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Complaint: Women Want Kids, Not Husbands

June 7, 2014

notinthemood.jpg(left. This cartoon doesn't exactly fit the story but I thought it would elicit a smile.)

Mike, from England,
is so disgusted
with women, he says porn
is a better alternative. 
Women want his child
but they don't want him!

Mike was responding to Revenge Killer "Traumatized" by Porn as Child  May 29.

by Mike in the UK

I have a different take on Porn than most.

Though I have learned now, by default it ain't a good thing.

Having been molested by an abnormal degenerate, I took looking at porn (growing up) as something "normal" & "straight" (as it was ALL straight porn,) and something of an education. I learned an awful lot from Porn...and I'd say EVERY woman I have been with also "valued what it taught me".
 But that's where it ends.

 This is WHERE I learned my lesson....!

 EVERY woman I have had relations with in the last 20 years, NEVER once mentioned Marriage.

 They put out the "sex" within days,....talked about Babies within weeks or months, but NOT ONCE any word about Marriage.
 In fact their conversational skills were very COLD, BUSINESS-LIKE and no matter the amount of "sex" being had,  I kept being put through a dry interview by these women,...that were hardly half way to beginning to prove anything REAL to me. It was akin to a job interview!

 So totally out of touch with REAL REALITY,...these women would talk to though they were in the 3rd person, or something !!
 Absolutely NO Love and absolutely NO Loyalty proven to me....yet they wanted my DNA growing inside of them because according to women today : THAT'S ALL THE DONE THING. Blunt.

 When I mention my slightly older old fashioned take on things,...such as, prove yourself Marriage material; prove some loyalty; prove she can be of use to My Life....if I am to take on a Life Changing Burden of HER Children....because apparently from all these conversations with WOMEN....I am the LAST PERSON to have any say....I got a look from them like I was form another Planet !
She is a woman, Women have kids...simple as that.
But here we have the insanity !!

Women have spoken to me about though,..being feminists, they don't need to consult me beyond the release of my seed inside her,....and WE ALL know that should her "fickle fad" of liking me could change any minute...WE ALL know the STATE will pay her way & pay for everything and also drain me of my money.
So....with Porn being an easy alternative to a Nightmare, I haven't hated it as much as most.
In fact I could say, if it were NOT for Porn,..I probably would have been driven to make even more mistakes getting to know even more selfish spiteful ego-maniac women and lost more & more money!.
But having Porn so readily available and having women brainwashed by the toxic horrors of Media & Feminism....Porn is the LESSER of three evils. I'd rather look at porn than end up fighting some psycho woman in the courts over My Child SHE was not ever willing to Marry the Dad of....!!!!
Also, funnily enough.....Once a man is all "porned-out" and can't even be bothered with that....It is the PUREST of tests each & every time that man then meets a new woman....because he's SEEN it all and even the most amazing things, repeated over & over again....and its becomes a bore.
A bore without any grown up feelings included.

But today, I find women a complete BORE now because SO MUCH is based on SEX in THEIR HEADS too.
IF men don't even put in all the awkward effort of getting around to talking about "sex" and the "sex they want"...conversation certainly dries up fast...because women are EXPECTING to have to rebut,tease or refuse the topic of sex.They also expect non-stop compliments.....I can't be bothered with anymore. Becomes a CHORE after so many women & so many dates & so many "outfits" & "costumes" they wear......Whatever !
Without a man's drive, NOTHIN' happens.
And when it's so over-familiar for women today as to make it sound like a JOB INTERVIEW ....[every aspect of a relationship] then I certainly admit giving up caring what they think or want anymore.
I gave my best....
Best years of my life....
And each & every time....It has become a joke.
Now I look at women,....and since they've ALL been the SAME....I look away in disgust !

First Comment from Dan:

The man has only been interested in women who have sex with him 'up front' (sluts.)  If he had a father around, the man never explained the difference between 'nice girls' and 'bad girls', ie. sluts, whores, skanks, barflies, nymphos, etc.   Fathers used to have 'the Talk' with sons at puberty to explain that a girl that will have sex on the first date will have sex with anybody.  That's all they're good for.  Mike never got that wisdom handed down to him.

Consequently, he's confused whores with 'women' - the generic term FEMINISM applies to erase these crucial distinctions that men need to discern. I'm assuming that UK sluts deliberately pick out blokes who are dumb enough get them pregnant:  these are a species of lazy whore for whom a baby is merely a meal ticket - and excuse to file for welfare and child support.  It's a grift.

Like most people today, these men don't seem to understand that they themselves are just as disordered as the women they pick up in the sleazy environs they prowl, ever hunting the next orgasm, like a crack whore craving the next five minute high.  Like the addict, they'll never straighten out until they hit bottom and realize they have a problem, and quit thinking like a Feminist.

Edward says:

I sympathize with the experiences this man has been through.  ("Mike Finds Porn Preferable...")  It's helpful to hear from other men about their experience with women and women's attitudes in our time, as "the state will pay" for many things or make men pay, without giving husbands and fathers much say in a marriage relationship or how children are brought up.  And by now, this has affected the way many women think, apparently.

Hearing from other men (and women) on these issues helps me stay somewhat sane in these times of manufactured news and cultural insanity.

I do want to propose to Mike however that in my opinion porn is basically an addiction and it basically makes people weak and angry.  It turns people into slaves.  I believe porn addiction transform a man on a spiritual level in such a way that women can actually "pick up on" it and they can tell that he's easy to seduce and easy to manipulate.  So while it isn't easy, I've left porn behind me and feel better for it. Why idolize women, or turn women into idols when I can spend time getting to know God better or just getting to know people better in non-sexual ways?  Somehow this seems to also help me meet a better class of women, and even have better interactions with them, but that's strictly secondary and I honestly don't have high of expectations for any of that because of how difficult marriage is in these times of manufactured recession and societal breakdown.  I am slowly, very slowly, learning to put God first in my life, or at least closer to first, and then just see where that leads me.

Good luck Mike, and thanks for sharing your story.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for " Complaint: Women Want Kids, Not Husbands"

TT said (June 8, 2014):

Such a true article, but its worse! Back in the 80's a navy corpsman I know told me his story.... met a girl at a dance club, they "dated" for three weekends then she wanted nothing more to do with him. 13 months later he gets a court order for a dna test. She was pregnant, his child. He asked if she wanted to get married etc and she said no, she just wanted someone to pay the bills and as a military man a good choice.

That says it all......

Sepp said (June 8, 2014):

I have empathy with Mike.

To break the circle is …. to get out of it.

It’s a bit like job hunting.
If you don’t find the job of your likes in your town, move out of it.
Look in the next town and if not successful go into the next city.
If that’s not doing anything, move out of your country, get into a different continent.

If you cannot find a woman where you live… move….!!!
You are a man, be a pioneer and seek new shores.

God says leave your ‘daddy and mama’ ( meaning your cosy home ) and YOU join the woman to become ONE.
It’s not up to the woman to join you as you wrongly assume. YOU join her. YOU are the man of action. Not she.

The planet is round and big enough to source for a woman of your gusto. Have you ever lived in Asia?
There are millions of unmarried beautiful, family-oriented, frugal and sexy women.
C’mon …..there is for every man a woman out there.

Ask, ask God.
ASK and you will receive, SEEK and you will find, KNOCK and the door will be opened.

Porn per se is not wrong. Porn images become only Porn if you act it out in your mind with someone outside the exclusiveness and ONEness in LOVE and marriage.

The key to sexual fulfillment is not found in sex with multiples or watching scenes like that. The secret lies in living out all of your fantasies with the person you are ONE.

Thank you for sharing your story Mike,

Pierre said (June 8, 2014):

I guess that not doing porn and not doing women (or anyone) and still having wet dreams is not an 'addiction' but god's will.......

One thing to bear in mind though is that the porn is for the most part (99%) an industry run for, by and through the minds of the same satanists that have engaged in social engineering to screw both the sexes, to screw sexuality itself. There is more to the sex fetish than meets the eye and they want mindless featureless sexless drones for their Slave New World (Huxley and the Fabian socialists).

Reconciliation of the sex based opposites (channeling Jung here) gives a third creative component. Their Hegelian dialectics (channeling Ike and problem reaction solution) gives you what they set out to give you in the first place when they set up the false paradigms and exaggerated distortions.

What I object to is the hideous beauty-trashing tattoos and complete lack of imaginations, as the porn sewers have gone the same way as Societe Generale, but maybe it's just me. eg Maid spanking becomes Abu Ghraib and it isn't even sex anymore. Boring to anyone except the pain projectors who have been making a quid out of it since Fanny Hill.

D.B. said (June 8, 2014):

"Men do not attract that which they want, but that which they are." - James Allen

If you want to attract a quality woman you have to be a quality man first. Quality women will never be attracted to a bitter porn addict. There is no justification for objectifying women. Quality women will smell that from miles away and be repulsed.

Addiction is not liberating, it imprisons mind, body and soul. Porn shackles you to preference of the artificial over the real. Who would prefer simulacrum over the tangible and real? Think about this: next time you hunger for a steak dinner, would you be satisfied with a full page ad by the beef industry? Rather than an actual meal? Would you consider a person who (chronically) has such a preference to be healthy or sane? And who does it serve really?

Those who produce the garbage you consume have you right where they want you. And of course your poisoned worldview serves them as well. It is all by design. Dan is right. You have been looking for love in all the wrong places. A healthier outlook, free of addiction could have netted you a much different result.

May I suggest some guided self reflection? The book "As a Man Thinketh" by James Allen would be a good starting point I.M.O. Looking in the mirror, rather than pointing fingers of blame outward is the way out of the rut you have dug yourself into. In order for any one of us to get the world right, we have to start with ourselves.

Good luck.





Jenifer said (June 8, 2014):

I always wanted a husband first then kids. In my twenties, I was in various monogamous relationships with nice educated professional men. After dating for 3 to 6 months if I felt the relationship had marriage potential I would agree to have sex under the condition that we were considering marriage.

However, I realized that fornicating was not helping the relationship develop into the beautiful romantic dream marriage I envisioned and it was Not the spiritual right thing to do in God's eyes. I stopped fornicating and when the topic of sex came up; I told them that I'm waiting until marriage -- most men dropped me!

I was dating Christians but even they expect sex after a certain period. Since 2008, I've been married twice-- we waited until the wedding night but both marriages ended.

One ended because my husband lost his job in the 2008 crash and fell into severe alcoholism and drug addiction and became very abusive. The second husband was a strange situation of manipulation. We were searching for a church --visiting many.

Some Pastors and Elders at these churches were telling him to leave me or negative lies about me--like they thought I was demon possessed and they needed $5000 to heal me! The advise was adding up until finally he became very suspicious of me and divorced me three months ago.

Recently those very same Pastors and Elders are now calling me for a date! I told him, now he's wondering if he was tricked and feeling very confused.

In the secular world, I've seen my boyfriend's male friends get jealous and try to sabotage our relationship, and I suspected the same of these Pastors but its hard to explain that without looking like you are not humble. I've found some men will throw their own mother under the bus for a chance to be with a beautiful, rich, young, chaste woman. Or out of jealousy sabotage another man's luck.

Al Thompson said (June 7, 2014):

he real problem in this case is having sex outside of the bonds of marriage. It just doesn't work. The more I see the level of fornication in society, I also see the impending doom upon civilization. Fornication is dangerous and evil. The porn just makes it worse. Remember, there is no benefit to anything that is evil so my suggestion would be to stop fornicating.

When you look at a woman, take away their appearance and their sexuality, and then she what she has. Is she nice, discreet, have good manners, does she care about other people, does she have a good sense of humor. Look at her personality first. Women should do the same thing with men. This will filter out the shallow people.

I know a lot of young people in town and most all of them are fornicating. Their relationships go sour, they become heartbroken, but they don't understand just how devastating sex outside of marriage can be. The problem, is that the new world order freaks have destroyed men and women of Western Civilization to the point that I'm not sure we can recover. For that to happen, the fornication has to stop.

If there is one thing I could have done better, the first thing that comes to mind is fornication. Getting a woman in marriage is not an easy thing, but to get a good one in marriage, that's even more difficult.

I think it is better for a man and a woman who start dating to agree to not have sex until they get married. This will take a lot of pressure off the relationship regarding sex, and it will put the sex in its proper place.

Aidan said (June 7, 2014):

Mike thinks porn is preferable to the women he is encountering in the UK. While in generalities I agree with him about the state of the modern women however, like most modern men, he has fallen victim to his own sin. How could a porn addict possibly hope to attract a women outside of the modern mode of society? What does he really have to offer? Where is his spiritual power? Where is the presence of the Lord in his own being cultivated by a life of battling sin and cultivating personal holiness? There is no joy here.

His vision is shaped by porn and he looks out to the world with a twisted heart. While the fear of monetary distress from engaging with the women he is encountering may swing him back to the digital fantasy world he is just in another prison.

The gentle Lord can break the chains. If he does the real work of life on himself he will become an exceptional man. Only then could he possibly hope to attract an exceptional woman. God will put her in his path when he is ready.

There is a saying... when you point your finger at someone four point back at you. For sure the times are discouraging. Now, more than ever, we rely on grace.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at