Can We Escape Social Conditioning?
April 2, 2014
(left, Peter Offerman dropped out of school at age 14 and worked as a forest lookout.)
There is no collective salvation, Peter Offerman suggests.
Individuals can find liberation only by detaching from the herd.
"Building friendships takes time and effort and becoming your own friend is no exception. Most of us never get the
opportunity to do this."
By Peter Offerman
At 68, I am getting on in years. I have lived a full life and have had the time to reflect. My life has been exceptional because social conditioning did not incapacitate me nearly as much as most people.
The most destructive conditioning takes place in our schools, during our formative years when we are most vulnerable.
I quit school in Grade Nine at age 14. I felt I was being made dumber instead of smarter. My parent's response was, "if you don't go to school we will not support you." I left home then and took responsibility for my own life.
I first spent a few years hoboing around Canada taking whatever work I could find whenever I needed it. No job was too menial or too challenging to accept.
At 17, I took on a job that turned my life around and led to my shedding my conditioning.
job was as a fire lookout man with the British Columbia Forest Service. I worked and lived on remote
mountain tops by myself for four months each year. Spending that
much time completely alone, especially
during my youth had a profound effect on my perceptions
about life as a human being and how I fit into society....
Most people also don't realize how much of their time and energy it takes to be 'social'. However being removed from 'socializing' is enormously stressful if it is all you know.
Many aspiring lookout men needed to come down off the mountains prematurely because they could not stand being alone. Those that adjusted to the isolation came to treasure the freedom of having just their own company. The amount of time that becomes available for other more worthwhile pursuits is substantial.
Building friendships takes time and effort and becoming your own friend is no exception. Most of us never get the opportunity to do this.
Our controllers understand that people who are not comfortable with themselves are much easier to control because they are lonely and seek comfort and friendship outside themselves.
Virtually every sales campaign is designed to sell you a bill of goods by convincing you that their product is going to become your best friend.
On a lookout, becoming focused on each tree individually is not productive and makes it impossible to see the whole picture. A good lookout man scans vast vistas without focusing on anything in particular. Taking this approach to finding required data points, such as suspicious smoke, allows our intuition to come to our aid. It always amazes me how glaringly anomalies stand out when using this method.
works just as well in any other environment, including researching on
the internet. When surrounded by questionable 'news/propaganda'
the fires stick out much more obviously when we also are aware of the
apparently unrelated surrounding information that is part of
The 'trees' of propaganda do not distract us from seeing the whole situation. If there's no smoke, there probably isn't a fire. Our intuition can see the difference even though we logically can't. Following our intuition instead of remaining focused on the propaganda leads us to the information that will then allow us to make sense of the situation.
I live in Ocean Falls, BC, a community of about 50 people on the ocean 500 kilometers north of Vancouver. I am currently attempting to create a lifestyle that my morality can justify, and disempower the Money Power that enslaves all of humanity, without resorting to violence. Psychological and financial wars are actually more critical components of the control structure.
My main priority was to stop contributing to the war machine. We all contribute to this cause by providing our labour; by purchasing goods from the Money Power, by paying income and consumption taxes to fund the control system.
I finally realized that every single thing in my life that I could make non-essential lightened my burden and also improved the quality of my life because I could less and have more time to enjoy my life. I currently own my home but it costs me virtually nothing. I have no mortgage, no insurance, and my property taxes average around $100 a year. I have beach front property on the ocean in a spectacular and comfortable setting.
Overall my current cost of living is about $350 a month which includes property taxes, food, transportation and all other services allowing me to live very comfortably while remaining in touch somewhat with the rest of the world. I could easily cut this contribution to the WM in half while still maintaining my current lifestyle but my intent is to reduce my contribution to $0. It is not easy to achieve zero and my current state is a necessary stepping stone to getting there.
Related - Makow - Escape the Hive Mind
First Comment from Marcos:
Dropping out of school is not a solution. Most of the people who are deceived by the Marxists in Brazil and who watch social engineering soap operas religiously are the uneducated. They are also the most likely to be bought with food stamps and dole money. Thoreau, preached living with nature, but before that, he had been a bright intellectual who could read Latin and Greek and who graduated from Harvard.
But it is also true that modern education, specially in the area of Humanities, is brain washing.
What is the solution? Strong and committed families, especially fathers, engaged in the education of the kids. Spend time with your kid, ask him what he learned in class today, and then explain the other perspective. Teach him to be curious and to rationally question things. Change the brain washing attempt into an opportunity to educate the kid on what is right.
Of course, the elite fear this kind of education more than anything else, and this is one of the reasons they try to destroy the family and ridicule fathers. Add to this the lack of time and energy from the race for economic survival created by the bankers and general human laziness and we have the situation of today, when few fathers care to spend 15 minutes of their days teaching their kids.
Tom said (April 5, 2014):
Mr. Offerman has got it figured out! Everyone must choose to use their inherent ability to think for themselves and break away from the concentration camp in their mind and be free at last!!!
As a teenager in high school I began my quest to discover why the overwhelming majority of America (regardless of their socio-economic status), despite having the answers in black and white in their very own Constitution, were unaware of almost everything that was going on around them, and to them!
My search led me to discovering the U.S. GOVT,. INC., and their school system were the culprits! Introduced here at the start of the last century by the Rockefeller's & friends, modeled after old Prussian, Germany's program designed to Mold and Control an Entire Populace!!!
This disease has infected our nation so badly that the individuals society deems the "smartest" don't have a clue concerning the damage they're contributing to the demise of every living thing on this planet. Doctors poisoning their patients instead of loving and curing them. Scientists latching onto any mathematical "theory" that will insure their next grant instead of advancing this species successfully and naturally into the future. Academia poisoning the minds of, and destroying tomorrow's leaders creative intelligence, instead of teaching them how to totally think for themselves. Lawyer's, the scourge of this planet
Although some can experience "some" of what life has to truly offer us, absolutely NOBODY can escape the debilitating affects of this disease! Wake Up People, Use Your Inherent Ability To Think For Yourselves And Save This Species! Stay away from any school that adheres to the pre k-12 format! If a school isn't set up like America's schools were 100 plus years ago, where children learned how to master reading, writing, basic math, as well as learning how to survive with a vocation in the actual work place, STAY AWAY FROM IT!