Oz Foreign Minister Lifts Veil on Jewish Control
April 15, 2014

Do our governments represent us, or political party donors? Bob Carr,
Australian Foreign Minister, (Mar. 2012-Sept. 2013) under Labour PMs
Gillard & Rudd reveals that organized Jewry buys Australian foreign policy.
This is typical of all Western nations. Guess who is dictating Western policy
in Ukraine, and ratcheting up war tensions?
(Editor's Note: Just as our governments do not represent us, organized Jewry does not represent Jews. It represents the Illuminati bankers.)
by Brenton Sanderson
The Occidental Observer
(Abridged by henrymakow.com)
Former Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr recently confirmed that Australia's foreign policy (particularly with regard to the Middle East) was being virtually dictated by organized Jewry. Carr, Australia's Labor Party foreign minister from March 2012 to September 2013, made his comments while promoting his new book Bob Carr: Diary of a Foreign Minister. Speaking to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Carr hit out at the "pro-Israel lobby in Melbourne," saying it wielded "extraordinary influence" on Australia's foreign policy during his time in Julia Gillard's cabinet. As The Guardian reported:
Asked about the comments by the ABC's 7.30 he said: "Certainly they enjoyed extraordinary influence. I had to resist it and my book tells the story of that resistance. ... It needs to be highlighted because I think it reached a very unhealthy level."
Asked how the lobby achieved this influence he said: "I think party donations and a program of giving trips to MPs and journalists to Israel. But that's not to condemn them. I mean, other interest groups do the same thing. But it needs to be highlighted because I think it reached a very unhealthy level.
Following Carr's comments The Jerusalem Post sourly noted that: "John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, who wrote a 2007 book alleging that the 'Israel lobby' has a stranglehold on US Foreign policy, have an Australian cousin: former foreign minister Bob Carr."
In his book Carr chronicles a bitter political fight in late 2012 with then-prime minister Julia Gillard over how Australia would vote in the 2012 UN General Assembly vote to recognize the Palestinians as a non-member state.

Gillard [was] opposed, while her political rival at the time Kevin Rudd, and Carr himself, were in favor. Rudd, according to a report of the book in The Guardian, went to Carr to talk about the vote.
"How much of this is about money, I asked him," Carr wrote. "He said about one-fifth of the money he had raised in the 2007 election campaign had come from the Jewish community."
Carr concluded that "subcontracting our foreign policy to party donors is what this involves. Or appears to involve."
As in the United States (where Jews contribute much larger percentages of money in federal elections), Jewish money exerts a dominating influence over Australian politics, which practically guarantees that both sides of politics are willing to put the Australian Defense Forces (and Australian taxpayers) to the service of an ethno-nationalist state in which Australia has no economic or strategic interest. Jewish academic and activist Dan Goldberg notes that: "The annual report of the Australian Electoral Commission always includes Jewish names and Jewish-owned companies donating large sums to both sides of politics."[i]
In his book Carr describes Israel's former ambassador to Australia as "cunning" and reveals his fights with the self-described pro-Israel "falafel faction" in Labor's caucus that includes Jewish MPs Mark Dreyfus and Michael Danby. Carr makes the point that: "The public should know how foreign policy gets made, especially when it appears the prime minister is being heavily lobbied by one interest group with a stake in Middle East policy." The Sydney Morning Herald noted that:

(Left, Canadian PM Harper. Australia is typical of all Western nations.)
"During his 18 months as foreign minister, Mr Carr orchestrated a significant shift in the Australian government's Middle East policy, swinging support behind Palestine at the United Nations. Standing up to Ms Gillard, who was staunchly pro-Israel, Mr Carr succeeded in forcing her to abandon her determination to oppose Palestine's attempts to gain observer status at the UN. Ms Gillard's leadership wobbled in the process."
Mr Carr's pro-Palestinian advocacy alienated many in Australia's Jewish community, and some within his own party; and the publishing of his personal diaries is likely to inflame both the Australian Israel lobby and senior Israeli officials.
Mr Carr's criticisms of Israel touch the highest levels of the Israeli government. Mr Carr describes Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman as "gloomy, taciturn", and the former Israeli ambassador Yuval Rotem as "the cunning Yuval."
In diary entries Mr Carr reveals just how deep his division with Ms Gillard went. He complains that Ms Gillard would not even let him criticize Israeli West Bank settlements due to her fear it would anger Australia's pro-Israel lobby -- a reference to the Melbourne-based Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council -- which Mr Carr says had a direct line into the prime minister's office.
"So, we can't even 'express concern' without complaint," Mr Carr writes. "This lobby must fight every inch."
Particularly influential with regard to shaping Australian policy towards the Middle East is the Australia/Israel and Jewish Affairs Council. The AIJAC aggressively lobbies politicians, funds study tours to Israel for journalists and politicians, publishes a monthly magazine and highlights examples of what it calls "anti-Israel bias" in the media....

Jewish control over Australia's foreign policy is nothing new. The support of Australian Jews for multiculturalism and mass non-White immigration sits hypocritically alongside a staunch Zionism and, consequently, strong support for Australia's military involvement in the disastrous wars in the Middle East. The man who agreed to Australia's shameful involvement in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, former Prime Minister John Howard (1996-2007), was possibly the most compliant prime minister the Jewish lobby ever had the pleasure of dealing with...
Colin Rubenstein, the executive director of the AIJAC, slammed Carr for his comments, saying his organization was "puzzled and disappointed" by his "strange claims" that Australian foreign policy was under the sway of the pro-Israel lobby, apparently a reference to AIJAC. Rubinstein declared: "It is frankly sad when an elected official imagines that disagreement with their policy position must stem from malicious influences," he said. Rubenstein said the allegations that the lobby held unhealthy sway over Gillard "show her a distinct lack of respect."
Carr's comments naturally outraged all of the Jewish leaders and sent them into panicked damage control. The national chairman of the Australia/Israel and Jewish Affairs Council, Mark Leibler, dismissed Carr's claims as "a figment of his imagination," and labelled Carr's claims about Australia's Israel Lobby as "inaccurate" and "bizarre."
Bob Carr was Right to Start this Debate
First Comment from Chris:
I found it strange that not one of the numerous stories (mostly condemning) Carr's Israel lobby comments made mention of Gillard's extensive Zionist ties, and in particular, the employment of her partner, Tim Mathieson, by one of Australia's top Israeli lobbyists in the highly unlikely (though no doubt very lucrative) role of "property consultant".
A letter to the Sydney Morning Herald in 2010 from Australia's former ambassador to Israel, Ross Burns, asserted that Australia's policy on Israel and Palestine was compromised by virtue of Mathieson's employment with Ubertas Group, a property development firm owned Albert Dadon, a prominent Likud lobbyist who sought influence on "both" sides of Australian politics (the two sides being the extreme right wing pro-Israel globalists and the ultra-extreme right wing pro-Israel globalists!).
Dadon personally hosted Gillard and Mathieson on their own indoctrination trip to Israel in 2010.
As one commentator at the time wrote: "An utterly useless 'handbag' like Mathieson, a hairdresser by trade, no less, whose only role seems to be fashion accessory to make Gillard look more 'normal', is handed a high paying position by one of Australia's most influential Jews and, of course, there is nary a mention of impropriety or outright bribery."
Nothing to see here, folks!
And of course, there was no need to mention the (ultra-right wing) Israel Lobby's hand in the coup that overthrew Kevin Rudd as PM.
The key coup instigators were four Labor Party parliamentarians, Bill Shorten, Joe Ludwig, David Feeney and Michael Danby, along with union boss, Paul Howes.

The seemingly bizarre appearance and outrageous grandstanding of the then virtually unknown Shorten was a sure sign he was being groomed for the top job by Australia's globalist/Zionist cartel.
Just three weeks before the coup (on 3 June 2010) the Israel Lobby visited Rudd where they had "a difference of opinion" with him about Australia's expulsion of the resident Mossad chief in response to the passport affair (Australian Jewish News, 10 June 2010, The Australian 1 June 2010) in which forged Australian passport were used by the assassins in the murder of Hamas leader Mahmoud Al Mabhouh in Dubai.
Among the members of the Israel Lobby chastising Rudd on 3 June was Mr Dadon himself.
The foreign editor (and of course Zionist cheerleader) for the Murdoch-owned Australian newspaper Greg Sheridan commented that the expulsion "may be the single foreign policy issue that did Rudd the most harm in domestic political terms" (G. Sheridan, The Australian, 1 July 2010).
After the coup, two former Australian ambassadors to Israel complained of "a much more determined pro-Israel position and I think Gillard is a part of that" (The Age, 29 June 2010).
Joe Ludwig now advocates in Parliament for the continued collective punishment of 1.5 million people in Gaza and continuation of illegal settlements.
Feeney staunchly opposes the union endorsed "Boycott Apartheid Israel" movement and rejected the union movement's official report on the appalling conditions in Gaza.
Howes is the leader of the counter campaign against the Israel boycott. He was singled out by (moderate Jewish commentator) Antony Loewenstein as expressing sentiments "straight out of the Zionist Lobby play book".
Indeed, Howes was earlier this year forced to quit his push to replace - ironically enough - Bob Carr in the senate over his Zionist ties. The Australian Jewish News described Howes as "Union boss and outspoken Israel supporter". He quit the union movement in March to prepare for another tilt at politics.
He was forced to pull out of his push for the senate following the leaking of an email from Australia's Mufti Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohammed accusing him of harboring a "blind bias for Israel" and threatening to withdraw the Western Sydney Muslim community's support for Labor.

Not to be outdone, Australia's current PM Tony Abbott used his "the first major speech of the (election) campaign to pledge fidelity to..." Australia? No, Israel, of course. (The Age, 20 June 2010). Abbott launched his pitch to lead Australia to the Australia-Israel Chamber of Commerce, promising "we would never over-react to any international incidents by Israel."
And just in case anyone doubted Shorten's globalist credentials, he earlier this month (3 April) sparked uproar when he contradicted long-standing official Labor Party policy on illegal settlements, telling the Zionist Federation of Australia that only "some" of the illegal West Bank settlements might be illegal, in his view at least. He also told the Zionist Federation that he wanted to "register my profound opposition to those promoting an anti-Israel boycott. I reject it."
So Israel's extreme right wing can be sure of Australia's ongoing support well into the future, no matter which "side" of politics is in power.
Considering most Australian Jews are very moderate, liberal and anti-war, one wonders who lobbies on their behalf. Not to mention the far greater number of Muslims who call Australia home. The pro Israel lobby stance of Australia's top pollies might cost them votes, but it sure seems to buy them a hell of lot of influence and opportunity.
Pierre said (April 19, 2014):
Sorry Bob but if you want title as Australia's most anti-semite PM, you have to beat this one.
"On June 19th [1919], Australian Prime Minister Billy Hughes, is quoted with the following statement in the Saturday Evening Post,
“The Montefiores have taken Australia for their own, and there is not a gold field or a sheep run from Tasmania to New South Wales that does not pay them a heavy tribute. They are the real owners of the antipodean continent. What is the good of our being a wealthy nation, if the wealth is all in the hands of German Jews?â€"
Might I suggest a simple "Israel did 911 and Fukushima" to start the ball rolling for the anti-ant-gentile and anti-RussianHolocaustDenial league of not so gentlemen. You might also ask one "Abraham Moses" of the clan I suspect, former federal MP for Newcastle around 20 years ago.