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Flashback: Mainstreaming Homosexuality 1967-2014

July 23, 2014

"The Homosexuals," a 46-min documentary
from 1967, reveals how the Illuminati have
transformed America in less than 50 years. 

In 1967, homosexual acts in private were illegal in every state but Illinois. Ninety per cent of Americans felt it was an illness and two-thirds were "disgusted" by it.

But more important, the men interviewed for the documentary were masculine and had a moral compass. They spoke in terms of morality and social good.

The film makes many excellent points but it was made by CBS. I suspect its hidden agenda was to get private homosexual activity legalized - the proverbial camel nose under the tent. In 1973, just six years later, the Rockefellers forced the American Psychological Association to reclassify homosexuality as "normal." 
Today, our public school are inviting our children to experiment with homosexuality and are actively grooming our children for pedophiles.

This is further evidence that society is controlled by Illuminati central bankers and is being inducted into a cabalist sex cult dedicated to Lucifer.

If you can't watch the documentary, this 2012 article by Mathew Hoffman provides an excellent summary.

Note: Even if you don't read this article, be sure to read the First Comment by Dan directly below it.

(From  Apr 23, 2012)

February 9, 2011 ( - In 1967, the veteran CBS journalist Mike Wallace did what today would seem revolutionary: he hosted a 43-minute documentary that exposed the stark truth about homosexuality, speaking openly of well-established facts that have since been consigned to the memory hole of political correctness.

Wallace's documentary, The Homosexuals, is a frank examination of the self-destructive behavior of sexually-active homosexuals, the underlying psychological causes of their impulses, and their troubling influence on American culture. It also discusses curative therapy for homosexual orientation, which had a success rate in the 1960s of about one third, a result similar to that yielded by modern therapeutic methods.

"The average homosexual, if there be such, is promiscuous," Wallace states matter-of-factly. "He is not interested in nor capable of a lasting relationship like that of a heterosexual marriage. His sex life, his love life, consists of a series of chance encounters at the clubs and bars he inhabits, and even the streets of the city - the quick one night stand. These are characteristic of the homosexual relationship."

During the course of this pioneering work, Wallace and the CBS' news team interview four homosexuals, two psychologists, a district attorney and a judge. Although Wallace allows two gay activists to air their arguments in favor of decriminalizing sodomy, he also gives time to others who speak of the devastating impact of homosexual behavior on their lives.

Beginning with the pseudonymous "Warren Adkins" (in reality, Jack Nichols), a representative of the polished Mattachine Society who advanced many of the arguments still used by homosexual activists today, Wallace moves on to the testimony of a 27-year-old man whose sexual misconduct had ruined his career and landed him in jail several times. He describes his formative years in terms familiar to therapists who treat same-sex attraction.

"I had a very domineering mother, a tyrant. A very sweet tyrant, but a tyrant nonetheless," he tells Wallace. "It was a love that I had that was kind of killing me."

Overweight and taunted by children, he was never allowed to develop independence from his overbearing mother, of whom he was "scared to death."
"I know that inside now, I'm sick," he says with simple directness. "I'm not sick just sexually, I'm sick in a lot of ways. Immature, childlike. And the sex part of it is a symptom, like a stomach ache is a symptom of who knows what."

220px-Charles_Socarides1.jpgDr. Charles Socarides, left, a pathbreaking psychologist who for decades led the way in treating homosexuals rather than simply prosecuting them, is equally frank before the CBS camera.

"Homosexuality is, in fact, a mental illness, which has reached epidemiological proportions," says Socarides during a lecture. When asked by a student if homosexuals can be happy in the gay lifestyle, Socarides is unequivocal:  "The fact that somebody is homosexual--a true, obligatory homosexual - automatically rules out the possibility that he will remain happy for long in my opinion."

"The stresses and strains the psychic apparatus is subjected to over the years will cause him in time, I think, to have increasing difficulties. I think the whole idea of saying 'the happy homosexual' is to again, create a mythology about the nature of homosexuality."

Wallace's cautionary note on Socaride's teaching resonates with irony only a few decades later, informing us that "It should be pointed out that Dr. Socaride's views are not universally held. There is a smaller group who do not consider homosexuality an illness at all. Instead, they regard it as a deviation within the range of normalcy."

We are reminded even more of the almost total inversion of sexual morality that has occurred in the last 45 years with the following remark by Wallace: "Most Americans are repelled by the mere notion of homosexuality. The CBS news survey shows that two out of three of Americans look upon homosexuals with disgust, discomfort, or fear. One out of ten says 'hatred'. A vast majority believe that homosexuality is an illness, only ten percent say it is a crime. And yet, and here's the paradox, the majority of Americans favor legal punishment, even for homosexual acts performed in private, between consenting adults."

The documentary examines other politically-incorrect facts about homosexual behavior, including the high frequency of public sex acts associated with the orientation (three thousand arrests in one jurisdiction alone in 1964). It also examines the draconian penalties for homosexual sexual acts in existence at the time, which included sentences of up to 60 years for a single conviction.

Perhaps the most insightful portion of the documentary are two juxtaposed interviews of the libertine novelist Gore Vidal and cultural critic Dr. Albert Goldman. Vidal begins by insisting that the family is not under threat from the homosexual subculture, and then proceeds to argue that marriage and sexual fidelity are "obsolete."

In contrast, Goldman dissects the phenomenon of cultural homosexuality, and its relationship with the general corruption of modern society, with ruthless concision.

"It seems to me today we are in the course of gradually rolling back from our former cultural values or cultural identifications, to a more narcissistic, to a more self indulgent, to a more self-centered and essentially adolescent lifestyle," says Goldman. "The homosexual thing cannot really be separated form a a lot of other parallel phenomena in our society today."

"I mean, we see this on every hand. Forty percent of modern marriages end in divorce. We have a very widespread tendency to live lives of nonstop promiscuity. This is played up in a kind of playboy philosophy which is celebrated and sugar-coated and offered to the masses and received with pleasure. We have all sorts of fun and games approaches to sex. We have rampant exhibitionism today in every conceivable form.

"We have a sort of masochistic sadistic vogue. We have a smut industry that grinds out millions of dollars worth of pornography a year. We have a sort of masturbatory dance style that's embraced as if it were something profoundly sexual, whereas actually all those dances do is just grind away without any consciousness of other people or their partners. And homosexuality is just one of a number of such things, all tending towards the subversion, towards the final erosion of our traditional cultural values."

Wallace died on April 7, 2012, at the age of 93, recognized as one of the most substantial and hard-hitting journalists in American history, and famous for asking difficult questions other interviewers avoided. Unlike the majority of his colleagues, he regarded himself as a political moderate. He was a personal friend of Ronald Reagan.

Thanks to Eric for the tip!

Related - Charles Socarides MD - How America Went Gay

First Comment from Dan:

This CBS documentary was disturbing during the dinner hour on a Sunday evening in 1967, due to the loathsome topic.  The only reason CBS could air such a thing without blowback was to use their most credible presenter (Wallace), wrapped in the most 'clinical' terms.  Wallace' intro feigned a smug sense of moral high ground.   His opening line is "Homosexuality is an enigma."  That's hardly how his 1967 audience would have put it.  Would you say syphilis is an enigma?  Or "sodomy is an enigma"?   I wouldn't.   But Wallace chose the word enigma to imply to the 1967 audience, "here is something that is so taboo, maybe there's something to it you need to know".    Next Wallace plays the authority card, invoking something called the "Opinion Research Corporation"  and states how how his 1967 audience thought of homosexuals. "More harmful to society than adultery, abortion, and prostitution" - (and now here's the blow line...)  "We shall present other results of the survey later in the broadcast".

This genre of TV documentary is a formula that grabs the viewers curiosity - just when you're about to change to channel - then establishes trust by using assuring words to make you think the presenter agrees with the current public opinion.  But watch how the documentary is really building a subtle argument for tolerance of homosexuals.  By the conclusion of this documentary the viewer is more open to thinking of homosexuals as an underclass suffering discrimination, rather than suffering a personality disorder which endangers themselves, and others.   Before 1972, one term for homosexuality was 'antisocial behavior'.  Very funny, since now the definition of 'antisocial' has been flipped upside down.

Mike Wallace was notorious for editing taped interviews to cast remarks out of context.  In the documentary, Wallace created the impression of a new public interest in homosexuals, "because of their increasing visibility".   Let me repeat what Morgan Freeman said to Wallace decades later, when Wallace said "how can we stop racism?"  Freeman said, "STOP TALKING ABOUT IT".

Take at look at The 1972 Gay Rights Platform:  National Coalition of Gay Organizations Convention held in Chicago that year.   See that they've achieved nearly all the items.  One was simply dictated by Obama this week, by EXECUTIVE ORDER.  Notice how often the 1972 Gay Rights Platform uses the term Presidential 'executive order' to ram the platform's planks up America's ass.   Also notice the item, "Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent".. 


1. Amend all federal Civil Rights Acts, other legislation and government controls to prohibit discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations and public services.   <---ACHIEVED BY EXECUTIVE ORDER BY OBAMA, July 22, 2014

2. Issuance by the President of an executive order prohibiting the military from excluding for reasons of their sexual orientation, persons who of their own volition desire entrance into the Armed Services; and from issuing less-than-fully-honorable discharges for homosexuality; and the upgrading to fully honorable all such discharges previously issued, with retroactive benefits.

3. Issuance by the President of an executive order prohibiting discrimination in the federal civil service because of sexual orientation, in hiring and promoting; and prohibiting discriminations against homosexuals in security clearances.

4. Elimination of tax inequities victimizing single persons and same-sex couples.

5. Elimination of bars to the entry, immigration and naturalization of homosexual aliens.

6. Federal encouragement and support for sex education courses, prepared and taught by gay women and men, presenting homosexuality as a valid, healthy preference and lifestyle as a viable alternative to heterosexuality.

7. Appropriate executive orders, regulations and legislation banning the compiling, maintenance and dissemination of information on an individual's sexual preferences, behavior, and social and political activities for dossiers and data banks.

8. Federal funding of aid programs of gay men's and women's organizations designed to alleviate the problems encountered by Gay women and men which are engendered by an oppressive sexist society.

9. Immediate release of all Gay women and men now incarcerated in detention centers, prisons and mental institutions because of sexual offense charges relating to victimless crimes or sexual orientation; and that adequate compensation be made for the physical and mental duress encountered; and that all existing records relating to the incarceration be immediately expunged.


1. All federal legislation and programs enumerated in Demands 1, 6, 7, 8, and 9 above should be implemented at the State level where applicable.

2. Repeal of all state laws prohibiting private sexual acts involving consenting persons; equalization for homosexuals and heterosexuals for the enforcement of all laws.

3. Repeal all state laws prohibiting solicitation for private voluntary sexual liaisons; and laws prohibiting prostitution, both male and female.

4. Enactment of legislation prohibiting insurance companies and any other state-regulated enterprises from discriminating because of sexual orientation, in insurance and in bonding or any other prerequisite to employment or control of one's personal demesne.

5. Enactment of legislation so that child custody, adoption, visitation rights, foster parenting, and the like shall not be denied because of sexual orientation or marital status.

6. Repeal of all state laws prohibiting transvestism and cross-dressing.

7. Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent.

8. Repeal of all legislative provisions that restrict the sex or number of persons entering into a marriage unit; and the extension of legal benefits to all persons who cohabit regardless of sex or numbers

Dan adds:

I've been questioning people here to get opinions on current events and they are too far gone to even try to snap out of their FOX News coma.
They have a completely delusional understanding of world news.  It's television that's doing it.

Example - quoting  verbatim what an acquaintance said this week.  "Putin is a dictator who doesn't understand anything but war.  The Russians hate him."

Try telling somebody so programmed about 'false flag' ops.  It's like 911 all over again. Whatever they've been doing on TV this summer, it's working.
The public is back in la la land around here.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Flashback: Mainstreaming Homosexuality 1967-2014"

Jim said (July 24, 2014):

Homosexuality is indeed a mental illness. In a nutshell, for men, homosexuality is caused by a domineering or an over-mothering mother and an absent (either physically or emotionally) father. In a boy, this situation can create an over identification with the mother and an un-sated hunger for his father's attention.

The cause for lesbianism is similar but has other complicating factors.

In evolutionary terms homosexuality is an aberration because gays tend to not reproduce so there shouldn't be any homosexuals on the planet. The only explanation for their existence is either mental (for reasons stated above) or hormonal or a combination of both.

Only about 2% of the population identify themselves as gay but one would think that the number is much greater because of its widespread promotion. To me, this means that there is an agenda to force the acceptance of homosexuality upon the other 98%. But why?

The Illuminati goal is to break down the patriarchal structure of the family unit which will leave women and children vulnerable to government control via food stamps, WIC, subsidized housing, daycare programs, etc. Can you think of a better way to create a government dependent slave race?

Strong husbands and fathers are needed for strong and vibrant families. Without them our society will continue in it decline.

Anonymous said (July 24, 2014):

You're right about motivation for the show, Henry. Still the idea of marriage,
a divine institution, as one 'licensed' by the state is a con of its own. Gays
and straights battle over whom the state shall permit to marry? Huh? In old
days, a couple said vows in public, signed a family Bible, and that was that.
You can still marry that way.

Smaller churches still know anal sex is ill, but not Traditional Denominations
or Mainstream Christian Media (MSCM) like Christianity Today or Christian Rock
hall-of-famers. These people aim to please men.

The Illuminati sink their clutches into all social venues for social engineering.
The holy churches are a special target. Recall Carolyn Hamlett's infiltration for the Dark Side. Seduction was a common tactic, and in her cult, homosexuality was common and sometimes mandatory.

Curiously, her minders raised Hamlett in straight, upright morality for downstream
social engineering purposes. Satan uses everyone.

Gnostics and researchers should grasp what Hamlett finally knew; what Descended Slavemasters needed her to know, and in a hurry, for heavier cult service:
that Lucifer and Satan are the same creature, not two, nor imaginary, while Creator God is Someone else. If you want tales of astral travel and the paranormal, why, Hamlett has them for you. I suggest Dan Duval's seven interviews.

As Doc Marquis says, Satan is not God's opposite, for God has no equal; Satan's opposites would be archangels.

Tony B said (July 24, 2014):

Henry, I believe that the opposition to homos was a much greater ratio than these men put forth. In the 1950s it was a given that if a faggot made a pass at you, you beat the shit out of him, took his money and whatever else, such as his car, and used it until you didn't want to.

If he ran to the cops they laughed at him and then angrily told him to get the hell out of their police station. It was just about total. Even in Hollywood, as I bummed around there for some time as a teenager, wearing Levis and a T shirt (no free advertising on them in those days), I constantly ran into queers wanting to make a pass. It was extremely easy to tell them to get lost. They were very timid and cautious.

As for today's schools, at least in the U.S., every one of them has signs all over the place against "bullying" as "mandated" by the federal government - which lawfully can't mandate a damned thing about education but uses taxpayer money as the carrot at the end of the stick to take over local schools.

The "bullying" campaign is simply to prevent the kids from calling a queer a queer, or a lesbian a dyke, as the girls, ever gullible, seem to fall for this crap more than the boys. It actually has nothing to do with what normal people consider bullying.

Anonymous said (July 23, 2014):

The biological science of what hormone is predominate at birth ( male or female) is what determines our sex.

Also, no one has an identical balance of these two hormones either and for this reason some men are more masculine than others and some less masculine than others. That is what is beyond your control and NOT your own personal behavoir.
No two people either have had the same identical type of sexual encounters either. And its those encounters that happen either willingly or unwillingly at an early age that often shapes our perspective of what sexual expression is. I've yet to have a person tell me that they have had a perfectly normal sex life free from all abnormalities.

It only defeats us when we let these abnormal encounters become acceptable as normal by way of learned behavior.

A moral compass is a Godly virtue but an immoral compass is a devilish desire that believes he can only be totally at peace with himself through illicit sexual encounters of his own desires regardless of how perverted they may be.

Ray said (July 23, 2014):

I recently discovered a good way to educate my 9- and 11-year-old sons in the social morality that existed in the 1950s and '60s prior to the accelerated dismantling of our cultural framework.

My kids love watching "Lassie" on YouTube. They also enjoyed a recent viewing of the 1960 film "Old Yeller," vintage Disney prior to its turning 100% into a Satanic mind-control mill.

The old TV shows and movies on which I grew up (or was "force fed", to be more precise), such as "Father Knows Best", are a potent time capsule that my kids love to experience.

They tell me, "People were nicer back then and they dressed better." My sons' new favorite show is "Lassie." (We don't have cable so they've never been exposed to today's TV fare.) We watch it together and I tell them how I watched it every Sunday night for years when I was a kid (I'm 62).

Anyway, just a tip for parents who want to give their kids or grandkids a chance to learn about the "old ways": Turn the youngsters on to "Leave it to Beaver," "My Three Sons," "Father Knows Best," "Lassie," "Rin-Tin-Tin," "Sky King," etc. Many such shows are on YouTube or available on DVD.

"Back in my day," most kids' TV shows taught a moral lesson (while peddling sugar-coated cereal!), and many of those lessons still hold up today.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at