means more to me than having to contend with the soon coming full blown collapse.

Manosphere author RooshV wrote a post about "Man is wolf to man", a book about the Soviets. A man in that book was betrayed by his wife and denounced as counterrevolutionary. He lost his academic position and went to a prison camp. The man said his wife's betrayal hurt him more than all the beatings and deprivations.

Sandeep said (August 21, 2014):

Say hi to Brian from me. Lots of respect for being so young and having such great understanding. As to the gaming, I think gaming is somewhat of a bad word and can therefore seem degrading. I don't share all of what the manosphere sites say, but there are lots of concepts one can definitely use or at least consider when it comes to gaming articles. As for me, the gaming is definitely something I consider useful information.

JG said (August 21, 2014):

What a breath of fresh air this article is.
The happiest people in the world are those who divorce themselves from the fleshly passions of self gratification. Why? Because you are now a free man and no longer a captive slave to that which is of the flesh.

Ever since the fall of Adam and Eve man has taken on a psychotic type of image. He is of the spirit but in a corrupted fleshly body. This does not make man's "fallen" identity an easy thing to live with or overcome.

The spirit has trouble existing in a corrupted fleshly body. And, it can only dwell when the desires of the flesh have been "crucified".

God knew that we would have trouble overcoming this Adamic nature we inherited through the fall at the Garden of Eden so he sent us his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to save and redeem the human race. This is why he is also called "Son of Man".

Through the teachings and the inheritance of the nature of Jesus Christ we then can put Satan and his carnal desires behind us forever.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at