Do White People Need a Survival Strategy?
July 15, 2014

Mark Green comments on the double standard that
allows Jews, Blacks and Hispanics to pursue their
racial interests but forbids people of European origin
from doing the same thing. Do Whites need national
organizations to protect their interests?
Green: "Jews are definitely on the rise. Witness: money, commitment, power, pride, cohesion, and visibility. Whites however are moving in reverse. We are rapidly being displaced and we're losing control of our culture, language and country. But please don't mention this. (Views of this kind are considered 'reactionary' and maybe even racist!)"
Makow Comment: To put this discussion into context, the political and cultural leadership in the West is a proxy or colonial administrator for the Illuminati Jewish banking cartel which is pursuing a satanic (Cabalist Jewish) agenda of social engineering and world tyranny. For example, 9-11, gun-control and NSA-spying are measures to advance this agenda and protect its agents.
by Mark Green
(from Occidental Observer Site)
Whites are at a disadvantage in this modern competition since white (racial) solidarity--unlike Jewish solidarity--is taboo in America.
Why? The dominant Jewish narrative effectively bars whites from forming ethnic/racial teams the way Jews do. This keeps whites divided and off balance when competing against Jews.

An entrenched double-standard has taken root. Within it lies a murky and complex set of rules which emanate from a collection of ancient stories, modern myths, and concocted taboos. Together, they form the Big New Jewish Narrative.
The six pillars that sustain this Narrative are: fascism, racism, The Holocaust, democracy, freedom and human equality. I don't want to spoil the ending here, but the good guys in this grand drama are-without a doubt-those poor, brilliant, equality-loving, highly democratic and ever-suffering Jews!
And if you don't believe me, just turn on your TV or pick up a bestselling book.
Jews are definitely on the rise. Witness: money, commitment, power, pride, cohesion, and visibility.
Whites however are moving in reverse. We are rapidly being displaced and we're losing control of our culture, language and country. But please don't mention this. (Views of this kind are considered 'reactionary' and maybe even racist!)
Whites are clearly on the defensive. The other team is clearly on the offensive.

And how do they get away with it? That's where the official Holocaust narrative comes in.
According to the Official Story: Jews have no choice. We (lesser souls) keep persecuting them and killing them. And for no good reason! So they absolutely MUST stick together. All the hatred/discrimination directed at Jews is 'Just because they're Jews'. That's it. End of story. Incredibly, the root of the problem is not about Jewish beliefs or even what Jews do. It's all about us bad guys and our 'virulent' antisemitism.
So what's a good, decent American supposed to do? Fight fascism of course! The Big Problem CLEARLY is antisemitism and white racism for sure. Now go!

The 'white community' (may I use that expression?) may now coalesce along (non-discriminatory) corporate/business interests, regional boundaries, religious faith, or narrow ideological differences such as liberal/conservative, Democrat/Republican. That's pretty much it.
Jews however can be wide-open, Jew-loving Israelis/settlers/Holocaust survivors or just plain wonderful Jews! They can work as teams with strictly Jewish objectives. And isn't that great?! And if you don't like it, don't blame them. Blame Hitler. Antisemitism made them this way.
Just don't get in their way.
Unfortunately, atomized, white Americans are now in a box. Jews-playing on the Jewish team-not only get to play by different rules, but these same cultural programmers play an enormous role in managing/shaping modern political orthodoxies. They also contribute millions of dollars to BOTH political parties at the same time. Even countless Christian churches are now under the Jewish/Zionist thumb.
These downtrodden Holocaust survivors (and their descendents) also write/edit the screenplays for many of the shows our neighbors/friends/children watch. They also happen to censor/edit much of the news that average Americans consume as well. Industrious, aren't they? Nothing wrong with that!

Curiously, while Americans cheer for their favorite professional team as well as our troops (God Bless our Troops!) millions of poor, uneducated, Spanish-speaking meso-Americans pour through unguarded US borders, forever changing American civilization. Forever.
Can we talk about it? (Is it racist to do so?) Unfortunately, Jewish intellectuals and their minions now insist that the US is a 'proposition nation'. (see: 'Democracy, equality.')
Race doesn't matter here. Not now. No longer. We're all equal in America!
Maybe this experiment will work. But what if it doesn't? Oh well, at least the Jews have Israel to go to.
Interestingly, in Israel-where Jews are 80% of the population-a grand sporting event takes place in Jerusalem every year. But it's restricted. Only Jewish athletes may compete. It's called (surprise!) The Maccabiah Games. No Jackie Robinson in this arena, thank you. In fact, no gentiles on any of the teams.

Yes, the Jews run Hollywood. In fact, they pretty much run America.
Here's a secret: Incredibly-while no one was watching-'greater Israel' gradually became the world's foremost superpower. It happened. It's real.
For instance, if you want to find out about where the next US war (or NATO invasion) is going to be, find out what the Israel lobby wants. It's a perfect predictor. I call it the 'Israel Index'. Watch it. Learn from it.
(But please don't mention that I told you about it. It's probably antisemitic.)

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First Comment from John:
Hi Henry! This article and especially your comment at the beginning sums it all up. That is exactly how it is; no more, no less. If the preset social dynamic is not stopped and reversed, it is not just Whites that are doomed but civilization itself. On a moral level people's souls will be lost and humans will be re-engineered into sub-humans, incapable of higher feelings and of loving beauty.
We already see de-humanizing in a large segment of society, the result of satanic social engineering. Survival as a strategy will not stop what is going on, and surviving becomes ever more difficult since even having a career increasingly depends on embracing the satanist agenda or at least acquiescing to it. I have no idea what the strategy should be but the Latin saying "extremis malis extrema remedia" comes to mind: for extreme evils, extreme solutions. Humanity faces some terrible choices to survive as human beings and not cattle.
Seth said (July 16, 2014):
The population plot of the Illuminati: At the turn of the 20th century the world's humanoid population was around 1.5 billion, with about 20% of that reportedly being 'white'. Now at the beginning of the 21st century only around 1-3% is 'white' out of the 7 billion humanoid inhabitants. This of course is no accident, as there has been a deliberate plan to reduce the whites and increase the non-whites through various measures. If these current demographic policies & trends continue then sometime between 2050-2100 whites will be virtually non-existent, completely engulfed by 10-20 billion nonwhites.
Now what most whites are ignorant of, is that this rapid explosion of the colored population over the last century was not some haphazard occurrence, but an intentional scheme concocted by the anti-white Jewish-Christian controlled western governments. (Understanding of course, that Christianity is one of the Illuminati's tools). By introducing the products of western medicine (antibiotics, vaccines) food & material aid into the 'third world' in the name of 'humanitarianism' & 'Christianity' they have saved the lives of billions of non-whites who otherwise would have perished through natural selection (disease, famine etc).
Thus after the completion of stage 1 (the formation of an excessive colored surplus population), they then could commence with stage 2 (the invasion of the white nations by millions-billions of 'immigrants'-'refugees'. This is being done to gradually exterminate the whites through homicides, miscegenation, disease etc..