Feminists Don't Realize They've Mutated
April 14, 2014

the way they plan for career. Today, we look at a young Feminist's reply, which
sounds convincing, but shows how they've been had.
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
At first glance, Emma Gray's rebuttal to Susan Patton makes a lot of sense.
She says Patton's advice that, "I need to buck up and find a damn husband" isn't doing educated young women any favors.
1. Most of us are looking for love. As many single women can attest, there is a vast gulf between being open to love and going on dates, and actually finding a person who you mesh with, who you care about and who cares about you. The women I know put aside time out of their busy weeks to date and to push themselves into new situations where they might meet potential love interests. We sign up for Tinder and Hinge and OKCupid and JDate, half out of boredom, but, ultimately, with an air of hopefulness. With each swipe or like or match we wonder whether this will be the one that works -- and often, it's not.

Not only do most of the single women I know love their jobs,... but also, for most of us, work is and will always be a necessity for survival. ...Most of us will not marry a partner who can afford to take on the full financial burden of his family. ... In fact, highly-educated, successful women are just as likely to get married (if not more so) than other women, they just tend to do it a few years later.
3. Having -- and enjoying -- sex does not prevent us from finding true connection.
"Men won't buy the cow if the milk is free," Patton writes, sounding more out of touch than I thought was humanly possible. I know women who have slept with men right away thinking it would be completely casual, and ended up marrying those men years down the road. I know women who did everything "right" and by "the rules" with a potential partner and ended up dumped.
4. We don't devalue marriage or motherhood. And a lot of us still want those things.
Feminists do not "think that being a wife or a mother is a bad thing, some don't want to be either wives or mothers, and many are single and still want both. Not spending every waking moment wishing for an MRS. degree ... doesn't preclude a desire to find a life partner or have a baby." We "choose not to define our ultimate worth by our relationship status. Yes, we are single... But we are also so, so much more." (Really?)
Emma Gray's response reflects the Feminist view that young women can "have it all" and I don't blame them for trying. But often they can't.
Marriage and motherhood are a frame of mind. When a woman loves a man, she dedicates her life to him. She wants children to replicate him. I doubt if many young women today can think like this. They have been taught by the Illuminati that self-sacrifice is both self-betrayal and self-endangerment.
My point is that a woman's sacrifice is the basis of husband and children's love for her. It is how the cycle of love starts. We love people who give it up for us, and we want to reciprocate in kind.
Marriage and family used to be a woman's career. My mother was proud to be "Mrs. David Makow" and share in my father's success. She didn't need a career to feel fulfilled. She got it from her family. She had a successful small import business, but quit when my father established himself and asked her to focus on the home.
No wonder women today feel they cannot trust a man. They are flitting from one bed to another. A woman who makes marriage her first priority consecrates her body for her future husband. Her vagina is not a public utility or an amusement park ride. Her womb is where her children will be conceived and grow. Whatever happened to people dating first?
All Susan Patton is saying is, "Ladies get your priorities straight. You can always have a career. You need to be young and somewhat pure to attract a lifelong mate and have children."
April Alliston, a Comparative Literature professor at Princeton is an example of what goes wrong when career is the first priority. The woman misses the boat because she has mutated. Her character has become incompatible to men:
"As a
heterosexual woman who put my ambition to earn tenure at Princeton
before my desire to have a family -- which as a result has not
happened -- and as a woman who has gone through two husbands and
grueling IVF treatments only to find myself now single and childless,
neither of which was part of my youthful dreams, I thank Ms. Patton
for this chance to address an issue that's so central to so many
women's lives and can be a source of so much anxiety. ... The last time I was married, my husband and I would both
(simultaneously) wander around our house with arms upraised,
lamenting, "Where's the wife? Where's the wife?" because
that's what we both really needed."
First Comment by David:
Gray's second point is most revealing and illustrates how totally Western women have been conned and snowed. The "necessity" of job and career for women and the impossibility of finding a husband who can financially support a wife and family on his salary are EXACTLY what the long range goal of the financial and political elite have always been.
Private central banking always creates scarcity and robs the private sector of any real wealth, driving both spouses into the workforce and straining or destroying any hope of a harmonious existence.
If Emma Gray had taken some history courses she might have learned that 50 years ago, a husband could support a wife and much larger families on one income, while groceries, fuel and housing were far cheaper than today. It's almost comical how an "education" has robbed so many Emmas of the ability to see the world as it really is.
Barry said (April 16, 2014):
Women have been sold a monstrous lie. They were told to put career before family and not to rely on men for fulfilment or personal happiness. The gynocentric view has become dominant and many other gender issues have metastasised from this basic premise. We are drawn magnetically into debate over these issues, and at least in MRA and feminist circles, each side has become addicted to the game of attack and counter attack in which there are no winners. Sadly most of the players in this game have never heard of the Illuminati or the Hegelian Dialectic and have no idea how they are being used to further the elites depopulation agenda.
There is nothing complex about this. The rich elites look upon us as cattle and we have served them well for thousands of years. But things are changing rapidly. Super advanced technology is coming through the pipeline and the elites have been forward planning. They have decided they no longer need a big herd and the cull has started.
Not with guns or machetes, but by using the many forms of social control at their disposal. One of those tools is the Hegelian Dialectic which they have used very effectively to get men and women at each other’s throats. While they are fighting they are not making babies. It’s that simple. Now, some will say reducing world population is a good thing but that is another issue. Whatever the outcome of that debate, inflicting human suffering to bring about depopulation is not the answer.