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Self-Betrayal Rots the American Psyche

May 27, 2014

  (Left. Jamie McIntyre: "From my close-up inspection, there is no evidence that a plane crashed anywhere near the Pentagon." CNN Report subsequently suppressed.)

Now they are so contemptuous of us, so extremely confident of their invulnerability and immunity, "so bold and arrogant" that on 9-11 [our political & cultural elite] "mocked us to our faces by leaving clues in plain sight."

Michael Hoffman is perhaps the most brilliant and eloquent writer in the patriot camp. In this recent review of "The Most Dangerous Book in the World: 9/11 as Mass Ritual" by S.K. Bain, Hoffman discusses the sinister effect of accepting the Illuminati Cryptocracy's blatant treason and lying.

by Michael Hoffman
"The 9/11 Terror Attacks as Alchemical Process"
Revisionist History 72, April-May 2014
(Edited and abridged by

Psychologically, [the American people] have the status of defeated and demoralized prisoners of war. They have cut a deal with the System: they won't contradict the Cryptocracy's lies in return for the Cryptocracy allowing them to "get on with their lives," pursue a career, marry a trophy wife, raise and educate two children, root for the stadium sports team of their choice, acquire a boat, an RV and a second home.

terrorists-puppets.jpgIn the course of this quid pro quo, they pretend they are concerned about the state of the nation and their children's future, but their souls are rotting in the face of the lie they are living. Americans are being marched in the direction the Cryptocracy has been taking us since it immolated the King of Camelot near the 33rd degree line in 1963. The 9-11 attacks of 2001 represent the second stop on that alchemical jornada del muerto.

What does the Cryptocracy thinks of us? These elitists always regarded non-iniates in any era  as being not truly human, little more than "ghostly homunculi," e.g. "goyim, gentiles, kelipot, cowans." The "Cambridge (University) Apostles, "who produced a slew of traitors who spied for and defected to the Soviet Union, styled themselves "realities," in contrast to the rest of us who they termed mere "phenomena."

Before the modern age, the Cryptocracy's low estimation of us was kept secret, for the reason that virile, perspicacious yeomen with a medieval mentality had a tendency to rise against wicket tyrants when they were identified as such and summarily pitchfork, club and hang them expeditiously. Even in the Victorian era, in the wake of the Trafalgar riots, British Masons perpetrated  the "Jack the Ripper" butchery with the utmost secrecy. Now they are so contemptuous of us, so extremely confident of their invulnerability and immunity, "so bold and arrogant" that on 9-11 "they mocked us to our faces by leaving clues in plain sight."

bain.jpgWe contend that at some level of their collective psyche, the American people have an inkling that George W. Bush had a hand in the 9-11 terror attacks that killed some 3000 of their countrymen. But since The Power has signed off on this betrayal of "the phenomena" by "the reality," it has been decided that we "ghostly homunculi" are to haunt the stage of our masters' alchemical theatre, by "living the good life" of getting ad spending, the glamor and glitter of fine clothing and travel; ogling the flesh that is peddled to sell soap and automobiles, and the pound of flesh that is extracted by the barons of banking.  In other words we have been directed to drown our intuition of a soul-rotting truth about our leader by immersing our snouts in the amusements and distractions of a material world, the here-and-now of the Renaissance-humanist Abbey of Thelema, where we are governed solely by our own free will, the only law being, Fais ce que tu voudras ("Do your own thing.")

15 years ago we would have had to explain this process of alchemical dissolving-and-rebuilding (solve et coagula) in detail, to a startled audience in order for them to grasp it fully. Today Americans are so deeply immersed in the process, so far "down the (laboratory) tubes" , that many will recognize it without a great deal of prompting, since they are living it daily.

bbc1.jpg(left, BBC pre-announces collapse of WTC Building 7, to the right of reporter's head)

In 2014, Americans exhibit the mental effects of the shock-and-awe doctrine which is applied not only as military warfare, as in Iraq, but by domestic conspirators who wage psychological war as part of what anthropologist Joseph Campbell termed, "mysterium tremendum et fascinans" (a mystery before which man both "trembles and is fascinated.") Fascination is immobilizing. The fact that not a single one of the master criminals behind King-Kill/33 [JFK assassination], Oklahoma City '95, or 9-11, has ever spent so much as a day in jail for their monstrous, world-historic crimes, leaves the masses to kneel in trembling and fascination before their prowess and potency. Americans have become degenerate voyeurs who desire to be fascinated by more of these spectacular criminal prodigies, a supplication which will surely be fulfilled in the maelstrom that lies ahead, unless we change our ways....

This writer stands mute in the face of the extraordinary clockwork that has ticked out the inversion of good and evil, while contemporary humanity, like Esau of old, has sold its birthright for a bowl of digital dung. And now you know why Jesus Christ asked the ominous question, "When the Son of Man returns, will He find any Faith on earth?" (Luke 18:8)


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Websites that expose 9/11 - and, and,
News Media Collaborated in 9-11 False Flag

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Self-Betrayal Rots the American Psyche "

Doug P said (May 28, 2014):

The term Camus uses to describe the moral landscape is nihilism, its the term I first heard that got me into studying this.

I am not fascinated, there is nothing fascinating about men being turned into stupid animals. I would rather do something else entirely, something with my education as an engineer, something I do find fascinating - applied math and signal processing. Instead I find myself preparing to read Hegel and Marxism, something I know has no value, but I remember the trusim "know thy enemy".

I look at the understanding that is out there and I believe one of our problems is that it is lacking common sense. Some people still think its aliens. Some others have no idea what to do. Most do absolutely nothing. Many still read the paper and watch the news.

Most will deserve what will happen - total nihilism, Jacobinism, atheism, communism, Legalism, whatever you want to call it, it will be the destruction of civilization itself and the most demoralizing affect all of this has on most people is the knowledge in their hearts that they deserve it. We are the new Sodom and Gomorrah.

The thing to do is: Don't deserve it. That's how we fight back.

Tom said (May 28, 2014):

"Psychologically, [the American people] have the status of defeated and demoralized prisoners of war".........because they are brainwashed from the US GOVT INC school system to the point they truly believe they don't possess the ability to use their inherent ability to think for themselves!

JG,(below) it appears to be the scientists and experts who are opting to focus on the weaponry more than likely in the hopes of remaining alive! There have been many who have stepped up and provided clear and concise descriptions of who the culprits are!

FH said (May 28, 2014):

9-11 was exposed as international satanic masonic-jewry mass ritual killing, it also helped bring down buildings that were out of date as well it made the military elite money(IndustrIal complex)and justified attacking false enemies so mystery Babylon's land could be taken to begin rebuilding the mystery babylon nonsensical twisted secret society bullpoop. Like shite filled mindless programmed missiles..

They foolishly attempt to replicate Solomons temple for their coming dark lord. Yeshua will destroy them totally in his glorious love power. The evil masonic/jewry are purposely making everyone hopeless and sad so that when their fraudgod comes and soon he will. He will cure diseases previously uncurable (cures held back til he arrives) all of this pathetic evil will totally be disintegrated...The Holy spirit is still revealing.more to me. Revealing more and more in a practical understandable way. Henry, all this is revealed.

JG said (May 27, 2014):

Unfortunately the focus on 911 has been shifted from the culprits of the crime and on to the weaponry of the crime instead. Lucky Larry Silverstein has just gotten lucky again. Did anyone out there really believe that it would be any other way?

Americans are standing for nothing now and falling for everything. As long as they can maintain their present lifestyle and live in their own world, all is good. However, it becomes a much different world when the money runs out and this is slowly becoming the scenario for a lot of Americans today. When you're broke, there is nothing "crypto" about it.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at