"The Manosphere" - Healthy Reaction to Feminism?
February 16, 2014

Is the "Manosphere"
misogynist or does
it empower men again?
The manosphere is a network of bloggers who refuse to put women on a pedestal as the Illuminati order them to do.
They ask difficult questions like, "If feminism is so concerned with inequality, why doesn't it get more women to die of workplace injuries?" They "game" young women, which is like "The Rules" except this time it's men who play hard to get.
by "Zelcorpion"
Zelcorpion is a 37 year old former corporate minion living in the EUSSR and enjoying its decline.
Why do women fall for jerks while claiming to love nice guys? Why do women initiate over 70% of divorces? Why do 15% of the men at colleges have almost 60% of the total number of sexual encounters and why do 42% of men have no sex at all despite women often outnumbering men 2-1 at college?
Why do women cheat even on their successful, good-looking and caring husbands ? Why is the divorce rate so high and why is marriage being postponed by both sexes ever more? What makes a man truly attractive to women?

While there exist three different groups within the sphere, all agree that feminism has been so completely successful in changing the culture and taking over all of our social institutions that opposing feminism has become one of the great taboos of our society. Making this worse, very few are even aware of this because the lion's share of feminist thinking is no longer thought of as feminist thinking; it is simply thought of as normal thinking, or more accurately right thinking. Opposing feminism has become the heresy of our age, a thought crime few dare to even contemplate.
All groups also agree (even within the Pick-Up-Artists or PUA) that traditional marriage is the most stable and positive way to go and they disagree with the answers of mainstream media and academia like "Man up and marry those aging sluts!", "Nothing to see here, move along folks - only a few crazy pick-up-artists with fluffy hats..." or "Be a man! It's likely 95% your fault, that your wife wants a divorce!" and the ever so endearing sacred marriage-contract ad:" Cuckold-children are your children too!"
The 3 different groups are:
1. MRAs, MGOTW - Men's Rights Activists and Men Going Their Own Way are trying to lobby for change of laws (divorce, discrimination etc.) and to raise the issues (MRAs) or are completely opting out of the relationship market (MGOTWs).
2. Traditionalists - want society to return to the old ways either via traditional values or a religious re-enactment of marriage customs
3. Pick Up Artist (PUAs) and those who are aware of Game (Proven Art of Seduction) and try to explain the reason for its' effectiveness via evolutionary psychology. Within that group there are those who say that men should just enjoy the sluts and divorced mothers that society sends their way (Roissy, Roosh V, KaiserPUA, Return of Kings etc.) and those who say that Game should be applied within relationships and that despite the risks of marriage it is still worth it (Matt Forney, Rollo Tomassi - Rational Male).
I will cover here the main points of the Third Group, because they are the most misunderstood as well as most "revolutionary" concerning male-female psychology. This is just a brief introduction to the basic concepts - check links for much more info.

o Alpha-Beta concept: Alphas are males who exhibit an irresistible attraction to females. They embody masculinity. Contrary to what society thinks, wealth does not make you automatically an Alpha in the eyes of a woman. Currently many young females chase Alphas through their 20s. Unable to pin one down in a relationship they remain Alpha-Widows for the rest of their lives pining for an Alpha even after having settled with a Beta. Feminism and effeminization of men further decrease number of Alphas.
o Betas - majority of men. Greater Betas can be extremely wealthy or even powerful (Paper-Alphas). Rely on Beta-Game (being effeminate, White Knight, sensitive, use false-flag nice-game to seduce a woman.)
o Omegas - lowest rung of males - usually shunned by females
o Alphas are seldom born that way - men become Alphas, Betas and Omegas through conditioning and experience. A man can change from Beta to Alpha.
o Evolutionary Psychology - superiority of traditional marriage:
o In Prehistoric times, 80% of females and only 40% of men produced offspring. The reason is females preferred to share an Alpha than to mate with a Beta and Alphas tend to hoard females. Those civilizations are inferior to stable marriage-encouraging civilizations because 100% of the male population is motivated to contribute to society and their families (each man having wife and offspring).
o Dark Triad: Females are attracted to men who exhibit Psychopathy, Narcissism, Machiavellianism - likely reason is because pre-historic offspring had higher chances of survival. (Can't say women were instinctively wrong looking at who is running the world.) Explains why Asshole-Game theory works and why women fall for serial murderers and criminals.
o Game - Art of Seduction - consists of inner and outer game: Inner Game (80%) Basically you become Alpha through empowering experiences, self-confidence, charisma, self-improvement and unleashing of innate male qualities. Outer Game (20%) Ability to engage women via proven methods: Aloofness, self-confidence, feigned disinterest, Negs (offhanded compliments), NLP, positive imagery, ability to recognize and deal with shit-tests of women, DHV - demonstrated higher value.

o SMP (Sexual Market Place), SMV (Sexual Market Value of Males and Females being different) - feminists deny that such a natural market exists:
§ Females: Beauty, Age, Fitness, Femininity as main points - peak from age 16-24, then constant decrease of SMV hitting the Wall at around age 35-40
Most of my life I shifted between Beta and Alpha - now I happily embrace Alpha and it is such a liberating experience! I walk differently, I interact differently with all people - not only attractive women! I no longer feel sort of guilty being as strong and as masculine as I want to be! I stopped caring about a lot! I practically feel a difference from the get-go, since I realize now that most of my BETA-conditioning was done by media, academia, society from the very early age. (Also the conditioning of my father and grandfather. Alphas would be too much of a hassle for all governments.)
Game is 80-90% inner game - becoming Alpha! Only 10-20% are the right words, not leaning in, not showing too much interest, etc. With a perfect spiritual sweetheart, you need no game - just be Alpha (which is 80% game anyway). The outer game are just words to pique the interests of the girl. The feminist hardened girls need Asshole-game, because they only fall for Assholes - but at least most PUAs only play assholes.
The question of heartlessness is part of a fem-centric world in which it is fine for girls to play their game - short skirts, boobs in the open, open show of affection towards the most idiotic jerk out there! I estimate that most of the "natural" Alphas are criminals, downright psychopaths and a few not so bad extremely good-looking guys who happen to be born in the sluttiest of times and get all the attention.
Now of course women complain that suddenly the natural raving lunatic Psychopath-Alpha gets outshined by a Mensa-member-microbiologist who has grown a beard, done some push-ups and learned Game (Roosh V)? Really??? Heartless? What irks feminists is that this stuff really works - just like short skirts and innocent-good-girl-charm work on men! But hey - gender is just a social construct, isn't it, so it cannot work? We men will be convinced by social engineering that a 250-pound woman is as beautiful as the best Supermodel. Right....
Most men will not accept the reality of the Alpha-Beta-paradigm, because they are too invested in their Beta-state. Those men will be raped in the divorce-hell, stay in marriage-nagging-hell, remain involuntarily celibate or become buy-sexuals for life.
Personally I prefer to become aware of the machinations and use game accordingly to my goals. I have no illusions that we can beat the system without the destruction of the money power first. However the more men become Alpha the harder it is to influence the population as a whole.
The Manosphere Manifesto "The Misandry Bubble"
21 Tips for Starting a Manosphere Blog by Roosh
Why Women Want Alpha Males
Major Manosphere sites:
Makow Comment- The Manosphere is helping men regain self-confidence. But sex belongs in the context of courtship, love and marriage. "Gaming" women -- f**king and dumping - is sick and exploitative. The manosphere attracts many men misshapen by bad experience. Their mindset prevents them from forming a healthy relationship with women still in touch with their feminine instincts.
Also, these bloggers seem ignorant of the Illuminati conspiracy. They don't understand that feminism and "gay rights" are elite social engineering designed to neuter heterosexuals and spread homosexuality.

By and large I agree with the viewpoints of the article. I am a 24-year-old neuroscience PhD student at McGill University and the situation as with all universities is as described in the article, 42% of men have no sex/intimacy at all despite being outnumbered by females 2:1.
I am one of those 42%. I agree with your principles Henry, however, I think you are overlooking how bad the situation is on the ground these days so to speak. Men can no longer control the frame without game these days. Men no longer set the terms, the government/illuminati does as they are the ones with the greater power over women through the media, at least in Western countries for now and as you mentioned before women are most attracted to power.
Also, men no longer have any sort of authority/power in marriage, in addition women are likely to initiate divorces and literally emotionally and financially rape the man in the end. This leaves men who desire intimacy with only two sane options: 1) Use game. 2) Develop discipline to suppress their desires for intimacy and use the sexual energy to improve other areas of their life.
I personally don't use game, I don't really have the time to learn and I feel disgusted by the fact that I have to completely change my personality into that of a psychopath/narcissist just to attract a female. Feminine women in this environment are extremely rare and statistically I am not likely to come across them.
Therefore, I have chosen the path of suppressing my sexuality and channeling it in other ways, into my music and into my scientific research. However, my end goal is to isolate myself from this society eventually as sexual repression takes great discipline in this environment and staying in this societal environment for too long can make a man extremely angry and bitter.
You are right by saying men failed women by becoming pussies and predators. However, it was not my generation that failed women. It was the generation that allowed feminism to go forward giving the government and women unprecedented and unchecked power, and it is MY generation that has to deal with the fallout either by using game or by swearing off of women/intimacy completely!
Is there really a third option, other than finding a feminine woman which lets be frank, exist in such small numbers that it really isn't an option to begin with?! If there is, I and others of my generation would really like to hear it!
Makow reply:
W- Your strategy of going without is a good one. Your mistake is thinking you are missing anything of value. Men do not need women. It's all media brainwashing designed to weaken and control men. You don't prove your masculinity by satisfying women. You don't need their love or approval. They are ordinary boring human beings like you and I.
Many young women these days have mutated and have nothing to offer a man. Mutants, they are neither female or male and cannot love a man. Look after your own sexual and emotional needs. Continue to cultivate your own garden. You're already doing the right thing and don't realize it. The Kingdom of Heaven is within.
From this position of strength, you can patiently cast your net for the right feminine woman. They do exist because nature is constantly churning them out. Be very selective. The Internet allows you to sift through hundreds of young women and quickly eliminate the feminist mutants. Gently, take charge and if she doesn't like it, move on.
Eliminate women who don't show an active interest and desire to please you. They are a waste of time.
Young men have been demoralized. You are young and have a high status career path yet sound completely beaten as result of focusing on feminists. Look outside the toxic university environment. Consider Christian/Muslim dating web sites or immigrant communities, or "uneducated" women who still have heart. The key is making your masculine power non negotiable. Relax. Take your time. You're young. Do not settle.
There are still many fine young women out there. But remember, no woman is a sine qua non. That's a romantic myth, a surrogate for Self realization and true religion. (See Eckhart Tolle.) (See Makow Entertained to Death)
Zelcorpion (author) said (February 23, 2014):
It seems to me that quite a few comments here decry the nature of Game. In my opinion being against game is about as useless as being against gravity. You may scream and petition - it just IS - it is just applied female psychology.
Good article by traditional bloggers on the madness of Christian churches: http://www.justfourguys.com/good-christian-men-think-twice/
Currently I see two main options for men:
1. Learn Game and form a stable relationship with a good girl (while being aware of the fickleness of that "bond")
2. Learn Game and go it alone either
a) with sex - as a Pick-Pu-Artist (never mind the Pump-and-Dump-shaming - most of the current generation of women do it all the time. Even when being in a relationship they pipeline other love interests just in case - you should wake up to that!)
b) without sex as a MGTOW or a de-facto monk - even if you decide on that path it is better to do it out of strength (being strong in game and attractive to women i.e. St. Francis of Assissi) than to do it out of desperation and rely on frustrating negative activities like porn and masturbation
Your choice. The Illuminati are pushing us towards 2a with most men getting pushed towards 2b involuntarily like in prehistoric times. Without Game your relationship (option 1) is most likely doomed anyway.